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Support Jpg.pet content deletion


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 14, 2022
I don't have an option to delete any images uploaded or folders created on jpg.pet anymore has the method changed or is deleting stuff just gone?
cant reach jpg5.su

someone sent me some pictures in DM, i can see the thumbnails but when i click on the picture, it wont load

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Copying my answer from another thread:

Previously its been discussed why deleting/editing old posts was removed, here's a snippet:
It was because we kept having people go back and nuke all their posts, in some case destroying threads because they got annoyed by one small warning, just chose to leave the site because they were done with porn or many other reasons.
You can still edit recent posts if you made a mistake

Delete being removed from church happened at the same time. Its pointless stopping people deleting posts if they then just delete the content from church...
We also had a similar issue to the one above of people leaving all their posts up when they left the forum but deleting their church account leaving a mess that goes unnoticed for a long time.
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