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Support How do you upload a thumbnail to your post.

Hello, how do you upload a thumbnail image to your post. I can't seem to do what is advised when creating a thread.

You need Simp Rank (20 Likes) to be able to edit your thumbnails(I think). https://simpcity.su/threads/ranking-up-guide.10523/

But usualy it pics a photo of the first post. So if you open a Thread with a photo it will pick that one as thumbnail(or one of the photos)
Hello, how do you upload a thumbnail image to your post. I can't seem to do what is advised when creating a thread.
i took the liberty of editing your thread so your pic is the thumbnail now.
generally it's a good idea to use a wide format pic though didn't check how it looks when viewing threads.

also i'm not entirely sure if it helps but i like to use the thumbnail url generated by jpg.fish-uploads.

i took the liberty of editing your thread so your pic is the thumbnail now.
generally it's a good idea to use a wide format pic though didn't check how it looks when viewing threads.

also i'm not entirely sure if it helps but i like to use the thumbnail url generated by jpg.fish-uploads.


Thanks appreciate the help
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