Discussion Hotwives & QoS - Discussion


Diamond Tier
Nov 26, 2022
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If you have formulated this sentence, you have denied the existence of the Cult of the Great Mother with many names and epithets, it can be said that it dates back to at least 35,000/40,000 years BCE.
The end of the ancient European civilizations (but also throughout the planet more or less simultaneously), devastated by the arrival and imposition of a patriarchal and warlike hierarchical structure, determined the progressive annihilation of the Cult of the Great Mother Goddess, in its various aspects of birth death and regeneration, and was labeled as chthonic, infernal, evil, even if in the cults/religions of the father-god there are mostly male deities and in some cases accompanied by female deities subordinate to them... such as prostitutes or concubines...
Not only for this, I also believe that every Female is the Divinity, and every man owes her maximum Respect and Love... while we are witnessing what today is called feminicide... which has its origins in the Culture of the Man-male and above all in all monotheistic-macho Theologie.

In every era, however, the Society is the daughter of morality, ethics, loyalty, religiosity, sketched, semi-defined, in the previous one.
It seems improbable, but it happens that in society, in certain landless fringes, without roots and mutable identities, there are, there have been and there will be, the least, those who, like drops of corrosive waters of generosity, altruism, spirituality, distill with prodigality, suggest, spread, that there is, "something is rotten in the state of Denmark", of the imbalance in the Society, explained as a society sick of Western consumerism, a martyred society, a consumerist society that indoctrinates its members.
On the periphery, on the margins of society, there is no prince of Denmark, there are prompters, givers, examiners, accusers, of bad habits, selfishness and selfies, and it would be too much to define them as Savonarola on duty; hucksters, donors of metaphysical oriental knick-knacks.
At the puppet fair, the idea is spreading that a cynical attack is underway on the "so-called traditional families", on the millenary "patriarchal society made up of men and women who together have built civilization, humanity, society".
A family is a set of people living together connected by blood ties or bound by marriage, the distinction in the traditional family does not take into account that it is simply the result of the misogynistic imposition of Christianity and that in the patriarchal family, the female passed from submission to the authority of the pater to that of her husband; the so-called traditional family was given the imprint, the model, that of the so-called "holy family of Nazareth" and the foundations of a "sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman".
It should be noted that that famous family is a family where a mother of children born to a guy, presumably her husband, was impregnated, in the absence of her legitimate husband, by a man who had power, today we would say the right arm of a big shot and that, that "of Nazareth (non-existent location at the time of the alleged facts narrated)" is not only the result of ignorance, but also implies falsehood, a lie.
Circumscribe them, marginalize them, eradicate them, now, would you make a precious gift to the next Society? Yes!
The patriarchal society prolific always and continuously, violence against the female.

My two cents.


Oct 23, 2022
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Most of what you put forth is mere speculation and rambling verbosity, the claims you're making about "the Cult of the Great Mother" etc. is based on interpretation and stems from the warped lens wielded by the effete "intellectuals" in academia today alongside the feminist dogma that has destroyed the credibility of Universities generally, and the Social "Sciences" specifically. It's made clear with this statement "I also believe that every Female is the Divinity, and every man owes her maximum Respect and Love" that your conclusions are based on irrationality and emotionalism, you're either willfully ignorant or lacking in life experience to claim respect and love are owed to anyone unconditionally, let alone an entire group. You sound like a typical feminist who has sat too long in their own echo chambers and came to asinine conclusions; because of the lack of real criticism or anyone with a spine who is more concerned evidence and reason, than whether they are validating or hurting another's feelings. I'm not saying this to be rude, but because it is the truth.

I'm no fan of Christianity, but it doesn't sound like you know much about either it or the traditional folk religions of Europe except for perhaps reading some new age revisionism or someone's blogspot page, given the lack of any historical examples or references. A good place to start would be Publius Conrelius Tacitus and the Eddas if you're interested in actual history, culture, and beliefs of pre-Christian Europeans. "Works and Days" by Hesiod and "On the Good Life" by Marcus Tullius Cicero are great reads as well. You will see a common theme between these people's despite being separated by many miles and centuries. Christianity is a separate subject entirely, it's a foreign religion reflecting a different character/culture and was enforced on the population top-down through bribery and murder. Not much can be said with certainty about how things were prior to recorded history, and I certainly don't trust modern "archaeologists" (social science) for a huge host of reasons and examples of dishonesty and bad faith. At no point have I seen anything motivated by "misogyny", while you can make the claim that Christianity is "misogynistic" (debatable) the motivation behind it's propagation/spread is far more complex than "hating women". Women and men are different, we think differently and we possess different capabilities and limitations. Pretending we are the same, except for where our dangling bits are and of what appearance they take, is a recent belief born of ideology and accepted as axiomatic without question due to the dogmatic fanaticism of those indoctrinated into the insanity. It closely resembles Christian fanaticism of the medieval era as they are both irrational and based on emotionalism accepted as "morality".
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Diamond Tier
Apr 24, 2023
is there a good megathread somewhere for videos that are "hotwife/slutwife" coming home from cheating and telling the camera about it, similar to xev bellingers "sloppy seconds", bettie bondages "fucking cheating wife's cum filled pussy" and the like, the QoS/Hotwife threads have them sometimes but when its OF rips theres no titles so its harder to find. there's a ton of it on the manyvids section but not sure if there is a megathread here for it.



Aug 5, 2022
I have an odd one for the old timers. The first Hotwife I ever saw was named CEECEE or C-BABY or CEECEEBABY . I cant remember the exact name but those are close. SHe and her husband were a couple of the first internet famous amatuer porn people. They were from Maryland if I remember correctly. She was thin, in shape, insanely horny, and late 30s. I believe they got busted hosting sex parties and disappeared --this is mid-late 90s maybe early 00s. Very old skool. They were the ones who triggered my kink. I always wanted to find them again, but alas, I havent seen any of their voluminous content in over 10 years.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 4, 2023
I just discovered LISA Diary of a real hotwife, it feels authentic and a genuine cuckold couple, love her storyline compare to other hotwifes with hundreds of videos.
Any recommendations who post similar kind of contents? Like videos of hotwives staying over at bulls place or other way around or staying over at the hotel while hubby is at home/work??