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Simp Chat Caryn marjorie Discussion thread

She's had a lot of "fake" activity on her Twitter through some new private accounts. Seemingly trying to indoctrinate simps into supporting and brigade against naysayers, like on reddit. She asks her followers to post the "🛡️" emoji as sort of her signal you're loyal. It's honestly quite pathetic to see every dude go "pick me pick me, I'm loyal! 🛡️"
This chick is so weird. It feels like she is part of some Jeffery Epstein prostitution ring and has wealthy and powerful clients.
It honestly feels like every single post is calculated by an algorithm and/or committee. Caryn is honestly an attractive girl with handlers surrounding her to eke out as much money as possible.
Just tried out a few mins of her Ai thing as she was promoting free few mins on it on her raw account on insta and it was meh. Sure it was neat that it dirty talks to you with her voice but as with most Ai audio, it just sounds so monotone and dumb.
For grins, I ordered one of her Caryn Army applications. It's actually very in-depth with personal questions like your date of birth and income. And it's signed by...Warren Kobin, her photographer and "Commanding Officer of the Caryn Army Command Center." :rolleyes:
For grins, I ordered one of her Caryn Army applications. It's actually very in-depth with personal questions like your date of birth and income. And it's signed by...Warren Kobin, her photographer and "Commanding Officer of the Caryn Army Command Center." :rolleyes:
We appreciate your sacrifice brother. Could you take a pic of the questions? Would be funny to see. Also maybe you could fill it out with some crazy over the top information and see if they bite.
Everything about this girl is so fake. There used to be a Reddit exposing everything about her, but she and her "team" keep making sure it gets removed ASAP.

This guy Ishan, who's her "manager", is behind everything. He paid for the startup of her "business", arranged exotic trips all around the world (mostly Dubai/UAE) where she often spent a whole week with some sheikh. As someone mentioned before, she's definitely a high-end and way to expensive hooker. They also try to create some kind of persona around her as if she was protected by secret service and/or her dad had a high role somewhere in the white house. Which was obviously a blatant lie.

That reddit also had a guy who actually banged her and leaked some short clips, from what I saw I'd rather spend my 25k on someone else. Looked incredibly dull and amateur.
Everything about this girl is so fake. There used to be a Reddit exposing everything about her, but she and her "team" keep making sure it gets removed ASAP.

This guy Ishan, who's her "manager", is behind everything. He paid for the startup of her "business", arranged exotic trips all around the world (mostly Dubai/UAE) where she often spent a whole week with some sheikh. As someone mentioned before, she's definitely a high-end and way to expensive hooker. They also try to create some kind of persona around her as if she was protected by secret service and/or her dad had a high role somewhere in the white house. Which was obviously a blatant lie.

That reddit also had a guy who actually banged her and leaked some short clips, from what I saw I'd rather spend my 25k on someone else. Looked incredibly dull and amateur.
This I've mostly figured out for myself. I've found a lot of these women on Instagram are high-end escorts. After talking with an NBA player, I found out a lot of the celebs are pay to play all you have to ask is the price.
We appreciate your sacrifice brother. Could you take a pic of the questions? Would be funny to see. Also maybe you could fill it out with some crazy over the top information and see if they bite.
Had issues with jpgfish this week but here it is.
carynarmy14bfacab08e4a87fc.md.png carynarmy223e1514595e80b3a.md.png carynarmy3c6052b8059335d36.md.png carynarmy4776bb1cf9736684f.md.png carynarmy592c0f51050f7aa76.md.png
In addition to that, she launched "Supply Boxes" on her Caryn Army site. You have to be an Army member for the "privilege" of paying her $200 for the box of nebulous items (to quote the site: "each box is completely different and includes items like: secret prints, handwritten notes, items i find while traveling and other really wild things."). :rolleyes:
Everything about this girl is so fake. There used to be a Reddit exposing everything about her, but she and her "team" keep making sure it gets removed ASAP.

This guy Ishan, who's her "manager", is behind everything. He paid for the startup of her "business", arranged exotic trips all around the world (mostly Dubai/UAE) where she often spent a whole week with some sheikh. As someone mentioned before, she's definitely a high-end and way to expensive hooker. They also try to create some kind of persona around her as if she was protected by secret service and/or her dad had a high role somewhere in the white house. Which was obviously a blatant lie.

That reddit also had a guy who actually banged her and leaked some short clips, from what I saw I'd rather spend my 25k on someone else. Looked incredibly dull and amateur.
Mostly right except for the last part. That was proven to be a clip from some chick on pornhub.
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