Support Feedback albums missing

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
1. Albums made previosly arent all showing up on the main page.
2. older albums that ive made previously have seemingly disappeared altogether.
3. all subfolders made in a folder were not showing up
4. certain sub-albums do not show up when being accessed via simpcity for uploading


Tier 3 Sub
May 12, 2023
Yeah, i have a simmilar problem.
Some new created subfolders just dont working.
I create the album - go in it - press "upload to album" and then it will upload them to my frontpage and when i klick on the drop-down menu its just not there.
now i have something around 10 empty albums because i cant delete them but also cant upload anything in it.
my "old" albums are working fine.
had the same problem with before, contacted both supports, nobody ever answered
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