Simp Chat MaimyNyan Parasocial Activity Thread

Pygmalion 2024

Tier 2 Sub
Apr 17, 2024
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Dude I think your on to something:

Gemini romance style​

If a potential partner is blowing up your DMs with flirty, inquisitive chatting, is all about hopping on a Zoom call at a moment's notice, and possibly hasn't committed to anything beyond the next text they're gonna send (and maybe not even that), you might be seeing someone born under the influence of airy, linguistically acrobatic Gemini energy. The air sign loves connecting mentally with anyone they're relating to, and that absolutely translates to their love lives. So does their breezy and noncommittal vibe. They're all about exploring a wide variety of options, flirting through endless conversation, and then, maybe once their attention has been captured by someone who keeps them stimulated mentally, they'll consider settling down.


Mar 11, 2022
Got news notifications that Brazil is having the worst flood in 80 years...

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Pygmalion 2024

Tier 2 Sub
Apr 17, 2024
I think I may have found the Maimy user manual:

The information gatherer​

Given that messenger Mercury colors Gemini's personality so strongly, the air sign tends to be eager to learn anything and everything, from the latest iOS to the hottest
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. Data, research, and the top trending news stories are like a go-to sugar fix for Geminis, and they have an appetite for discussing it all with anyone and everyone up for engaging. Social to their core, they need conversation and connection to thrive in just about any situation. Lovers of language, they adore dirty talk just as much as a forever animated group text and hours spent making their mark on social media platforms.

Gemini sexual style​

Gemini's chatty, always shifting personality is front and center in the bedroom. They're vocal, often wanting to share their desires out loud. They might also be into making or hearing sexy noises (e.g. moaning, breathing in their ear). And their affinity for communication is very much a part of their preferred form of foreplay. They'll consider long catch-ups, inside jokes, or analysis of a favorite band or politician the lead-up to a steamy sex session. As they get more comfortable, they might enjoy long-winded sexting sessions and dirty talk. Given that their ruling planet is cerebral Mercury, don't be surprised if they seem more satisfied by sexy talk than sex itself.

Gemini's worst personality traits:​

As they're mercurial and dualistic (they are the Twins, after all), Gemini's changeability earns them a rep for being two-faced, superficial, flaky, and capricious. They'll struggle to make up their minds or say one thing and then contradict themselves a couple of minutes later. They're also masters of using language to make their way in the world, at times talking for the sake of talking. So, their words could lack weight. Their thirst for information and adaptability makes them super-communicators. But they often lack the grounding required for follow-through.

Gemini's best personality traits:​

Curious, enthusiastic, clever, and friendly, you can count on a Gemini to bring excitement, animated conversation, and fun-loving, lively energy to the table. They're your favorite plus-one to that fashion show, the friend you can rely on to spread the word about your next group hang or to spontaneously join you for whichever workout you feel like trying on a whim.


Diamond Tier
Mar 11, 2022
I wasn't here for 3 Days and some you flew off the fucking handles. Catching up 5 pages worth of comments is like a visit in the fucking Zoo. For the love of god, guys, bever change.

Maybe its not about maimys tits but about the fucking lovely people we met along the wait.


Diamond Tier
Mar 12, 2022
What is the point of a new Instagram account, while she already had 2 Instagram accounts, but again she has 3 dead twitter accounts, 3 dead YouTube channels, 3 dead Twitch channels.
but i think she's trying to convince people that she's back this time ,No trolling, no fucking in the ass like the past 6 months.