Feedback - Limit large thread to certain amount of posts | SimpCity Forums

Feedback Limit large thread to certain amount of posts

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Mar 11, 2022
As you may noticed now if you are a long time user of this board, that most thread that has more than 1k replies will hardly give you any notification alerts for new replies.

One example is the OF Free Trial thread which has surpassed more than 2k replies will suddenly stopped sending you alerts even tough you are watching the thread. I believe this is a flaw of the forum board where it just stops giving you alerts after the thread reaches a certain amount of replies. the internet boards do not have this problem and never fails to send you an alert for watched threads even if you have like 1000 threads watched.

It will only send you alert if you resubscribe to the thread, but it will only send you alerts for 2-3 days max then it just decides to stop doing it again and you'll to find out the hard way there are new contents in that thread you had no idea about.

My suggestion is to limit these large threads to a certain number of replies, so when the quota is reached, either the OP or a mod opens a new thread with the same title and label it V2, V3, V4 etc. So the last post of the thread will be the link to the new thread. This is so we don't get issues of the board not sending us alerts for watched threads.
As was mentioned above that's how the software the forum uses handles notifications. If you don't check the thread when you get notified then it won't notify you again of any newer posts until you do.

I know for a fact that you still get notifications for huge threads as long as you check in on them when you get notified, so it's not an issue of it just stopping them, it's a matter of keeping up with them.

Your idea is also kind of terrible. It would require our mod team to do so much more work just because people can't check their notifications. It's not ideal.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 15, 2023
I believe it's how Xenforo handles alerts: you get it just once per thread, not per post, so if you ignore or miss the first one you don't get any more alerts for that thread unless you mark all your notifications as read


Destroyer of tape!
Mar 10, 2022
As was mentioned above that's how the software the forum uses handles notifications. If you don't check the thread when you get notified then it won't notify you again of any newer posts until you do.

I know for a fact that you still get notifications for huge threads as long as you check in on them when you get notified, so it's not an issue of it just stopping them, it's a matter of keeping up with them.

Your idea is also kind of terrible. It would require our mod team to do so much more work just because people can't check their notifications. It's not ideal.