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Simp Chat LeanBeefPatty

Exactly, she herself is out here making high level thirst traps intentionally, but her simps and some of her female fans have a breakdown if you look at her in a sexual way. The vast majority of her content is thirst traps, she keeps revealing a lot of her body like putting her shorts down as fuck "just to show my abs hehe" and as you mentioned, the booty thing where she is either wearing the thinnest of thongs or straight up going comando. This is why so many people are hoping for an onlyfans eventually, because at times with a lot of the stuff she puts out there that actually feels like the natural step to take.
It's genuinely surprising she doesn't have one, even to just post slightly more risqué content. Unrelated, but Amberthevalkyrie has a patreon for stuff she can't post on her Instagram. To be fair, that case is a bit more visibly unstable than LBP, but nonetheless. I think that it would be a crowdpleaser and her boundaries don't have to immediately and drastically change.
It's genuinely surprising she doesn't have one, even to just post slightly more risqué content. Unrelated, but Amberthevalkyrie has a patreon for stuff she can't post on her Instagram. To be fair, that case is a bit more visibly unstable than LBP, but nonetheless. I think that it would be a crowdpleaser and her boundaries don't have to immediately and drastically change.
"bit more?" thats an understatement, I dont follow both much at all but patty just seems like a regular girl dealing with p average self conscience issues combined with having the popularity she does. To the contrary, I thought i saw at some point Amber has been in the psyche ward, not to mention all the other stuff
It's genuinely surprising she doesn't have one, even to just post slightly more risqué content. Unrelated, but Amberthevalkyrie has a patreon for stuff she can't post on her Instagram. To be fair, that case is a bit more visibly unstable than LBP, but nonetheless. I think that it would be a crowdpleaser and her boundaries don't have to immediately and drastically change.
Her regular stuff is already revealing as fuck, I believe that it's only a matter of time for an onlyfans, she's becoming more daring each passing post, just compare her early stuff to the stuff she is posting now. It will probably start low, just testing the waters and go from there
IF she ever does something like "exclusive content" she will most like go the Patreon route to keep the facade that she isn't selling sexy pics. It would be stuff like exclusive workout videos, Q&As about fitness and nutrition and behind the scenes material. Best we could hope for is maybe professionally shot posing pictures. That'll be about it. And people would gladly pay for it.
IF she ever does something like "exclusive content" she will most like go the Patreon route to keep the facade that she isn't selling sexy pics. It would be stuff like exclusive workout videos, Q&As about fitness and nutrition and behind the scenes material. Best we could hope for is maybe professionally shot posing pictures. That'll be about it. And people would gladly pay for it.
Probably, but with how heavily she has been going into the thirst trap route there is room to hope for something more
Probably, but with how heavily she has been going into the thirst trap route there is room to hope for something more
More thirst traps with the kind of plausible deniability that comes from her line of work, maybe. I personally can't see her ever doing more than that. Assuming that what we see of her isn't 100% fictional persona, it seems very out of character. In addition, it would likely be a bad business move as it would probably alienate a huge amount of her audience.
More thirst traps with the kind of plausible deniability that comes from her line of work, maybe. I personally can't see her ever doing more than that. Assuming that what we see of her isn't 100% fictional persona, it seems very out of character. In addition, it would likely be a bad business move as it would probably alienate a huge amount of her audience.
Unless you have personally known her for a while, there's no real way to know her true personality, what we do know as a verifiable fact is that she is comfortable with putting spicy content out there, how far she is willing to go only time will tell. It being a bad business move... idk it really depends, for some girls it was a bonus, for others it was career suicide, it would all depend on how she handles things.
Unless you have personally known her for a while, there's no real way to know her true personality, what we do know as a verifiable fact is that she is comfortable with putting spicy content out there, how far she is willing to go only time will tell. It being a bad business move... idk it really depends, for some girls it was a bonus, for others it was career suicide, it would all depend on how she handles things.
I admitted that consooming her social media content is a highly fallible means of knowing her true personality, but it's (most likely) not completely useless. A trivial example is the fact that she probably actually likes fitness stuff and is building on that natural liking for her career. I may be wrong about that, but I'm pretty confident. That's basically what I mean about assuming everything we see isn't 100% fictional persona. With regards to what she has herself has indicated with regards to sexualising (I and others have commented on it earlier in the thread), she seems a bit wary of it. While her content can fairly be described as spicy, there's always the element of plausible deniability (for want of a better term) with her career of being able to say "haha look at my cosplay" or "look at my glutes and quads: here are some exercises to target them". There's no way that she's totally oblivious to the fact that people find her hot (she happily plays along with the muscle mommy thing and responds to comments calling her beautiful on TikTok appreciatively saying that they're too kind), but for many people, there's a big gap between doing relatively "innocent" things that other people can sexualise (which you can try to write off with talk of something like victim blaming) and explicitly sexualising yourself. I think that Patty's such a person, and I think that more her insipid, insecure zoomer fans (large numbers of whom, as said elsewhere in the thread, have a hard time tolerating people viewing her sexually at all) with their love of her non-threatening, clownish, memefied presentation of fitness advice as something fun would react pretty negatively to her undermining that by saying "yeah, I'm happy to make extra money by giving people who think I'm hot something extra to jerk off to".
I admitted that consooming her social media content is a highly fallible means of knowing her true personality, but it's (most likely) not completely useless. A trivial example is the fact that she probably actually likes fitness stuff and is building on that natural liking for her career. I may be wrong about that, but I'm pretty confident. That's basically what I mean about assuming everything we see isn't 100% fictional persona. With regards to what she has herself has indicated with regards to sexualising (I and others have commented on it earlier in the thread), she seems a bit wary of it. While her content can fairly be described as spicy, there's always the element of plausible deniability (for want of a better term) with her career of being able to say "haha look at my cosplay" or "look at my glutes and quads: here are some exercises to target them". There's no way that she's totally oblivious to the fact that people find her hot (she happily plays along with the muscle mommy thing and responds to comments calling her beautiful on TikTok appreciatively saying that they're too kind), but for many people, there's a big gap between doing relatively "innocent" things that other people can sexualise (which you can try to write off with talk of something like victim blaming) and explicitly sexualising yourself. I think that Patty's such a person, and I think that more her insipid, insecure zoomer fans (large numbers of whom, as said elsewhere in the thread, have a hard time tolerating people viewing her sexually at all) with their love of her non-threatening, clownish, memefied presentation of fitness advice as something fun would react pretty negatively to her undermining that by saying "yeah, I'm happy to make extra money by giving people who think I'm hot something extra to jerk off to".
I agree with you except for the plausible deniability part. There are times where she pulls her shorts so far down that she is pretty much showing us her entire mons pubis and with her glutes content her shorts are so tight and so far stuck up her crack we can see how thin her underwear is and at times that she isn't even wearing it. There's no denying what she was trying to do with those, even if she tries to. Don't get me wrong I also think it's very unlikely she will do harder stuff, I'm just saying that she already showed herself in such a way that there is room to hope for something more, like in some of her pictures if she pulls her shorts one molecule further down we would be seeing her pussy
I agree with you except for the plausible deniability part. There are times where she pulls her shorts so far down that she is pretty much showing us her entire mons pubis and with her glutes content her shorts are so tight and so far stuck up her crack we can see how thin her underwear is and at times that she isn't even wearing it. There's no denying what she was trying to do with those, even if she tries to. Don't get me wrong I also think it's very unlikely she will do harder stuff, I'm just saying that she already showed herself in such a way that there is room to hope for something more, like in some of her pictures if she pulls her shorts one molecule further down we would be seeing her pussy
As I said, "plausible deniability" isn't the ideal term, but the best that I could come up with to convey the grey area between "innocence" and whoredom that she inhabits. Even if by some miracle she was naive or sheltered enough to think when starting out that showing off her butt and thighs in tight pants and shorts wouldn't attract our kind of audience (which I obviously seriously doubt), she has been explicitly disabused of that idea by the feedback that she gets on her appearance and has still made no effort to adjust to turn us away, seriously correct us, etc. What she does have, is a bunch of excuses of varying degrees of quality that people who make straightforward whacking material don't. As noted above, she can seize on the complication of her showing certain parts of her body in certain types of revealing clothing simply being a part of her career that is seen as relatively innocent and non-sexual when done by men: there are absolutely zoomers who view her stuff as innocently as gymrats did with Zyzz back when I was a teen and see those big thighs and round butt as nothing more than signs of hard work, discipline, fitness, etc. (many of these would be the type to get pissed off at someone sexualising her). There's also the broader cultural phenomenon that I was referring to with the "talk of something like "victim blaming"", where women try to put a greater degree of responsibility for their sexualisation onto men. It's not entirely unfair especially in its more serious contexts where the word "victim" is most appropriate, but it obviously gets ridiculous when women act as if their clothing choices were completely sealed off from the rest of the world and pretend to be surprised or indignant when they get some essentially benign attention from the wrong guy. Obviously from our male POV we can say that there's no way in hell that she's not trapping serious thirst doing what she's doing and that there's no way in hell that she doesn't know that, but the "have your cake and eat it too" school of female dress can chime in with stuff like "she's didn't make her clothes, and they weren't made for your eyes and dick. They're specialised gym wear, and they're comfy, and they're yada yada yada. Do you think that those male bodybuilders posing shirtless in speedos are all just thirst trapping instead of showing off their hard work? I think it's just you and your pornsick brain that's the problem here". They're obviously not ironclad excuses, but the point anyway is more that they're there and believed to varying degrees among her fanbase and that they can help keep her viewed the way that she is.

We both basically agree with
IF she ever does something like "exclusive content" she will most like go the Patreon route to keep the facade that she isn't selling sexy pics. It would be stuff like exclusive workout videos, Q&As about fitness and nutrition and behind the scenes material. Best we could hope for is maybe professionally shot posing pictures. That'll be about it. And people would gladly pay for it.
but the question of how much room she has with that something more before she loses that relative innocence is a difficult one. If the best that we can hope for is professionally-shot posing pictures (which I believe would still be a hard sell for her personality and image), how much more is that really? Maybe just more as in more of the same.
What I get is that she likes to post risque images without being viewed as an "onlyfans hoe" or a girl who's placed in that box firstmost and everything else is overlooked. As Golem before me said she does seem to actually like her fitness career and isn't just an excuse for thirst trapping. I believe that too since before starting this she was a gymnast, did a little bjj and was lifting before posting workout vids online. When girls with as much of a following as her start getting more explicit it can cause a lot of online drama. Even though most of her fans probably jack off to girls online some of her fans wouldn't like that because I think she fills an online not too sexualised ideal gf kind of role for them. Even though she already shows a lot of her body they don't want her to do it in a way that's just to jack off to with no fitness role to stay "respectable" enough for them to date her in their dreams(unironically). I don't think she's milking that intentionally but that's how it is. So if even hypothetically she wanted to get way lewder it could jeopardize her fitness career she genuinely enjoys, cause her to get taken less seriously and people whether online or in person could view her differently. That's not even thinking of some other youtubers or clothing brands that wouldn't like to associate with someone who does sexual content. I think she could honestly get a little more sexual with more up close angles if she does it with fitness and diet tips but people still may judge her if it's all behind a paywall and it's too big of a jump from her social media content and not slowly built up to it. Outright fap material probably has a 0% chance unless she wants to do it that bad and doesn't care about the downsides or people start to view online sex work in a more respectable way.
What I get is that she likes to post risque images without being viewed as an "onlyfans hoe" or a girl who's placed in that box firstmost and everything else is overlooked. As Golem before me said she does seem to actually like her fitness career and isn't just an excuse for thirst trapping. I believe that too since before starting this she was a gymnast, did a little bjj and was lifting before posting workout vids online. When girls with as much of a following as her start getting more explicit it can cause a lot of online drama. Even though most of her fans probably jack off to girls online some of her fans wouldn't like that because I think she fills an online not too sexualised ideal gf kind of role for them. Even though she already shows a lot of her body they don't want her to do it in a way that's just to jack off to with no fitness role to stay "respectable" enough for them to date her in their dreams(unironically). I don't think she's milking that intentionally but that's how it is. So if even hypothetically she wanted to get way lewder it could jeopardize her fitness career she genuinely enjoys, cause her to get taken less seriously and people whether online or in person could view her differently. That's not even thinking of some other youtubers or clothing brands that wouldn't like to associate with someone who does sexual content. I think she could honestly get a little more sexual with more up close angles if she does it with fitness and diet tips but people still may judge her if it's all behind a paywall and it's too big of a jump from her social media content and not slowly built up to it. Outright fap material probably has a 0% chance unless she wants to do it that bad and doesn't care about the downsides or people start to view online sex work in a more respectable way.
thats a fair point, I guarantee theirs a number of her followers who have a manosphere bend that think that anybody who dates an OF model, even if all they do is clothed psuedo softcore, is a cuck male that likes to see their girlfriend fucked.
If you're a woman with a fitness career, you're absolutely going to use your assets to your advantage
thats a fair point, I guarantee theirs a number of her followers who have a manosphere bend that think that anybody who dates an OF model, even if all they do is clothed psuedo softcore, is a cuck male that likes to see their girlfriend fucked.
If you're a woman with a fitness career, you're absolutely going to use your assets to your advantage
Not just manosphere types either. There's been a resurgence of pushback against sex-positive feminism which has led to perhaps more feminists (women and men) than ever hating basically all things pornographic and viewing any mingling of the sexual and the financial (even incredibly light OF type stuff) as coercive and therefore rapey.
lol, she deleted her last youtube short after putting this thumbnail, probably she disliked the comments
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