Tools Cyberdrop-DL: Mass Downloader for most forum sites and SimpCity threads


Mar 17, 2022
I'm tring to download a pixl album. I put the url in the txt file but it's saying that
"No links found, check the URL.txt
If the link works in your web browser, please open an issue ticket with me."
Now, the album is not protected by a password but is private and the url works on browser, so can this method download private album? If the answer is yes, what did I do wrong?


Mar 12, 2022
Hi Jules,

Been reading through most recent posts to find a solution to this, redownloaded latest version, and tried some of the fixes(including adding my simpcity login/pass to the downloader file) but no luck. I keep getting this on a Mac:

"Finished scrape of
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No links found duing scraping, check passwords or that the urls are accessible
This program does not currently support password protected albums."

and this from the log:
2023-02-10 08:14:13, selector: KqueueSelector
2023-02-10 08:14:13, are running version 3.3.14 of Cyberdrop Downloader
2023-02-10 08:14:13, downloader with args: {'input_file': PosixPath('URLs.txt'), 'output_folder': PosixPath('Downloads'), 'log_file': 'downloader.log', 'db_file': 'download_history.sqlite', 'threads': 0, 'attempts': 10, 'connection_timeout': 15, 'disable_attempt_limit': False, 'include_id': False, 'exclude_videos': False, 'exclude_images': False, 'exclude_audio': False, 'exclude_other': False, 'ignore_history': False, 'separate_posts': False, 'leakednudes_username': None, 'leakednudes_password': '!REDACTED!', '*Blacklisted site*_username': None, '*Blacklisted site*_password': '!REDACTED!', 'simpcity_username': '', 'simpcity_password': '!REDACTED!', 'skip_hosts': [], 'ratelimit': 50, 'throttle': 0.5, 'links': []}
2023-02-10 08:14:13, Scrape
2023-02-10 08:14:13, scrape of
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

2023-02-10 08:14:13, encountered while handling
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cyberdrop_dl/crawlers/", line 34, in fetch
build_id = json.loads(soup.select_one("script[id=__NEXT_DATA__]").get_text())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_text'
2023-02-10 08:14:13, scraping
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

2023-02-10 08:14:13,'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_text'
2023-02-10 08:14:13, scrape of
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

2023-02-10 08:14:13, No links
2023-02-10 08:14:13, links found duing scraping, check passwords or that the urls are accessible
2023-02-10 08:14:13, program does not currently support password protected albums.
2023-02-10 08:14:13, closed sqlite database connection


Mar 17, 2022
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2023-02-10 13:07:52, proactor: IocpProactor
2023-02-10 13:07:52, are running version 3.6.61 of Cyberdrop Downloader
2023-02-10 13:07:52, Config
2023-02-10 13:07:52, Config File
2023-02-10 13:07:52, Run Args
2023-02-10 13:07:52, Args
2023-02-10 13:07:52, Cyberdrop-DL
2023-02-10 13:07:52, authorization arguments: {'pixeldrain_api_key': '!REDACTED!', 'simpcity_username': None, 'simpcity_password': '!REDACTED!', '*Blacklisted site*_username': None, '*Blacklisted site*_password': '!REDACTED!', 'xbunker_username': None, 'xbunker_password': '!REDACTED!'}
2023-02-10 13:07:52, file arguments: {'input_file': WindowsPath('URLs.txt'), 'output_folder': WindowsPath('Downloads'), 'output_last_forum_post_file': WindowsPath('URLs_last_post.txt'), 'db_file': WindowsPath('download_history.sqlite')}
2023-02-10 13:07:52, jdownloader arguments: {'jdownloader_enable': False, 'jdownloader_username': None, 'jdownloader_password': '!REDACTED!', 'jdownloader_device': None}
2023-02-10 13:07:52, runtime arguments: {'threads': 0, 'attempts': 10, 'required_free_space': 5, 'disable_attempt_limit': False, 'connection_timeout': 15, 'ratelimit': 50, 'throttle': 0.5, 'include_id': False, 'exclude_videos': False, 'exclude_images': False, 'exclude_audio': False, 'exclude_other': False, 'ignore_history': False, 'output_last_forum_post': False, 'separate_posts': False, 'mark_downloaded': False, 'proxy': None, 'skip_hosts': []}
2023-02-10 13:07:53, links found, check the URL.txt
If the link works in your web browser, please open an issue ticket with me.
2023-02-10 13:07:53, Scrape
2023-02-10 13:07:53, No links
2023-02-10 13:07:53, links found during scraping, check passwords or that the urls are accessible
2023-02-10 13:07:53, program does not currently support password protected albums.
2023-02-10 13:07:53, closed sqlite database connection

Thanks for your time!

Chesse Burger

Apr 2, 2022
Hello, i'm new on this. And i got this message on my termux

~ $ cyberdrop-dl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/", line 399, in wrapper
return cache[key]
KeyError: (('/proc',), frozenset())

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/", line 285, in <module>
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/", line 401, in wrapper
ret = cache[key] = fun(*args, **kwargs)
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/", line 268, in set_scputimes_ntuple
with open_binary('%s/stat' % procfs_path) as f:
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/", line 728, in open_binary
return open(fname, "rb", buffering=FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/stat'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/cyberdrop-dl", line 5, in <module>
from cyberdrop_dl.main import main
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cyberdrop_dl/", line 20, in <module>
from cyberdrop_dl.client.downloaders import get_downloaders
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cyberdrop_dl/client/", line 9, in <module>
import aiofiles.os
File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiofiles/", line 31, in <module>
link = wrap(
AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'link'. Did you mean: 'unlink'?
~ $

How can i solve this?


Cyberdrop-DL Creator
Mar 11, 2022
I'm up to around 65 hours on the rewrite, just handed beta 1 to the beta team... and subsequently beta 2 an hour afterwards. And Beta 3 as I was trying to get a screenshot for this....

Lots of changes coming in V4:
- New Scrapers
- Optimization of older scrapers where possible
- Hopefully better error handling
- Changes to existing options
- Entirely new options

But the part I'm most excited about is:
- Simultaneous downloads from different file hosts (domains)
- A spiffy paint job

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