Simp Chat ModelPOV Discussion Thread


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
So I'm curious on other people's takes on his page.

I think that he is 100% hiring escorts/hookers in CA and filming it to utilize the CA pornography laws. Yes there are a few women that are reluctant fucks but he had them sign paperwork in the videos. This explains why the videos have such bad audio/video.

Everyone woman in his videos is 100% complicit and knows what could or couldn't happen. He would be an idiot not to have them sign the paperwork. Yes he's a fat fuck with a small dick who has no idea how to have sex, but at least he was trying to keep it legal.

Do you guys have a single example of a woman he fucked that enjoyed it? I remember the redhead who was eager and the latina college age chick who was DTF. Even including them not a single girl got off. Or what am I missing?

We definitely watched him fucked hookers with paperwork and fell for it. At least I enjoyed it for a while.


Apr 19, 2022
Some of them are definitely hookers/"escorts" because they say so in the video, or is implied. Are they all prostitutes? Idk, I like to pretend they aren't because it's more enjoyable that way.


Tier 1 Sub
Apr 25, 2022
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 4, 2022
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Mar 11, 2022
It seems like the Modelpov website is back up and running lol. It says new content is due to be released


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 4, 2022
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I think a good chunk of the girls were looking to make quick cash and responded to his ads, rather than being straight up hookers. Paperwork is for legal reasons, but most probably didn't read the fine lines and all - they were there to make the money and leave. This allowed him to have a gray area and several loopholes. I don't think he advertised as a straight up Porn studio either, but did some magic wording to have it seem vague but enough to cover his grounds should shit hit the fan. He is a fat fuck but has some knowledge in his schemes, otherwise he would have been shut down easily. The paperwork is his driving factor, some girls genuinely seem "tricked" and just went along with his predatory tactics due to pressure/nervousness/the need for money/naiveness - hence the displeasure we often see - at least hookers fake it. You also have to consider that this was all filmed years back and so much has changed as well.

This being said, I wish there was a site/host that had all the leaked videos for stream considering how there are so many videos and a chunk of the shared links are dead in the Main Thread. I have a lot of favorites and to download them all is unrealistic.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 4, 2022
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HCO was strange, it was up and gone hella fast - the dude seemed to use it as a front for his personal gain - like ModelPOV. Have you noticed he also always filmed with his fucking phone with the poor ass lighting? His usual was that he can connect the girls with entertainment industry, and whats crazy is that some of the girls are "models" now so they 100% fell for whatever BS he had. The girls also were drunk (off WHITE wine and not anything else)- Anyways here is the thread for it -
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Mar 11, 2022
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I think this really is the situation. This guy is a con artist who more often than not played the long game to get some of these girls naked in bed with him. Just listen to some of the things he says in some of the videos, and the fact that it was alluded to that some of these girls were working with him a few times before even taking their clothes off. His whole thing was he was getting off on manipulating and conning them into getting his dick in them. Sure, there were some prostitutes, and a decent number girls that were willing, but I would bet money that upwards of 80% of the girls that showed up were not showing up with knowledge he intended to shoot porn (whether they agreed or not when they found out), and there's definitely a whole lot of coercion and power dynamic manipulations going on here.

These girls are in a room with this fat fuck who is holding money and paperwork over their heads to do what he wants, with vague implications of not being able to get future work, not getting paid, or even legally being on the hook for past payments when he's not getting what he wants. He even lies to a good number of them, stating that it's all going to be simulated, that he just needs "to show the contrast of their skin on his skin" (which is a fucking creepy and weird thing to say). Then all of a sudden they're having real sex and the girls are angry when it's over. It's apparent in quite a few of the videos, especially ones where the girl didn't work with him again, such as "Brianna Eckle" and "Cathy". Just try and listen to the dialogue between them. Hell, imagine what we're not hearing when he deliberately mutes the audio or stretches something out into that shitty slo-mo that he does so frequently. There's gotta be some incredibly incriminating stuff in those sections.

And if you think he's somehow not a con artist, then why would the videos need to be broken up into 3-10 videos per girl, with so much repeated footage and time wasted with photo slide shows in random spots. Then each is priced individually, at full price? It's to sell you the same product over and over. This guy absolutely shut down all his shit because someone finally went to a lawyer and/or the police, and he's potentially in some real trouble.