Simp Chat BoutineLA Girls Discussion Thread

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Cupid Ye

Bathwater Drinker
May 21, 2022
There escorting ring rumours have long been there at this stage. So the owner or someone at the company potentially blackmailing the girls go along with this in some way, or sell such material (why is there underage girls there?!) on the dark web or elsewhere wouldn't be overly surprising too.

I couldn't help but took note of the girls who broke away from BoutineLA, they never seem to be attached with the company ever again. You never really see the prominent ones like an Anna Louise or Hayley Maxfield be caught in their bikinis or ever mention the company ever again. Maybe it's a small thing to point out, but it raises an eyebrow.


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 2, 2022
^ well, Hayley Maxfield is not really a name to use in this case, she's got her own thing going on, she's a lil older and an awesome willing freak ...

feels like this story is more about attractive and fit (normal life) 18-20 year old girls, who are targeted b/c of how they appear on their instagram and tiktok posts, contacted by BountineLA and made to feel special that they look good enough to "model" for the brand, and then are taken advantage of in one way or another


Bathwater Drinker
Dec 10, 2022
I think it's a mixed bag.
Taylor Gallo says she feels to old to model for them now. She's getting closer to her mid 20s I think.
Some girls have definitely stayed away because of the behind the scenes stuff.
Some have been creeped out by some of the responses they get in the comments and their own DMs. I'm assuming that's why Boutine stopped tagging a lot of the models.
Some do return every now and then.
Some just moved on with life and started a family, or just got caught up in their own modeling stuff. These models may be looking to get paid a lot and Boutine isn't going to pay these models what they want. That's why they just go find new models who are willing to work for social media exposure.

I think Boutine needs to take a step back and rethink how they do certain things. For starters, if you're going to have shady people hanging around, don't have underage models there. Opening themselves up to a lot of problems.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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I'm willing to admit that maybe because I don't live near a beach, nor am I part of the same age demographic as the the girls that model for BoutineLA that I'm outside of the bubble that their bikini's cater too, so i'm coming at this with a bias.

But even giving a cursory glance at Boutine's Instagram shows that they're obviously catering to a male gaze. Their "highlights" section (those little circles under the bio) features two close-ups of a model's tits, two closeups of a model's ass, and only two others that show a woman with a face. and even then it's only from the waist up.

All of the bikini's are skimpy and modeld by skinny white girls. In fact, the very first photo as im writing this is a model with her ass pointed towards the camera wearing a thong bikini and the sixth post has models wearing tops that are pretty see-through. If you click on any of the posts, it's all men commenting.

Women-owned brands that cater to women show different cuts of bikini. Some are skimpy, some aren't, some are one pieces that cover more. They tend to show the entire model, showcase a wider range of body types, and offer different cuts. These are the types of brands women want to buy from.

Boutine by contrast, almost exclusively showcases skinny girls, that are white (or light-skinned latina), and are wearing thong bikinis with small tops.

So theoretically yeah, they're making money off selling cheap bikinis, but all their socials and brand image cater to a male audience. I find it hard to believe that when women want to buy a bikini, Boutine is where they're looking first.


Mar 12, 2022
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The female customer is buying BoutlineLA bikinis because it's aspirational - by buying them they're putting themselves on par with the attractive models. The male simp is following the brand to watch the eye candy model and gets names of who to follow on OnlyFans. The female model is modeling for exposure; for clout, for onlyfans, for their modeling portfolio and career, to be an influencer, to get validation that they are - in fact - pretty enough to be a BoutineLA model.

I have no idea how the economics of the company work. I do see them being worn on vacation but that's because the 'x' is recognizable. I have no idea what other brands I'm seeing that I just don't recognize; men's swimsuits seem to have giant logos along the leg - kinda cringe IMO. I'm sure the margins are pretty high on the suits, and I doubt they're paying the models very much - merch, exposure, etc. If I were wealthy it's certainly a brand I'd want to invest in - who cares about profit, you get access to a stream of attractive 20 year olds.


Tier 1 Sub
Nov 9, 2023


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 22, 2022


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 22, 2022