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Prominent Citizen
Mar 13, 2022
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You know most people work, right? she posted her latest videos just 6 hours ago, when most people from US are working. And nobody is risking to post Leaked NSFW stuff while on work hours or from the office.

Just be patient the content is going to be uploaded eventually.
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ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
I wouldn't say she's always sucked at what she does, it's just that it's all very, very mixed. Her output is very inconsistent. There was a 2-3 month period in 2022 where I really liked all of what she put out. But then we go back to months of only having a decent video every once in while. I think part of it may very well be laziness on her part, but also she's been making 8 videos a month for a couple years now. That's 96 a year, along with her Youtube channel. I have to assume that'd burnout anyone. I know nothing about her as person really, so I suppose I could just be guessing though.

Least she seems to be leaning way more into the month/tongue/spit stuff, which through her I've learned I'm into apparently. But that dreaded autofocus at the same time...

Don't feel like I have a right to complain too much if I'm not paying for something at the same time though.
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ASSton mARTin

Tier 3 Sub
Jun 18, 2023
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Hey man, to each their own of course, and I also like some of her stuff. But her biggest strength is that she's hot, has a nice ass, and uploads a lot of vids. But she's been doing the exact same shit since she started out, still does the same 2/3 scenarios, the same ''O, didn't see you there'' intros, uses the same camera with the damn dead pixel, and has never upgraded her audio equipment (even though she HAS a freaking 3DIO and a Yeti). She has never grown, she got worse actualy as she started out showing A LOT more, her vids are extremely low effort (that's why she can upload so much), she's never done or said anything actually sexual in her vids, and she just looks un-showered and straight up kinda nasty (stains in her leggings and dandruff in her hair) in what is supposed to be a ''sexy'' vid.

She has A LOT of potential looks-wise, but she's well past her ''prime'' era and even that wasn't on level as some of the other girls mentioned before. I don't think you need to be a paying customer to conclude that her content isn't high quality and I'm always thankful for the leakers who help make these lazy ass girls less money and help expose girls who ain't worth the money. As it's pretty clear, she's just in it for the easy money to maintain her lifestyle of traveling with her BF, while spending none of that money on improving her actual content.

The girls has a damn nice ass though, and the fact she always acts unhinged af in her vids is kinda hot, ngl. 😅


Dec 23, 2022
The bare minimum pays the bills. It is what it is. She lives in a new apartment with her Boyfriend and his brothers. Doubt she's gonna go all out these days unless something happens. I would consider moving on.
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ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
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Can't really disagree with any of that. She's quite lazy when it comes to her videos. There's no way I'd be paying for this kind of quality. Do wish I could find someone else I liked as much who does content she makes, but I've yet to find someone like her. I don't know, she's got this quality of a girl next door type, mixed with a "gym chick" that really appeals to me.

It's not a big deal in the big scheme of things of course, it is what it is.

ASSton mARTin

Tier 3 Sub
Jun 18, 2023
Don't take this as me critiquing anyone for liking her content, I just have a major problem with how these sites like OnlyFans, Fansly and Patreon have ZERO regulations, no price-quality ratio, standards that content should meet and that a lot of girls can be purposefully vague to trick people into buying their low-effort content. I think all these things should be improved, and I think these sites have lowered the bar for sexual content as a whole. Atm, these sites are paradises for scammers, and it rewards laziness, something Claudy is a very good example off. So that's why leak sites are perfect imo, as they showcase the girls making good content, highlight the ones who aren't worth it and expose scammers. ;-)

But when she's cleaned up and showered, there is no denying she's hot af. It's just sad to see wasted potential.

ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
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I definitely agree on the pricing these sites have. I appreciate places like Onlyfans letting more women get into porn, as I tend to prefer natural looking women, so it's opened it up for tons more women like that. I'm not a fan of the "porn" look, real ugly fake boobs and other cosmetic surgeries and such. But the pricing some women have on Onlyfans, from what I've seen, I've never subbed to one, can get insane. Like 100-200 bucks for a single video. I used to get confused when I see some women have "free" Onlyfans accounts, until I learned the site has the PPV option. So I have to assume "free" Onlyfans accounts just means the women only charge PPV.

So sites like Onlyfans have opened up porn from much more women, but it's also destroyed a lot of it for the consumer side as well. I want to say in the past you used to be able to sign up to multiple sites for maybe 20 bucks a month, now some women are charging 5 times that or more for a single video.

And that's ignoring the whole parasocial relationship these sites can breed, where these women will pretend to be your friend and more. Places like Twitch and more have shown how bad that can get. What's her name, Amouranth? Last I heard she was the highest paid person on Onlyfans, because she for years has been building these fake relationship with her fans over on Twitch. Her content is fucking terrible imo. She doesn't seem to have any passion for her work at all, she just does it for the money, which I guess is fine, but it makes it really boring if they cleary don't care. Even in Claudy is just doing it for the money as well, at least she's a pretty decent actor, and can fake that passion if she is. It's why I don't really want to know anything about these women, I want no part of that. I liked the videos they make and that's it.