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Support Deleted Post Question?


Apr 9, 2022
I recently posted to https://simpcity.su/threads/angela-halee.17257/ a collection of her recently posted pictures, some of which were on onlyfans, some from instagram, twitter, and other instagram pages, organizing them into sets from each photoshoot, instead of making a post for each onlyfans picture (which just feels like point farming to me?). In the future should I only post the pictures from onlyfans? For content creators that post 1 or 2 pictures stochastically is it forum policy that they should be posted just one at a time? Or can I just keep updating one post for archiving? Are posts only valid for the onlyfans channel if they have the onlyfans watermark?
Ex: one of the pictures, on her OF wall:

In the case where there's one with the watermark and one without, I prefer the one without, but I could see watermarked also making sense as a forum policy.
Thanks for the clarification and hard work, guys!
Everything in the post you made is from instagram or twitter and we dont allow social media content in threads in the Onlyfans category.
Hey POKI thanks for getting back to me. Sorry, I'm not sure I follow: if she posts a picture to instagram does that mean that it then is no longer allowed the onlyfans category? Would it be better for me to start a social media channel for content creators that post a lot of content across platforms like that?
You got it, boss. So I could share the images that I've paid premium access for, but not one up on public a social media page. Is there a recommended way for me to put all of the pictures from the same photoshoot in one post? (given that they're posted across several platforms, including instagram, onlyfans, tiktok, twitter, ect)?
A final follow-up: I *can* post this to the onlyfans thread because she uploaded it to a premium site, even if it's lower quality, even though she posted it a week later (she just posted it), is that correct?
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