Simp Chat Louisa Khovanski - Discussion Thread

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    SimpCity Staff


Tier 3 Sub
Jul 31, 2022
Ima be a hater and say we’re not gonna see anything cool for another 6 months. Whenever there’s something cool and escalated, all the content to follow is that classic just staring at the camera. The laci Kay style bait titles are pretty lame now too. Again, beggars can’t be choosers. Anyone who’s actually subbed, maybe y’all can back it up


Tier 3 Sub
Jul 31, 2022
This is getting soooooo boring. I believe she’s trying to walk back the explicitness of the last few months and keep the whole “I’m an erotic artist” argument going.

Been following close since Covid started in 2020 and damn, the last bit of content outside of the francia collab and banana deep throat vid are straight up bland.

Again, nobody cares I’m sure and this is just a rant but godddamn it’s so apparent that they’re just milking people with that fake content title stuff now. How many variations of “horny wife stares at camera for 5 minutes and 43 seconds with a hand bra” will we see into 2024?

All the pussy rubbing content from the summer dried up. Just back to staring at that camera. The 2019-2020 stuff was honestly better, at least then she would just whip her tits out if you paid her enough.

Bout time to check out of even being on here if keeps up. Yaaaaawn


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 13, 2022
Just be patient, when I first was aware of Louisa I used to dream of seeing some of the content she puts out now. Eventually, even the simps will get tired of the same old shit, after all you can only do so many poses before it gets repetitive. Her following will dwindle and she'll show more to keep the money coming in, either that or she quits entirely.

This is the way of the OF girl