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Guide Fansly Downloading - A work in progress


Simp Dawg
Mar 10, 2022
Copying over my guide from SE, I'll add pics in later


Following the success (I hope) of my Onlyfans Downloading Guide and with DIGITALCRIMINAL releasing a version of his script that can download from Fansly its time to try and gather everything together in one thread. To begin with this thread won't be as complete as the Onlyfans downloading thread as I'm unaware of any browser extensions or methods for ripping on mobile so I shall leave blank posts to be filled in later.
I will just link to other peoples guides for the various methods as I have not tested them and can't really offer support.
Please respond to the thread if you find any new methods and I can edit them in.



I have no idea if Fansly leave traces in the source files, I would assume not due to the extra resources this would take them to implement.
However, any custom content made just for you will be very easy to trace back to you so I suggest not sharing those.

For Onlyfans downloading see here:
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PC - Python Script

There is a high risk of your account being banned if you use this script. If you do use it make sure you give fresh authentication details every time including checkkey_

Some install instructions here:
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IDM can download videos from Fansly
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PC - Live Stream Recording Extension

You can use this to record live streams
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UPDATE: 2022-12-30 - Userscript that does this in a "cleaner" way!

Since we don't have a OnlyFans Cookie Helper equivalent for Fansly (that I know of),
I made a janky bookmarklet really quick since I was tired of opening the console.
JS isn't my strong suit so there may or may not be a ton of useless lines.


var auth_token = (JSON.parse(localStorage.session_active_session)).token;
var auth_token = "\"" + auth_token + "\",";

var user_agent = navigator.userAgent;
var user_agent = "\"" + user_agent + "\",";

var new_clipboard = "\"authorization\": " + auth_token + "\n" + "\"user_agent\": " + user_agent;

var copyListener = event => {
    document.removeEventListener("copy", copyListener, true);
    let clipboardData = event.clipboardData;
    clipboardData.setData("text/plain", new_clipboard);
document.addEventListener("copy", copyListener, true);
document.body.lastElementChild.setAttribute("hidden", "hidden");

alert("Your auth token and user agent have been copied to your clipboard.");

And you can turn it into a bookmarklet here.

If I'm late to the party and there's already something like this, sorry!
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There is something to download images, videos on cell phones? :Sadge:
You're going to need a browser that allows extensions I guess, never tried anything like this but I remember someone said that Kiwi Browser allowed Chrome desktop extensions
It seems like you can even install extensions in zip / .crx so this one will work
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Working Method (July 23, 2024) *Windows*
Version - Fansly Downloader NG v0.9.9

**UPDATE July 26, 2024**

  • Still haven't got banned :pauseChamp:
  • The program can download timeline videos and images without problems, but for videos and images in collections not posted on the timeline it won't scrape them. :PepeWhy:
  • I found a workaround using 2 browser extensions for videos:
    • Stream recorder - HLS video downloader
    • Video DownloadHelper - HTML Media content
Why 2 extensions? Well, Video DownloadHelper can sometimes not detect some of the videos in HLS format and when it does it has a download limit of 2 videos every 120 minutes if i remember correctly (unless you pay for the HLS license thingy :MEGALUL:), this is where Stream Recorder comes into play, it detects the videos that are in HLS format and doesn't have a limit like Video DownloadHelper, but you would still want both, because Stream Recorder doesn't detect videos that aren't HLS. :FeelsRageMan:

TLDR: The scraper can't download collections if the videos/images aren't posted on the timeline. You can download this items manually with 2 extension: Stream Recorder and Video DownloadHelper.

So i got it working after dealing with the error for a missing dependency after every image download, i managed to scrape an entire models page, 900 Files. (Videos and Images)
I haven't got banned, will update if i do, i recommend like other people, to not go too crazy with the downloads.

  1. Install Python 3.11.9 -
    I uninstalled all other Python versions, including "Python Launcher" before installing Python 3.11.9 (You could also use a virtual machine for a fresh install)
  2. Download or clone the latest Gihub repository -
  3. Create a Python virtual environment - *I decided to create it in the downloaded repository*
    1. Open CMD
    2. Create VENV - "c:\>python -m venv c:\path\to\myenv"
    3. Activate VENV - "path\to\env\Scripts\activate"
  4. Setup Fansly Downloader NG-
    1. Install required packages - "pip install -r requirements.txt"
    2. Launch Program - "python fansly_downloader_ng.py"
    3. Close it, manually set the required authorization_token, user_agent and check_key in the config.ini file
      1. authorization_token AND user_agent
        Follow the steps from the official documentation
        - **NOTE: Only Option 1 WORKS**
      2. check_key
        1. Go to Fansly and login if not logged currently
        2. Open your browsers dev tools (F12 for most)
          1. Navigate to sources and find the main.js file (it contains random numbers and letters in between)
          2. Open it and search (ctrl + f) this value "this.checkKey_ = ["
          3. Copy everything from the "=" up to the last ","
            (" ["111111", "222222"].reverse().join("-") + "-333333" ") <=
            Should look something like this.checkKey-1b109ca4587a62ac0.md.png
        3. Navigate to the dev tools console and paste it there (you might be prompted to enable "copy paste" on the console)
        4. Copy the result to the config.ini
  5. Open the program again from your terminal - "python fansly_downloader_ng.py"
    **Follow the instructions, should only ask for the model (username to scrape) and to verify your check_key**
  6. Scrape away and remember to share :pepoLove:
Hope it worked!
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Hey, guys!
Can you tell me how I can download only videos from fansly?

That worked perfectly me on Windows. The only thing I had to enter was the name of the model; it grabbed my encryption stuff from chrome automatically.
How do I fix this mistake?

[12]ERROR | 09:38 || Failed downloading m3u8; at playlist_content request. Response code: 403
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>QCC8XBQ2NBX1H5XF</RequestId><HostId>cULd0KEGDt6gn9MVfUTai+6dkd876senZASlfuzMQgn4hNf4MdvHKCFcZHh+ZTNMcW/y1oMFyUE=</HostId></Error>

I'm getting this trying to do single scrapping or timeline. No matter the way, I can't download the media, and it opens fine in the browser. There is some stuff I want to scrap for sharing but I can't
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