Request BRRRAP - Girls Fart / Farting Fetish

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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 25, 2022
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I believe this has been posted in this thread before, but I'm not sure if the previous link is still working so thanks for providing a fall back option at the least.

Though really I tend to prefer barebutt farting (rather than thru some specific article of clothing -- thong, leggings, pantyhose, whatever), so if anyone has more of that pls share. For instance, the link posted below (found on this thread:

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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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This will admittedly be a little trickier, since I do not have direct access to my archive software at the moment, so I can't search through my collection with the tag system I set up, so I'm currently searching for videos that have "giantess" directly in the title (way more crude, and I'll definitely be missing some videos that don't necessarily have "giantess" in the title/file name) - but that said, that turned up a number of hits, from performers including EroticTanya, BooBear, Kelly Shamrock, KitsuneForeplay, GoddessRyan, Daphney Sugar Rose, Leena Mae, ReiinaPop, Jenna Kitten (goes by JadeLeigh now I believe), Princess Jersey, Selena Ryan, Kelsey Obsession, MissEmily22, and ur2dwaifu.

Again, apologies for the inconvenience, I would normally be happy to drop all of that content directly into a MEGA folder or something, but right now my lack of direct access to my archives + limited download/upload speeds make that option infeasible. If any of those names above specifically catch your fancy, let me know and I can get to work on uploading whatever giantess content I found of theirs.

I did however pick one out for you in the meantime! BooBear is one of my favorites:
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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Ah, unfortunately I don't have much of these. I may have some CrazyFacesittingCouple that's sitting on my local machine :SadgeCry: But, I'll DM you about Angel Monet and CruelQueen though, I might be able to help you out.

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Sure do! Well, slight caveat: that first one, she has two versions of, a shorter (5 and a half minutes) one, and the longer one (closer to 10 minutes) you linked. I only have the shorter one, but it's still excellent :)
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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You mean KinkyKristi? Yeah, I have quite a bit of her (69 videos to be precise, nice). I'll DM you to confirm that's who you mean, and give you an idea of which vids I have on hand.
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Yes, lots! Again, I would normally be happy to upload the entire folder all at once, but I am unable to at the moment. Specifics are good.

For now, here's another favorite of mine:
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Berlin is a name I haven't heard in quite a while. I definitely have some somewhere, will work on finding and uploading it. That said, if you're a collector of her content, given how old that stuff is, I would imagine most of what's available has been public for years now, and you probably have it already? I'll DM you about hunting down anything specific.

Jade Leigh I know by her old performer name, Jenna Kitten. Someone asked me about her over DM, so I have several of her vids already uploaded!
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Lolah Vibe is a somewhat similar situation to Berlin. I do have some stuff kicking around, but it's mostly stuff I've cribbed from elsewhere.

Aeluin is a newer performer (who I am definitely going to be keeping an eye on), I think I have exactly one video from her, and I'm pretty sure it's from this thread! Would love to see some more of her get posted.

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...the Twitch streamer? Does she make this kind of content? That'd be news to me, so if she does, please do share! Ah, just did a little digging - I guess my answer is now "I wouldn't have anything you don't already have" :LOL: If she has more on her OF, that might be something I'd need to look into...


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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So it's funny - I'd be happy to, but since I currently do not have access to the software I use for organizing my collection (
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- it's free and open source, been a gamechanger for me), I am actually somewhat uncertain of my absolute favorites, since I have a system for rating videos and marking them as ones I return to often, and I can't currently use that system/see that metadata at the moment 🙃 It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I genuinely have thousands of videos, it's hard to keep track!

I do think BooBear, Emma Ink, MilaJoyce69, and LoveRachelle2 are definitely up there as some of my favorite performers. That last one I probably can't share much of without violating site rules though. Oh, and an old school pick, I really miss Fiona (or Fiona Applez) from the old CWorld days. She was great.

Sure, why not, let's do a throwback, here's two Fiona videos I enjoy:
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As for Alex Bishop: I really enjoy her content, but I'm fairly certain that she doesn't have any actual fart videos. She has videos where she alludes to farts/bad smells, but no actual farts. The two videos she has on MV tagged with "Farting", Fart Talk Fantasy and Stank Booty, both say "no actual farts" in the description. That said, I do happen to have both of those videos. If you'd like me to upload them, let me know.

Kaedia Lang, to my knowledge, has about five fart videos, and a sixth (
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) that's tagged "Farting", but again, has no actual farts. I have the first five, and will happily upload them, but I think I'll probably DM you, to know what you may already have/what you'd prefer to get uploaded first. (Again, for lurkers, I promise I'll drop links in this thread once I've fulfilled DM requests!)

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Ah, a person of taste :) Yes, I've collected pretty much all of the content I've ever found of her. The only bummer is that a lot of the older stuff I've collected is not super high-res. It's perfectly watchable, but if you're a stickler for HD, I only have a few videos from her that are full 1080p.

But if you're not a stickler for HD, here are two longtime favorites of mine:
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I'll DM you about the rest of what I have of her!


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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Apologies, I sound like a broken record at this point, but I'm gonna DM you about what I have available from these performers, and what you'd specifically like to see uploaded first.

I do indeed have content from all of those performers, and I'm happy to upload it, it's just going to take some time due to the upload/download speeds here being absolutely garbage (in some cases I'm not even breaking 1Mbps upload).

I'm going to take this as an opportunity to start linking my Bunkr albums for everyone to peruse. I will be adding to these when I can, but expect progress to be slow until I return home.

Here are the performers you specifically inquired about:

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Currently only has the two videos I linked above in it.

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Currently only has the four videos I linked above in it.

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Daphney Sugar Rose album. Currently only has one video in it, it's one of my favorites of hers, A Confessional Farting Study Date.

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Kat Le Grand album. Currently has two videos in it.

I'll happily add more to these (I've already been talking to bagie about uploading more Emma Ink, and roguelikel about Jenna Kitten), but specifics are good. I'll DM you as well, so you can see what I have on hand :)

And then here are (some of) the others folks have been requesting:
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Has quite a few videos in it now! Eighteen to be precise!

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Has twelve videos in it at the moment

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Has seven videos in it currently

All of these performers linked in this post are performers I'm fond of, and I have way more from all of them, so please feel free to DM me if you want more of any of these performers (and particularly if you're hunting for specific videos). Again, I do plan on adding more on my own time, but it'll be slow going for the time being.
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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I'm happy to compile what I have on Bunny Ratchet, but she is well and truly retired, and I think most of what's available from her is well-documented - maybe even in this very thread (I could be making that up, but check the older pages). Yep, refer to posts #57 and #95 for Bunny Ratchet stuff!

FartingLena is new to me, but she's now on my radar for sure 👀

For Kitsy Vixen, I have some of her stuff, but not much (maybe about 20 videos), and it's not particularly current (nothing newer than November 2022). I would suggest you ask Xxxtentacion422 nicely! Maybe they'll link their collection :)

CruelQueen was asked about earlier, and
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. I do have maybe about 10 more from her that I can upload - DM me if there's anything specific from her you're looking for, as I currently have quite a queue of upload requests, and unless I get requests for specific CruelQueen videos, she's pretty low in the queue at the moment.


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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I do! I know them by their old performer name, Honey Bays, so some of my older files may have that name. Also refer to post #20 in this thread, there's some content there too.

But here's the three you asked for in an album:
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DM me if there's any other videos from them you're looking for!


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
I'm going to make a note here: I'm more than happy to help fulfill requests, but I now have quite a backlog! At this point, I am prioritizing specific video requests, because that's easy - just look to see if I have the video, or if I can find it, upload, boom, done. If you're asking for "anything from X performer", that's fine, just know that if I don't immediately jump on uploading stuff from them, it's not anything personal. I'll do my best to get around to non-specific requests when I have time. When I return home and have direct access to my archive server again, I'll be able to entertain more general requests like these a lot more easily, as I'll be able to directly (and quickly) dump entire folders to Bunkr or MEGA. Right now I'm doing stuff one video at a time (with agonizingly slow transfer speeds), which currently makes that impossible.

Thanks for your patience y'all :pepoLove:

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I have about half of these. Some of those are pretty new! I've added the ones I do have to the
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(or at least the first two, the latter two do not fit on Bunkr and were uploaded to MEGA), but here they are as individual links for your convenience:

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I know these performers and have some content from most of them - will work on uploading when I can. SelenaRyan in particular I have a fair bit of, but her stuff is going to take a while to upload, and likely require me to post to MEGA, as she shoots in 4K and as a result many of her vids are too big for Bunkr.

If you have specific video requests or generally want to expedite the process in the queue, I would encourage DMing me (I have a lot of upload requests at the moment :MEGALUL: )

EDIT: Here's the Selena Ryan album - this took a while 😩 It also doesn't include half of the videos I have, because they're over 2GB. Stay tuned, those will be posted to MEGA at some point.
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Lanalocks, I do have a fair bit of (in my files, I use her old performer name, Ashlynnelocks, for consistency reasons, just FYI), but most of these are pretty new to me. That said, I do have two out of four of those (and I definitely have my eyes peeled for the other two :D).
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As for Blazed Brat, I have all but one of those (I'm missing "Farts While Playing With Myself"). Two are too large for Bunkr, and can be found on MEGA
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. As for the other two:
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Unfortunately no, they're new to me (and my usual sources turned up nothing). Definitely another one I'm going to be keeping an eye on though 👀

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DSR is a performer I really like, and I have a fair bit of, but uploading her is going to take a while. For a lot of these other requests I have often been able to obtain videos from where I originally got them, instead of relying on my server with its agonizingly slow transfer speeds. For her, most of the content available elsewhere has been removed, so I am having to pull videos from my server one at a time (I am currently waiting on a 1GB video from her to transfer over - it's going to take 30 minutes 🙃 ). It's frustrating, because there are certain things I could do to improve this situation, but not without physical access to the machine (which I won't have for a few more weeks still :SadgeCry: ).

Anyway, here's the current DSR album:
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I'll also DM you with what I have of her, to see if there's anything specific you want me to prioritize!

KinkyKristi has been popular! I've uploaded quite a bit here:
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(and of course also refer to the links above in this very post!)

I don't think I have any MarieTheGasQueen that wasn't already available in the link you posted earlier, sorry :( I think I have exactly one of her videos. Newer performers (and especially OnlyFans exclusive performers) are often pretty tough to keep up with.

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Definitely, I've got a fair bit of her stuff. I will be uploading to this album (currently I've got a handful of vids in there), albeit slowly:
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For sure - it's mostly her older stuff though (some of them are definitely favorites of mine - "What? Girls Don't Fart!" especially). Here's the album I'll be uploading to:
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Whew, big post (sorry mods). Enjoy folks - I'll be doing my best to DM those of you with more general requests - if you don't hear from me, feel free to ping me there.
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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Sure do - Santana specifically is my preferred of the two. Debbie I'll have to DM you about.

Here's what I've uploaded of Santana at the moment:
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EDIT: Actually, I got around to grabbing everything I had/could find of Debbie as well, have at it!
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I had honestly never heard of this performer, and while my research was able to turn up exactly one fart video, the impression I get is that that typically isn't the type of content she makes (correct me if I'm wrong though!). I generally stay away from the performers who only dip into this fetish on occasion - by and large their clips are overpriced and not very good (Bree Essrig also comes to mind here 🙃).

Anyway, I'd assume you'd already have/be aware of the clip I found, but let me know if you'd like me to upload it.

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Ah, I was drawing a blank for a sec and then realized she's one of the performers that often gets uploaded by The Fart World. It looks like most of what I'd have is already available on
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. I am however currently subscribed to The Fart World, so if there's anything missing that you want, let me know :)

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These two I'll have to DM you about - I don't have anything directly on hand in my collection, but I do have access to a fair bit of their content (ebonybooty49 especially).

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Hey, I do what I can 😎

Lola Rae has never been one of my all time favorites or anything, but I enjoyed her stuff too, and whaddaya know, I do in fact have some of her vids kicking around:
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For Lola Rae, see directly above ^

As for DestinationKat, indeed I do! I like her as a performer in general, I think her fart vids are mostly so-so, but I keep them around. Here's the album (still a work in progress, uploading to it as I type this):
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Sad to say, no :( My cursory searches didn't turn up much either. Shame - hopefully someone out there has that stuff.
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Nov 27, 2022
DrFunTimes Could you please DM me if you can? I can't access your profile for some reason. In any case, I did look it up on coomer. There are some videos which cannot be accessed, since a tip is needed. Such as this:
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If you could send those ones over, that'd be very much appreciated. Also, I believe that Naughtybunny might have some content that you cannot find on thefartworld. I managed to get hold of another video for you guys btw, and I'm just speechless about this one.
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 30, 2022
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Yeah of course (I'm a bit of a sucker for redheads) :)

Her vids are pretty big in terms of file size though, uploading may take a bit. I was lucky with the last few requests for performers like Santana Redd, Debbie Disturbed, and Lola Rae, whose entire catalogues are almost entirely 540p or lower, and therefore no video weighs in at anything more than a few hundred megabytes. I was able to upload pretty much everything I had of all of them in a day. On the other hand, some of Kelly's videos are so big, they may require me to upload to MEGA. Anyway, I'll be working on uploading to this album:
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Do DM me if you have specific videos in mind from her though!

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...damn, thanks for sharing that one - I am a definitely a sucker for that particular camera angle. I'll DM you about the PPV videos - I don't have them either, but maybe we could coordinate on buying them?

And yeah, it does seem like she has a fair bit more content on her own page - I unfortunately don't have any of that. Though I am strongly considering subscribing at some point, I'll keep you posted :)

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She truly is - I would encourage you (or others who are interested in Rachelle) to DM me about her stuff. Once I get back to my archive server, I can definitely upload the purely fart content she has (of which she does have some - but she also has quite a few that proceed into shart/further territory, which may not be everyone's thing, and I am going to avoid uploading here due to site rules).

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Thanks for the assist, Kyuk-Nut! I think pretty much all of the content I have from SweetAries is from her ManyVids. So Sphinctersniffer, if there's anything you specifically want from MV that isn't on coomer, DM me to let me know. I'll start putting together a Bunkr album for her anyway, but I've got a few other requests I'm working on at the moment.

As for Harlee Reed, it doesn't seem like she makes a ton of this kind of content - it looks like I have maybe three videos I can share. If there's others out there, DM me and we can go hunting for them. But here's what I've got:
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Not much :( It looks like I have about seven vids that I could upload, five I cannot, and they're all from 2020 or older. I am happy to upload the seven, but if I had to guess you probably already have them/are aware of them? I'll DM you.

Also, on an entirely separate note, at what point should I/we start making individual threads for some of these performers? I understand that this fetish is somewhat niche, and might be best left "quarantined" to this thread, but I could also see a lot of potential benefit in splitting off threads for popular performers here. In particular, the newer OnlyFans performers, individual threads for them could be beneficial in helping coordinate content acquisition. Just thinking out loud.


Dec 5, 2022
Found a handful of $ugarbooty's content...

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