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Simp Chat Gabbie Carter Discussion Thread


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
I think you're both right.

She turned 18 in August of 2018 and the following March she posted on r/GoneWild.

In between she hooked up with her stepfather first. Then was on her own/with her boyfriend. I've seen many old Periscopes and such with very few tattoos and I think some were before she got popular on Reddit. I don't know if she was selling panties before or after she started posting on Reddit but I do know she was camming. And I think she has prior history with the sex industry before Reddit but for the wrong reasons. Lastly, her boyfriend came with her to LA for the first shoots which was around April I think.

I remember most of her AMAs and her first one got she big into her background. It even had her then boyfriend posting comments as well. I specifically remember him talking about it definitely wasn't cool seeing his girlfriend eat some dude's ass lol. She also said her boyfriend found out about the camming and told her family about it when she decided to do porn to try and stop her. The main Gabbie thread on here has a post with an album with like 4 or 5 pics of the dude with her. One, at some festival, she is looking like the fucking epitome of sexy and cute. But it looks like they were together a while so I think he's the one from the AMA who told her family and also went with her to LA. Just something I thought of.

Also in that first AMA she talked about running away from home when she was like 15 and it kinda sounded like she was a victim of sex trafficking. I recall she said she was big into drugs, ran away from home, stayed with some sketchy people, and they kinda pushed her into hooking up with adults during that time but she didn't care. It kinda sounded like Michael Douglas' daughter in Traffic when she runs away from home and is just used by the dealer. I wish the Wayback Machine could show all her replies from those AMAs. Or her comments in general because some of the stuff she talked about have been on random Gabbie posts and deleted by her. Anything I say here is just what I've picked up from being a fan. I definitely think citing her as a source can be slightly unreliable depending on the subject and occasion so I'm just passing on my opinion based on what I've read and seen.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Just being a surface fan of her and not knowing as much as the rest of y'all I think y'all are right she is an unreliable narrator and you should take everything she says with a grain of salt. Some of it might be true or all of it and maybe it's all a complete lie. She doesn't seem like she was mentally stable if your doing drugs and running away from home in your early teens. Again though I have no true idea just from what I've read from this thread and seen from her socials.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
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That full show has been posted on Spankbang by CamSoda themselves. I couldn't find it yet on CamSoda which is pretty comical but par for the course from that company. The scene is actually pretty good. I'd throw the link in main Gabbie thread but I'm sure if a direct link is allowed. If you go to Spankbang and search for Gabbie Carter then sort by New you'll see it. She's blonde and has some blue paint on her lol.

But it's great to see her shoot somewhat-professional scenes. Her last IG Story showed her all made up with her hair in pigtails so hopefully that's a good one too. Hope this endeavor works out for them. We'll see.


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 21, 2022
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Man reading what her mom says in this's really hard to believe gabbie's claims about how fucked up her mother is and it reminds me of another woman i knew whose mom was extremely supportive w what she was doing for her career but she'd blog and bitch claiming mom is not supportive at all.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
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I've seen a few Tiktoks her mom is in and a few tagged Instagram posts. Her mom definitely seems like a normal, good person. I think she does well handling Gabbie. She cares for her daughter but knows she can't control her forever.

In Instagram posts she would refer to Gabbie as her "little adventurer" and other similar terms haha. In a specific TikTok I remember Gabbie is riding shotgun with her mom in her Jeep and she asked her mom about getting a new piercing or something and her mom was honestly cool with a 'I wish you wouldn't but I still love you' kind of response.

However, I think they're pretty right wing (maybe not by Texas standards and this is not a political discussion). There was a deleted TikTok where Gabbie said she was sent away for like an exorcism (different than getting sent away when she was 14). Gabbie and her husband laughed about it but the TikTok was deleted like a few hours later. Her telling the story like it was normal but funny to her and then deleting it made it seem believable. And I think that Gabbie got married because her husband didn't have a place to stay of his own and her parents would only let him live under their roof is he was married to their daughter. Some parents are still strict like that. I don't have any proof of that but it makes sense and I think Gabbie was living at home when she left New York for good in March or so.

I have a theory that Gabbie had a kid when she was younger. I obviously have no proof of this but I do follow her quite a bit. It's creepy talking about underage Gabbie but she always said she was sent away for being bad when she was 14, she got heavy, she got boobs, she left the place, she lost the weight, and the boobs stayed. She's talked about that complete series of events many times pieced together from BTS interviews, Reddit comments, etc. I always thought it made sense since she was sexually active early, her parents didn't talk about it with her, she got pregnant, and instead of having an abortion they sent Gabbie away to give the kid up for adoption. These things do happen. But I know boobs come in all different shapes and sizes.

That's my theory. I don't know anything about her 100% for sure. Again, I hate talking about underage Gabbie. She's talked about it a lot herself and that's where I get my info from. But we were talking about her Mom and I thought it brought something to the discussion. Maybe not.

Back to her mom. She probably put up one hell of a fight to stop Gabbie from starting her pro career and just gave up the fight. I bet that Gabbie was an absolute monster as a teen. I think her imawful name is probably fitting. Gabbie is lucky to have a support system of wealth because most pornstars don't. Her mom was her plus 1 to the 2020 AVNs. There's a good red carpet interview between her and Javi Mac on YouTube. Gabbie talks about her mom being with her on the red carpet. Gabbie is super adorable there and it's obvious her mom is right off camera. But it's kinda cool her mom came with her not to say 'Great job doing porn' lol, but 'I support you because you're my child'. And it's not like Gabbie is breaking the law, but her career choice is definitely frowned upon where she comes from (and most places).

Lastly, I believe Gabbie's stepfather story. She doubled down on it just a few months back on a 4chan reddit post she replied to but then deleted a few replies where she talked about her mom being brainwashed. I think Gabbie's mom knows it's true but is probably devasted that her own daughter would seduce her husband. Like it happened but it's so unreal and hurtful that it's like it never happened. it just can't exist in their world. And I definitely blame the dad of course but it takes two to tango and Gabbie had to give her consent. It's very shocking to me, imagine what the mom really feels. Maybe her mom didn't want to give up her lifestyle to side with the woman who just slept with her husband? Who fucking knows? I definitely don't. I follow Gabbie and I give my thoughts.


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 21, 2022
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I'm sorry no. Given how inconsistent she's been and constantly changing her story we cannot just take her word for it and demonise her parents, particularly her mother. I've come across some very warped children in my day and tbf based on what you guys have said about her she sounds just like one. I won't buy into her story completely until I hear her parents respond to her claims. Right now everything she's said about them comes off as extremely manipulative thanks to how she's constantly making herself sound like she's the sympathetic one, she's knowingly trying to pull at our heartstrings.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
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I'm not exactly sure what you're not agreeing with but it's all good. :-)

If it's the stepfather story I definitely think that it happened in some way or another. She's mentioned this several times before including just a few months back. At any point in the past she could've come out and said, 'Hey, I was just getting started in the business and wanted to make a name for myself right away. I was only kidding around'. And honestly, I would have accepted that the story was false but at no point has she ever backed down from her past statements.

The somewhat recent 4chan Reddit post had two deleted Gabbie comments. The first was a full throated defense of her actions saying she knew him since she was two and he changed her diapers yet still wanted to have sex with her when she was older. The second deleted comment was defending her mom saying she wouldn't cut off her mom because she's her mom and she felt like she was brainwashed by her dad. One of the replies asked a bunch of specific intimate questions about the incident and that's when she left her last comment of telling that redditor to fuck their own step dad to find out more lol.

One last thing to add for the stepfather story is that her mom and stepdad have two kids: Gabbie's sister and brother. They must've heard about this happening at some point. That's their dad she was talking about. Do they think, who could their father do this? I would imagine they'd throw some blame at Gabbie. I bet family get togethers are awkward as fuck lol.

But yes, Gabbie is definitely not a great source of information. And I'm sure she has manipulation down to a science. She never gives the complete story, she likes to be coy and secretive but adores the attention. I remember her TikTok where she went to the water park and got arrested. She never followed up on it except for alluding that she couldn't discuss it further. She seemed to like the attention her bad behavior got but she never shared the full story. I looked into it and
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. It's definitely from that day at the waterpark. I tried to find more criminal history because I know she has at least one other mug shot but I couldn't find it. Maybe her parents paid to get rid of that info off the internet? I'm stretching here but I couldn't find more arrests and I know there's at least one more.

I just love to watch and hear her fuck. She's an A-list pornstar with a pretty face and unreal body. But after learning more about her that's really all she has. She can come off as super sweet and cute but I bet she can be a complete fucking nightmare when she wants. I wish she'd be more consistent with content. Since she became 'active' again last March her Youtube failed after two vids, her website became a scam, her Twitch has been on for just over a month and she's only appeared four times for a total of maybe 2 hours tops, and now she has this second Reddit account that she verified but gave to someone at CamSoda to post for her. It's depressing.

I do think she'll be in the business for a while still though. This is her chosen profession and she needs money to live. Her husband's COD skills on her Twitch definitely won't pay their bills lol. I was hoping they might hit their stride and start putting out content consistently but it seems like they are only doing content when they need some money. I'll go further into this another time.

Sorry for another long post. Again, these are just opinions based on what I've learned about Gabbie. The truth is out there lol.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
Any updates on Gabbie?

Based off the other Reddit account she should be shooting for Camsoda right now. She talked about going back some time ago. The other Reddit account commented (just a single comment on a random post) that Gabbie would be doing a livestream at 7pm EST on the 6th but that never happened. She never tweeted about it at either. Both her Twitter and Instagram have been quiet recently. I assume she's got stuff in the works but she's undependable when it comes to publicizing it.

A few months back she talked about going to AVN. She had an Instagram story showing a wad of cash and her teeth (like she got her diamond removed for money or something? I dunno) but she said the cash was to reserve a booth at AVN. She tweeted about it too I think. I assume that's non-refundable. AVN is less than a month away. Is she still going? I figured she'd be a guest of CamSoda if they had some kind of booth. Does she actually have any projects coming up?


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
Gabbie hasn't posted on social media much lately but yesterday she tweeted that her boobs hurt. One reply thought she might be pregnant and she even responded but played coy about it.

Ever since she got married I assumed she would get pregnant fast. For a while this past spring and summer I noticed one of her best irl friends on Instagram commenting on her posts with things like, 'You look so fertile' and 'I can't wait to be a godmother'. Gabbie was also kinda obsessed with creampies around this time and posted quite a few things on her website and Twitter that, to me at least, was borderline 'I am trying to get pregnant'. She even jokingly bragged that she better be careful because she wasn't on birth control.

Her Twitch started a few months ago and she is rarely on there now. I saw her get up from their couch like a week ago but you couldn't really tell if there was a bump because of low lighting. But her Twitter was pretty active up until she got the scam Twitter taken down then she kinda went silent. Even her Instagram has no newer body posts. Maybe she's showing and that's why she's not posting?

I also wonder if since the scammy Twitter got taken down she has a deal with Camsoda not to post nudes anymore. I know that sounds crazy but they control her second Reddit account. Honestly, it's impressive a pornstar has someone doing their Reddit posts for them but when they reply to people as her that's pretty fucking scammy. She's pretty much their brand ambassador. I guess she's getting by because her website seems dormant again. They must be paying her decently well.

She doesn't owe us anything but it would be nice if she gave an update on her life since her image is her main source of income. Is she even going to AVN now? She's just so unreliable. Her Youtube stopped after just two vids. Her website relaunch was ok but then became terrible until it sputtered out a few months back. And now her Twitch is mostly only her husband playing MW2.

Just some thoughts on Gabbie. I'm sure she'll tweet out more cryptic stuff until it's obvious she's pregnant. Of course I don't know anything for sure. I'm also unsure what that will do to her career. I'm not big into pregnant chicks (to each their own) and will be kinda disappointed. I was super excited when she restarted her website this past spring until 5 days later when she announced she got married. I thought she wanted to cash in and maybe she did but she could've been great. This chick might not have achieved super fame and fortune but she had the body of skills (literally lol) to be one of the best in her industry. Gabbie getting knocked up at 22 is depressing to me. Fuuuuuuuck haha.
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Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
Gabbie's husband tweeted some stuff about merch at AVN. Gabie retweeted it too. It's the first time either of them mentioned AVN in a long while. It's literally next week.

I guess it's good that they're still going. The merch was some buttons and a can coozie. The coozie had her website on it. So maybe they're going to relaunch the site (again). It appears very dormant and hasn't had a new post since early October. Her use of and the general functionality of the site have both always been a little sketchy.

There was another short clip posted on Reddit today. Same pigtails like from when she got eaten out on the desk but this one is in a bed so I'm not sure if there's one or two scenes still unreleased. The other Gabbie account still won't give any further details let alone a time frame on release. I'd really like a new professionally shot scene.

She has made a few background appearances on her Twitch in the last few days. She doesn't chat at all, working on some knitting project while her husband plays MW2. I doubt they earn much from the ad revenue as people jump to her stream to see if she's there and then leave immediately. It'd be nice if she actually used her Twitch.

So I guess she's not pregnant yet if she's still going to AVN. Not sure if she'll have much enthusiasm behind her visit. She seemed to like the attention but not the actual industry most of this year. Then within the last few months she really got quiet. I assume we'll find out some future plans by next week.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Are these videos she makes with her husband any good? The clip she just posted on Reddit looks pretty hot.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
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I feel her family's financial backing definitely helps her out and is one of the reasons she got married. She wasn't consistently working after spring of 2021 while in New York and had to move back home this past spring. She didn't (and still doesn't) like the industry and didn't want to do the job full time. It appeared that Gabbie and her husband were living in Gabbie's parent's house when she first got back home. And I don't see how she could afford a house in Austin if she couldn't afford an apartment in NYC.

I don't know the financial status/background of her husband but I do know that Gabbie's family has money (we all know this). I imagine they got the house as a wedding gift. It's not totally uncommon for a newlywed son or daughter to get a house. Especially from a wealthy conservative family to help start a stable family. Gabbie's mom might think a kid would help settle down her daughter.

I know she got some money from relaunching her site. But I don't know how much she got/gets from CamSoda nor from past work residuals. It can't be large numbers, there's just no way. Her trip to Bali was about a month and a half long. I know you can do AirBNB or whatnot and get long term deals but that vacation had to cost some decent money. It didn't look like they were slumming it (nor staying at the Four Seasons of course lol). She really pushed her website before the trip (still kinda bitter and felt scammed a little, oh well haha) so maybe they paid for everything but it could've been a gift from her folks to encourage a family.

Again, I know nothing for sure. I just want her to consistently post content and not have to dig around to find it. I guess we'll get some news in a week or so about her future plans. Maybe? Who knows with Gabbie. But besides today's retweet, she doesn't really seem to care about AVN nor the industry.


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 21, 2022
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yeap if her parents or rather her mom was the monster gabbie made them out to be she wouldn't be getting any familial support at all and gabbie would have to fend for herself and thus work. but she def ain't workin'. i looked at the mom's posts on ig about gabbie and im like i cannot believe this sweet supportive mom is the monster her daughter makes her out to be.


Aug 30, 2022
she mentioned in an early AMA (i think while promoting her exploitedcollegegirls scenes) that she will never do incest scenes because of her step father abuse from 14 > he paid for sex. (she now has several)
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