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Support Bunkr Uploads Don't work?


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2023
I've been trying to upload to bunkr but the frontpage where you're supposed to upload seems to be loading indefinitely. Anyone know a fix to this or is bunkr just not allowing new uploads right now?
Anyone know how long Bunkrr maintenance lasts? I've been trying since Sunday/Monday but clearly all the ones I want to download are on the affected server. Anyone from Bunkrr able to give an update on when the server will be fixed & up and usable again? Thanks

Screenshot_20240731-2020272988016f1fc458e8.md.png Screenshot_20240731-202015a34eddc3a73155cf.md.png
Anyone know how long Bunkrr maintenance lasts? I've been trying since Sunday/Monday but clearly all the ones I want to download are on the affected server. Anyone from Bunkrr able to give an update on when the server will be fixed & up and usable again? Thanks

Screenshot_20240731-2020272988016f1fc458e8.md.png Screenshot_20240731-202015a34eddc3a73155cf.md.png
Few weeks.
"I keep getting an error when I'm uploading a video on Bunkr. I don't know if it's a bug or maintenance, but I checked the server status where I'm uploading the video, and it says it's operational. However, after about 10 minutes of uploading, it suddenly stops at a certain percentage, such as 10-20%."

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