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Support Deleted Posts


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Hi, I had a little over 222 posts and my Simp Council badge and since a few hours ago they removed all posts for alleged ''farming megathreads'' when since the day SC was created I have been posting with the same rhythm and I never had any problem until today.

I have read the rules and I fully understand that people should not take advantage of farming in the megathreads but mine was intentional because of my daily rhythm as I said before.

I would have liked to receive warning messages at least before I deleted almost all my account lol
I seem to be frozen at 199 posts myself. Like, do I not post worthwhile content?

Yeah, like 30 of my posts are updating threads with a model's new reddit name, but quite literally, the threads can't be found if someone doesn't post the names that the model is currently using. And I always take the time to find some of the best new content from their reddit account to include instead of just linking the new account.

I guess I pissed someone off at some point.
I seem to be frozen at 199 posts myself. Like, do I not post worthwhile content?

Yeah, like 30 of my posts are updating threads with a model's new reddit name, but quite literally, the threads can't be found if someone doesn't post the names that the model is currently using. And I always take the time to find some of the best new content from their reddit account to include instead of just linking the new account.

I guess I pissed someone off at some point.
We wipe soft deleted posts once a month so I can only see things since 1st November and there's only one soft deleted post in a discussion thread.

FYI, posts in discussion threads don't count towards your post count, that might be what is confusing you
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