Simp Chat - Hannah Montoya | SimpCity Forums

Simp Chat Hannah Montoya


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 10, 2022
Do you guys find her funny? I watched one of her videos, and thought "hm, she's cute. Better check Instagram."


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 10, 2022
That's good. She's a good actress. Anyways, I want to see if I can keep this discussion alive. Anyone else got a hunch she probably wants to show more? I'm sure it's more to keep certain fans around. But, some of her stuff seems like she's into showing off to a certain extent.
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Alyssa McKay's biggest Simp
Feb 6, 2022
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She definitely knows exactly what she's doing when it comes to showing off. Granted, I'm really not sure if she ever will go further, but it sure seems like she would, but maybe her management team or whatever is advising her against it.


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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Oh…so being an attractive girl posting online, then.

I’m not coming at you for a debate or anything, I would just like for one person to explain the material difference between girls just wanting to post “cute” (in their words) pics of themselves online—which 95% of my real life women friends do—and “this saucy little teasing minx is doing this for attention”. Studies have shown that women dress and make themselves up for other women, and the positive feedback loop they get on social media from their other women friends is why they post.

I get that the latter is more attractive from the “fantasy” proposition—“oh she seems good, but she’s got a naughty side just waiting to bust out!”—so dudes want to believe it…but they say this about every girl, and it’s always with the same “oh, she knows…” and “you can just tell they love attention” canards. Some? Of course—there are always exceptions that prove the rule. The majority? No.

I don’t see anything in Hannah’s posts to specifically suggest it’s anything more than she’s hot, and likes to post cute pics of herself. Of course us dudes would like to see more from her…but thinking that the posts themselves evidence purposely catering to our demographic is wishful confirmation bias.


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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You mean oversimplification.

That assumes that “horny dudes” are the biggest contingent of a SFW influencers audience, that the influencers identify that, and then specifically cater to that niche, rather than just…existing and thinking the views went up for any one of a thousand possible reasons why people like shit.

Hannah built up her biggest audience on TikTok during the years where the majority of the audience was female, and young. Have you seen the brand deals SFW influencers get? It’s for makeup and bullshit like slimming teas…not really things that advertisers would be aiming at a horny dudes majority demo.

…but whatever, agree to disagree. If it helps you to believe that Hannah just looking hot because she’s…hot is specifically a ploy to cater to her majority horny dude audience…you do you.
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Alyssa McKay's biggest Simp
Feb 6, 2022
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You do realize that's the main point of thirst traps right? To attract a different audience than they already have. She's already got that core audience she built on tik tok, nobody is denying that. But they also make bank off of ad revenue especially on snapchat. And who is their main audience on snapchat? But keep tipping your fedora homie. Sex sells, and it always will. That's a core part of modern humanity. Or I guess every influencer just leaves thirst traps as their last panel on their story's constantly just for fun. Who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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No, the point is nothing distinguishes a “thirst trap” from just a photo/vid of an attractive girl. No one is arguing that sex doesn’t sell, of course it does. It’s that dudes project sexuality onto everything, but then claim it was always intended that way by the source.

That fedora line…you come up with that yourself? The originality!

Yep…you got me. I’m in here posturing for all the ladies who will never see this, because they’re not on this board in the first place. I can tell you like to make up scenarios in your head and then pretend they’re the truth. Have fun with that.


Alyssa McKay's biggest Simp
Feb 6, 2022
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Nah bro you're 100% right. I guess every hot influencer enjoys posting thirst traps for fun and not for any gain whatsoever. I'll just keep talking to the voices in my head now and tell them all how right you are and how wrong I am. I guess I'm just as delusional as anyone else who agrees with my position.

And it definitely seems like you're coming for a debate or to troll or whatever. The point you're trying to argue cannot be known for 100% fact without confirmation from the influencer posting the photos. But given the current state of the internet and how much onlyfans changed how easy sex sells these days, it's a much bigger leap to assume its all out of innocence than not for a reason. I couldn't give a shit less either way, but you're fooling yourself if you actually think girls don't post these extremely provocative pictures at the very end of their story to attract views so people click through their 100s of panels for the ad revenue.
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Bathwater Drinker
Nov 5, 2022
On a different note, probably could drop the "teen" flag on her main thread, right? She's easily in her 20s at this point..... right?
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Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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Amazing that for all your words…you still can’t articulate what specifically differentiates a regular photo of a hot girl being attractive by merely existing from a thirst trap purposely and specifically engineered from the very beginning to appeal to primarily horny male viewers. You might say something like “it’s obvious”…but have no way to describe it. There’s a reason for that—I’ll leave it for you to put together what that is on your own.

Now you’re lost the plot so far from “she knows exactly what she’s doing (gearing content for horny males)” all the way down to “she posts to get views (which constitutes personal gain in a broad sense)”. Obviously she does, no one could dispute that. That doesn’t mean she’s specifically curating to a horny male audience with “thirst traps”, aka attractive girls being attractive.

I’ll bet you fashion yourself one of these “common sense”, tell-it-like-it-is, everything has a simple truth types…y’all use the same stock phrases, shallow reasoning that pretends the world lacks any nuance, and false belief that people act in perfectly rational ways.

Hannah or anyone else who posts themselves with cleavage could just as easily be doing it for likes and comments from fellow women like “cute top!” and “nice bikini!” Those views count just as much for influencer “gain” as views from horny makes do.

The people who agree with you? On a coomer board?! No shit you’re going to have a bunch of coomers agree with you for the same aforementioned “that minx is definitely teasing us and I love that she’s being a little naughty girl despite appearing all SFW…with encouragement and patience—we can get her to open an OF!” fantasy reasons. It helps with the cooming. Just because you all share the same hopeful projection…doesn’t mean it’s real.
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Alyssa McKay's biggest Simp
Feb 6, 2022
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Wow, incredible you deduced all of that about me from 3 messages on an internet board!

I genuinely have no idea where you're getting the idea we all think we can encourage her to open an OF. I've literally not once said that. You're arguing against yourself at this point. Idk exactly how you want me to define thirst traps, I assumed that it was basically common knowledge at this point. I'm not going to argue this with you anymore, there's obviously no point. I guess you win. Happy now?
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