Question - How to start a tripforfuck like site? | SimpCity Forums

Question How to start a tripforfuck like site?


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2023
I been trying to understand how tripfofuck does it. There is also another guy "Turkish sextapes". Like these guys fuck grils, film it, sell it and use the money to fuck more girls! Like its a virtuous cycle! Sure they may not be loaded af, but dam, what a life! Travel the whole world and fuck bitches. Does anyone know the guys names behind the scenes? Like do these guys do podcasts? If so does anyone know the podcasts where I can listen to them?

I am interested in knowing how much money it takes, how to book the girls, what hotels to use, etc. I wonder how much money they earn also.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 28, 2022
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I wouldn't know the slightest of what you need.

But honestly in this day and age it's so easy to start "casting" page now especially with all the o.f models "collab" with other content creators.

You just need to have the right amount money.

Mayne offer a good 1000 to 2000 for filming rights and pretty much market it the best you can


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2023
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Yea, like I need a few good cameras for different angles, a good place (hotel or turn my extra bedroom into a studio), fly the girls over. Maybe some shots of the girls drinking and dining out. Then bed room fun. Hmm, if I offer the girl like 2K + travel and food expenses, I would need at least that much back. The goal for me isn't to make a whole bunch of money. But just to break even.

Hmm tripforfuck has his own website where he sells content. I can just sell mine through ManyVids. I assume ManyVids takes a significant cut. Hmmm I would need to pay for hosting and website maintenance if i do it that way.

Thinking of using crypto as payment processor so I am not god dam charged an arm and a leg for processing. Plus the added benefit maybe that my crypto value would appreciate over time.

Would need some paper work for the girls to sign for legal protection. Any of you guys laywers who know the basic paper work that maybe needed?


Jul 23, 2023
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Dude this guy's my hero, holy fuck.

I dunno if this dude is flying them over though. Seems like he's going to where they are. Might be cheaper that way and also you probably don't want to be doing this at your place.

He's using for billing, I would assume ManyVids takes a significant cut. Either way, I don't really think it matters which payment processor you use because at the beginning, nobody is going to be buying your stuff anyways lol. Better to start on xvideos or pornhub for free and try to just get the workflow down of finding girls and fucking them on camera, then releasing it.

Crypto is great but the problem is, I'm not sure most people that pay for porn are crypto-literate. You might be better off selling on the darkweb if you were set on using crypto. At least all those people are already comfortable enough to be using it already.

As for contracts, I would look at rocketlawer or ask chatGPT for a sample standard talent appearance/release contract. Probably best to use docusign or something legit, as opposed to having the girls sign a physical piece of paper that you might end up losing somehow. You could get them to sign on the spot, but personally I'd try to get that worked out the day before so if there are any issues, you know about it before you meet for the first time.
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Tier 3 Sub
Jan 20, 2022
The answer to all of your questions is simply: it depends.

How much money it takes? Depends on the girls you're booking, how big of a following they have, how desperate they are, how far away, how much equipment you have/want, how your contract is set up, etc.

How to book the girls? Depends on if they have representation.

What hotels to use? Depends on your budget and the style you want. Also depends on if you want to cover your bases by securing appropriate permits. Also depends on how much equipment you're using. If you're moving a bunch of lighting equipment, staff will probably notice.

How much money they earn? Depends on how big of a following they get. With the barrier to entry to porn lower than ever, only a small portion of these sites ever become profitable. Then you add the fact that most men getting into this generally have to pay more than a women would just to produce similar content, then you realize that there's a reason the term "gay for pay" exists.
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Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2023
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Yea. Your right. Flying em over seems like a lot of extra hassle. I can just rent a hotel room in their country and then invite them over. I would need to get a visa and I don't know how long that takes per country lol. Hell, I could fly them to a neutral country where visitor visa is allowed on landing for like 30 days. gives me a good time to explore the country.

Hmm, now that I am thinking about this, how would I hide this from my friends and family? I can like TFF (tripforfuck) blur out my face. But telling friends and family what I do? Maybe tell them I sell software for a small company doing graphics work or something. Hell make a fake company website that is my cover while I cruize the planet fucking bitches and having a good time XD.

What would make this even more exciting is keeping a remote 9 to 5 job!! BAHAHAH! Best of both worlds.

Broooo, great idea with chatgpt. I was thinking about just hiring a law firm for consultation. I'll pay the extra $ upfront to avoid legal troubles. I'll try to use chatgpt first.

In terms of crypto, I know a guy who bought me the claire tapes I posted. He said its great cause it doesn't show up on his bank accounts for his wife to find out! I did have to pay him about 5% fee for the service.

I would assume model release forms, as well consent, and ID. I can back them up to dropbox and or other places. And your right, docusign or other services. Also, 1000% agree that I would talk to the models ahead of time and get paper work done first before scenes. Maybe a couple of weeks before. If they flake then no payment. IDK, when first starting out, I may have to put in a deposit.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2023
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Well the goal would be to break even. No profit needed. The main goal is to fuck girls XD Given the fact that there are simps who buy girls content (me for example lol, and a lot of posters here on the forum), I am sure I could at least break even on the site. Running a site is like 250 a year? Given how cheap hosting is, if i charge $29 one time fee then $14.99 like TFF, i should be able to cover the website cost. i'd need about 18 subscribers to get that cost.

Cost of hotels, I am spending like a night, and say that's like $200 a night.
If we dine out, lets say an additional $200 on food.

So say the cost is about $700
Plus plane fare.... depends on where i am going. can range from $100 to $1000
Plus the fee fro the girl, $500 to 2000 for the scene.

So on the whole i would need to make around 4K per shoot to break even. Even at a loss, I still win, by fucking hot girls most men only dream of! Depends on the loss amount. Lets say the loss per shoot is $2,000... that's acceptable to me.

Safer then sleeping with hookers (highly paid or not). So cost benefit analysis. Obviously starting out I'd probubly need to get a certain amount of volume as social proof.

So the work flow for me would be like

1. Establish some sort of porn account where i post content. Onlyfans or pornhub or whatever.
2. Use that account to contact the girl or their representative
3. Work out the details of payment, scenes, and logistics (dates)
4. go and shoot scene
5. Put it out there on either my own site or manyvids or pornhub etc.

In terms of hotel and and lighting, I mean if I get the window rooms and shoot during the day or right before sunset I should be fine. I'll mostly use my phone camera + a really good DSLR camera.
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Tier 3 Sub
Jan 20, 2022
Honestly, if you're willing to accept $2k loss per shoot, then nothing beyond covering your ass with contracts matters. Just set up a company, start contacting girls, filming and posting.


Nov 28, 2022
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I've been looking into doing this on and off for years, also greatly inspired by TripForFuck/CreampieInAsia specifically. Recently I decided I was just going to do it no matter what.

Not to sound discouraging, but talent acquisition much harder than I thought. Even scraping the bottom of the barrel with just contacting escorts/prostis. They're extremely flaky and generally unable to make/keep appointments (which I guess makes sense given their line of work). A lot of them even have hardcore onlyfans, but oddly hesitant to be filmed. There have been like 5 times within the past month when I thought for sure I was about to get a shoot scheduled, and it just all fell apart through no fault of my own.

Maybe it's just my geographic region. Maybe my rizz is just too low. IDK how these guys do it.

Booking with a professional pornstar would be a much less painful process, but from what I understand you already have to be established, and with a significant backlog of content. It seems like their concern is really that they a) want to be associating with a good brand that boost their image, not some random guy with a camera, and b) that you can drive traffic to their other content by putting out productions that get them visibility.

It's probably nearly impossible to start a tube site channel with zero content and get a pro to book with you. There are some who are self-booking. You might have better luck contacting them directly.

I've also thought a lot about going overseas, where the pussy is much cheaper and often better looking, but this is a huge leap for me. And with the nightmare that is dealing with hoes in the US, I can't imagine the hassle of trying to convince a hoe who barely speaks English to let me photocopy her ID and sign a release form. It would be great to see exactly how these guys handle business behind the scenes.

Basically you're going to need a lot of money and even more patience. Let me know if you've made any progress since your last update.

Release form I found (you will probably want to modify it if you use it)
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Billy Batts

Goodfella, Wise Guy, Made Man
Dec 10, 2022
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You can book some decent models on SexyJobs if you sign up as a employer. Of course there are fees associated with it though. Foxxx models also seems to be friendly to new creators although some models won't work with you. Some other agencies might be willing to work with you for a fee.
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Mar 17, 2022
Just a random thought, but maybe you could do something like OFSinfuldeeds does with his videos?
As far as I know he just books local models or OF girls, maybe he works out a deal with them where they get a percentage of the money.
He spices it up once in a while and I think he is doing very well financially because of it and he doesn't have to leave his house or wherever he films the stuff at, and he doesn't have to bother with a visa or anything. Work from home prostitution lol