Discussion Do you have a porn addiction? / Mental health check in


Tier 2 Sub
Nov 1, 2022
At the age of 8 I got access to porn by finding some on my family phone I didn't even know what is it after a year I got access to a porn site blue one ig its already known anyways at 12 I used to play games on my dads phone then by mistake I opened the browser and I wish I didn't till this day it was all porn and i was a kid I didn't even know what I was watching just watching like a vid or 2 a day while my family were a way or somethin at 15 I got my first laptop and our internet was not family safe so that's where I started hoarding shit from a 128GB laptop hard to a 7TB so from 15 till 20 all I was doing is hoarding porn and every year I try to stop I delete everything then a week later I come back to fill the hard and spend money on tech stuff to make hoarding easier or more efficient, did it ruin my child years ? No cuz all I did every day was playing and having fun watching a vid brainlessly didn't hurt me back then at all cuz when you watch somethin that you know nothing bout all you see is moving shit and people you don't even remember it after waking up at that age but now when I look back at every second I wasted and hid in the corner so no one can see me or hear shit just keeps digging a hole in my chest so deep that I can't forgive my dad sometimes and now I can't even stop it having a room by myself and free access to everything with parents having a trust in me leaving me on my own with school and finals so can't even leave the room with brainless friends I have who can't control their shit or help each other control their shit , does it really effect me now days? Nah but did it ruin the younger me and the opportunities I could have ? Maybe I'm just sad bout the hours I waste on this shit rather than improving myself I like learning languages, coding, talking to people, getting out, eating with someone, ig after all it may ruined me a bit and my social life anyways imma go study for my finals.
-Sry for my shitty English :C


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
this thread needs to be pinned, really its nice to be here and coom everyonce in a while, but one should really moderate it, it would fuck your brains out and not in the good way, i noticed that after i quit porn for few weeks my mind got less hazy and i didnt think of sex as often, now im in moderation mode
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May 2, 2024
Had an account and deleted. This is a new one tho. Just gets worst and worst and i can actively see my life crumble around me. The porn is getting more questionable too, far more rough and degrading on average. but also, did not intentionally look for in any way but came across something revolting on twitter that put certain things into perspective for me. that its the end product of being an addict, I cant believe someone would watch that but i guess i kinda can? I can imagine that stuff is the end point of addiction, somewhere i am far from finding remotely interesting.

It sucks bc there's apart of me that realises i want to do some of the fucked up rougher stuff from porn irl, and i have had a few chances to do that. It was fun but ultimately empty, since i'm still on here. want to maybe find an online accountability group. shrooms seem to have been the only thing keeping me off porn but life is so stressful that i just fall back into it sometimes. last break lasted like over 20 days, I have done longer than that but idk. been back to binging the past 3 weeks, shit is brain rot to the next level

Jack Mitchell

Bathwater Drinker
Dec 12, 2022
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Good on you, and I hope you stay on track.

I feel like I'm nearly there myself but I keep pinballing back and forth between embracing the depths of addiction and recovery. Overall, though, I think I'm on the right path again, and I think what has recently bolstered my progress as of late is keeping the post-nut clarity at the forefront of my mind and realizing that having an orgasm is just an itch to scratch and not a way of life nor is it a panacea, even when it's done with the aid of another person in the room. This will change not only the way you look at porn but the way you look at women, too, so one day you may be asking yourself, "Is getting off worth the nasty comedown and sickness with myself that I'm going to feel after I finish edging for hours with a dozen tabs open?", and another day you may find yourself wondering "Is sex with this woman really worth having to pretend that I like her as a person?" The answers to both of those questions is going to be a resounding "no" for most guys, I'd say. Shooting a load isn't worth the self-destructive nature of extreme masturbation habits nor is it worth the agony of being anchored down to a girlfriend you have no real connection with other than for the occasional quickie in the bedroom.

It's like I said before, there's nothing inherently negative or shameful about sex or wanting love. It's this outside muck we bring to it that's the corrupting factor, and while it's often not entirely our fault for getting sucked into self-destructive cycles of addiction (especially in this day and age where overstimulation of all kinds is the rule and not the exception), we have to make a conscious effort to recognize our problems for what they are and fight back against them to be better versions of ourselves because nobody else is going to do it for us.
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 4, 2024
On SSRIs and my constant horniness has plummeted. Masturbation feels like a chore

I have a 22-page-long watch list on here and honestly it feels like a chore checking in on new stuff from my very favorite girls.

I think I'm gonna be nuking the account soon and hopefully this is the last time. I'm already 180 sober from alchol, but I've been watching for since I was a teen (13 years now) and I'm just tired.

Brass tacks, you gotta treat this like an addiction and don't even let yourself make excuses. If a former gambling addict told you they wanted to walk in a casino ā€œjust for a few seconds,ā€ how would you react? If a drug addict told you they wanted to shoot up ā€œjust for old timeā€™s sake,ā€ how would you react?

Tough love, if you're on here, 99/100 you're a porn addict that's lying to yourself. Self-hatred won't do anything but keep up the shame spiral but you need to decide if porn is more important than your life.

Fuck it, I'm deleting this account today


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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No I'm not sure why it would effect my ability to maintain friendships honestly. My problems interacting with women is more to do with poor experiences with girls from childhood then it is to do with porn

Anyway my opinion about this whole topic is a bit nuanced.

To start off I do think I have an addiction as I tried to go cold turkey several times and have failed everytime. So for me that's proof as it's something I can't give up despite wanting to. I have to many way to obtain the stuff and up until recently no other real sexual outlets. Close to a year ago I befriended a girl who used to sell nudes and we're close enough that if I ask her to send me nudes she's likely to do it. But also recently I got a gf (different girl) so maybe now I'll have better luck quiting porn. But judging by how things are going on that front I'm not convinced.

I don't really think my views on women have been affected on women has been negatively affected by porn. It's been negatively effected by interacting with various sex works themselves but not by porn. Thinking about it's probably more appropriate to say I have a masturbation addiction. Since that's my problem honestly I masturbate to much. I've tried to stop that and have succeeded several times honestly but I always run into the problem where after a while I will experience extreme pain and sensitivity to my testicles. I think the right answer would be a short period of no masturbation then followed by moderation. Also a doctors appointment lol.

The nuanced portion of this is that I don't really think "porn addictions" are as big of a problem as people seem to make it. I am not saying that a genuine addiction isn't an issue but I don't think alot of people who say they have a porn have one or well they have one but realistically if it wasn't porn it would be something else. I think porn is basically a symptom. I think in a more healthy society there wouldn't be so many people with "pron addictions". Porn would just exist and people would be able to consume it moderately.

I'm not focused right now. My overall point is that I don't think for most of the porn addictst their social problems are caused by pron. Pron isn't stopping from getting a gf. No, what's stopping you from getting a gf is how isolated we all are despite being seemingly more connected to people then ever before. Maybe pron is fucking with your dopamine levels and that's why your sad. Or maybe you have depression because your life is absolute shit and porn is just your copping mechanism and getting rid of porn isn't going to make you happy. I think maybe you or someone like you doesn't feel desired or wanted by anyone. So you turn to where you can get those feelings no one elss has given you irl.

Porn is escapist entertainment and like all escapists media it gets blamed for the ills of society and personal problems in people. Because fixing those issues is hard and we can't just throw money at them to fix them. So we find something easy to blame like porn, or video games, or tv.

If you're a person reading this and you can't anything from what I'm saying. I just want to ask yourself why you have a pron addiction. Are your problems caused by porn or is porn just the symptom? Look deeper into your personal struggles and don't look for an immediate solution.


May 19, 2023
I have an addiction, but i think i must be maturing from it. I finalky think i can go without looking at this website everyday. I'm going to try reduce one day at a time.

Ngl, this website has been a curse and a gift. There is so many girls doing porn these days through onlyfans and they're so much hotter than when I was growing up. When I first found this site about a year ago my mind was blown. But now I want to feel better about myself instead of feeling better for a couple of moments. I don't expect recovery to be a straight line. But I'll give it a try.


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 18, 2024
dear people of simpcity, I think I need to buy a custom video for my birthday in 2 months


Diamond Tier
Aug 27, 2022
Yeah I barely look at this. Maybe once every 2 weeks lol. I lock up my password on an SSD within some ZIP files and throw it somewhere in my house where its hard to find. Works!


Mar 17, 2024
I sign up for certain sites, spend some money (never enough to be considered irresponsible, but enough that I feel shitty about it afterward) then delete my profiles within a week or so due to guilt and post-nut clarity. This happens once every couple months, about four times a year. Not a good cycle, but I'm doing a hell of a lot better than I was in last decade before the pandemic.

This is what no pussy does to a mfer. I don't know what my fucking problem is. This and sugar are my only real vices.


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 22, 2023
Going on mandatory service for a year and half even though not on my free will but i hope it will help me to overcome my porn addiction since i was 13, i don't know if it is an enough time to reboot the brain, but i will do my best to not think about it , i hope my mental and body health improve, and lastly i may delete that account so i hope y'all have a great life and lovely relationship with real women you can touch with ur hands not in some videos on screens šŸ˜