Simp Chat Discussion Thread for Revolutionarymap4905


Bathwater Drinker
Jul 17, 2023
Maybe if enough people bug Areallyweakguy he'll release the B/G video with RevolutionaryMap4905 but I somehow doubt it... He's been teasing it forever.

As for a face reveal -- I think that may happen when she no longer gets the same attention she craves out of her Reddit posts. She's the hot thing today, but there is always someone new.

I could also see her getting a new serious boyfriend in time and just disappearing completely if her man wasn't supportive of her posting. She's going through a messy divorce and she's probably just in a really vulnerable stage in life. This is therapy for her. :unsure:


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I saw her on reddit a few times and admittedly commented a couple of times. Kinda funny to see this after her wholesome innocent small town girl who barely has time to post because she's focusing on her studies routine. I have to say the content is really underwhelming. I would've rather seen her go the POV content showing face with a boyfriend route or something. Seeing glimpses of her body being manhandled by some other guy and her face blurred is very boring, a turn off even. What exactly made her stand out on reddit anyway? She's hot and all but there's plenty of just as hot women on reddit with a much smaller following. If it was perceived innocence I think we can safely say that's gone now.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I have been lurking in his thread for a bit. Sounds like he is more in it to hook up. More or less it seems like he doesn't post a lot of his vids. That they "fall under the couch" so to speak. He so gatekeeps his content.

Sounds like you gotta sub, then dm him for specific videos.


Dec 25, 2023
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Therapy lmao this is just her realising she missed her hoe phase. Probably some devout christian or something. I don't think she'll release her face. Also wishing she fucks some other dude who knows how to plow properly other than weakdude who just brags and gatekeeps her. 23 and divorced shieet. She says she had bad sex, then why tf did she even marry him lol. It's not like she is some amazing lay either, by the looks of the clips.


Oct 23, 2023
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would be nice to see some dude dominate her bdsm-style, the arwg clips are pretty straight-ahead vanilla

now would be the time to convince her, before she repents lol

hopefully in the meantime starts onlyfans if the reddit validation dries up, interesting skimming through those thirsty comments; she blue-balled the hubby while on birth-control then wouldnt leave him alone after getting off it

a far cry from the later posts where she's like 'the man never fucked me' lol yeah ok, prob cause every time he tried she was like 'naw im good'. smh, women


Bathwater Drinker
Jul 17, 2023
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It sounds like that their relationship was full of unhealthy resentment. She wants sympathy, but she left him... Never once does she accuse him of beating her, drugs, gambling, or any other serious issue. It's always vague "emotional abuse" but the more that comes out the more it looks like that may have cut both ways. When she does start dating again she'll be the girl who gets passed around and once 30+ will end up with a large chip on her shoulder about men. With her baggage, any normal guy will be able to be able to sniff that out a mile away ...


Oct 23, 2023
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so 7 more years of content then, haha. mb, sometimes they get tired of it after a year or two then settle down with another psycho cause their judgement is so impaired, legit just witnessed this in my personal life

won't help her case with the next guy that her alleged first rebound is some porn creator that threw some of it up on his onlyfans page with her consent. it's one thing to walk of shame after a drunken rebound, but months after the divorce you're out getting railed on camera for thousands to see?

she's like 'i'm just an internet slut, not irl slut', bwahah, wut? bro just flew you out to smash & dash months after the divorce with a dude you know ain't gonna wife you up and you're filming on top of it. not that sex-tapes are rare anymore but really


Oct 23, 2023
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yeah, just cause she's new and face-less, gives ppl something to wonder about

still holdin' out for spicier b/g content, mb with someone else, he'd have to dom her though. she doesn't really bang enthusiastically as far as what's been dripped out, pretty normie imo

maybe suzie just needs practice, lol considering all her years of 'bad sex' that she keeps cryin' on about to reddit, wonder if she has the hot girl syndrome where the hotter they are, the worse they fck. at least that means she's not a butterface then, let's hope haha


Bathwater Drinker
Jul 17, 2023
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Yes. Exactly this. Less commercial porn and more girl next door with a naughty side. She was on Reddit for around 6 months — the cynic in me wonders if her whole “backstory” was contrived to build a following to launch an OF account as others on Reddit are mentioning.

I’m sure enough users from here will subscribe to her OF so that her pics/videos will be shared with the community.