Feedback Further Site Resilience

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01101011 01100101 01101011
Mar 13, 2022
I'm very glad to see the site back! Glad that the database behind it is safe and sound. I'd like to suggest creating a Tor service for the website, so that there is always at least one consistent entrypoint to the website. Even if the domain changes again or the site has to go down, the Tor version can remain functional under the same domain/certificate.

Perhaps, other distributed communication & announcement methods could be explored as well. Mastodon, Matrix or something else.
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01101011 01100101 01101011
Mar 13, 2022
To add to the ideas in the first post, as I wrote in, it would be good to introduce GPG signatures for admins, mods and prominent users, so their posts can be verified, wherever they make them.

Plus, making regular database snapshots public via torrent or IPFS, with sensitive info encrypted, would make the website disaster recovery bulletproof. Trusted parties can then be given the decryption keys. They could then download the widely distributed snapshot, decrypt the sensitive info and resurrect the website.