Feedback Conversation spam filter is too strict

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Bathwater Drinker
Jan 30, 2022
I just tried sending a message to a user, thanking him for his recent contributions, but it wouldn't let me send it because it triggered the spam filter.

After making dozens of changes to my message to no avail, I eventually discovered that I had to change "I would love" to "I'd love" in order to get it to send.

What the hell is that about? How is the former considered spam, but the latter is not?

And this is just one of many examples of non-spammy messages triggering the filter. Usually I just don't send the message instead of trying to figure out what's triggering it.

Is there any chance of relaxing the spam rules a little?


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
The spam filter is the same for DMs as it is for posts with no option to configure it otherwise.
Removing those lines from the filter means people can spam those phrases around the forum.

No one makes a better spam filter that we can find or we would be using it.