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Bathwater Drinker
Dec 29, 2023
Hello everyone,

It is my growing concern that SimpCity has been infiltrated and crawled by many bots, which are copying the content (especially images) from threads and then posting on their websites and proxies. Initially I didn't care, but one day I created a thread on an onlyfans girl and posted a set of her images. Within some few days I checked her onlyfans bio, and she wrote that she found out about her pics being posted on random websites and traced it back to this forum. I then checked by searching her username on duckduckgo & google and got 100s of results from sites hosting the same pics I posted along with the same exact thread title. She eventually deleted her OnlyFans and wont be posting anymore. These sites are apparently are blacklisted on SimpCity, they are known for sticking their logo below an image (you know which ones I'm talking about).

From this experience, I have few questions for SimpCity mods and devs:
  • Is there anyway I can avoid these bots from indexing/copying images while posting?
  • Will SimpCity take any action towards the growing concern of these bots or scripts?
  • Does SimpCity believe in preserving these small content creator threads from being indexed and crawled?
  • Is it really safe for me to post here anymore?
It is humble request for SimpCity team to take an immediate action on this situation. Looking forward to positive development on this forum.

Thank you,

Dr Vinnie Boombatz

Bathwater Drinker
Feb 21, 2024
I hear you, in my case I believe I've seen my own pics that posted on forum like this (not this one) are appears in aggregate images websites hosting pics of e-girls w/ lower quality resolution (blacklisted sites).

It's my own prejudice that the owners of these blacklisted sites lurkin around forum like this grabbing pics & vids' and then posted on their own sites w/ much lower quality & plastered w/ their fugly watermarks.

I think it is very difficult problem to contained since we cannot stop the flow of information in this case pics & vids'.

Initially I think the solution would be putting some kinda watermarks on pics & vids' on here (this forum), but then that would makes this forum becoming one of them!? Wouldn't it? IDK

I think the membership of this forum should be more stricts & active to avoid lurkers, for example if an account doesn't posted anything for 2 months then that acc get auto banned (harsh I know). And/or restricted access to popular threads for lurkers only. Plenty of acc over here doesn't even had avatar pics FFS.

My two cents really.


Bathwater Drinker
Dec 29, 2023
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Yes banning would be very harsh, but limiting lurkers to certain boards can be possible using basic access authentication. But again, that has many drawbacks and since this forum is meant for everyone, certainly goes against the motto of SimpCity. You said keeping lurkers off popular threads, but I am more concerned about small influencers and content creators, because popular content creators will keep making more content regardless of it getting shared anywhere since they can afford a professional DMCA takedown team whereas on the other hand, small content creators are more determinate to quit. I would suggest using aggressive robots.txt or implementing CAPTCHAs wherever possible.
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Dr Vinnie Boombatz

Bathwater Drinker
Feb 21, 2024
The only viable solution I think still limiting access to lurkers, this forum basically running on inverted-Ponzi-scheme meaning that the contributors like the simps & bathwater drinkers are becomes the 'producers' of contents that drawing 'parasites' swamp of lurkers that contribute nothing to this forum.

Remember you can get access to pricey contents of pics & vids' of PPVs on this forum ONLY on basis of throwaway emails!?

But then again limiting access to lurkers only solved small parts of problem, what if the runners of those blacklisted sites are our fellow bathwater drinkers!? One of 'our own' etc etc.

If you want to run experiments let me tell you how, let's say you post a pic of popular thot here, ALWAYS post that pic using full linked BBCode so that when clicked it goes right through the file host yes!? let see how much increases in views of that file in comparison to upvotes it draws on here.

That's b/c these 'parasites' are not just parasites, much of em are ungrateful as well w/o leaving 'likes'.