That’s exactly my point and from many others here.
These girls, and her in particular as well, are loudly complaining about how guys just make up these insane parasocial relationships with them (which they do tbf) and how they don’t want to be sexualized and seen in that way.
But then go fully for the we’re all friends and now I’m going to tell you about very private matters and even intimate stuff that is only a concern for her one loving and sexual partner!! but I’m going to yapper about it to almost millions of people.
Also here’s a video of a girl at the back of class having a crush on you. And here is a video of me with view from below to cradle you.
And here I’m literally gonna lick my fingers and rub them over your face…
Obviously very much things we all do with strangers and people we have a professional and distanced relationship with and not intimate at all.
Cue to shocked Pikachu face when they see themselves deepfaked, sexualized and with guys weirdly and unhealthy attached to them. (To be clear, some nut job guys do that and it’s bad and not their fault.)
But I’m talking about the wanting the cake to be just a professional YouTube influencer businesswoman and ew all men think of me as anything but …. and then also eating the cake of making more money from very intentionally fully playing into the please like my video because you’re my friend, please buy my merch because we’re friends, please buy my candles, books, because we’re such close friends, you mean so much to me now let me kiss your face virtually…
Glow and all the women in this forum have, as their fundamental business model, selling men a close friend but mostly romantic even sexual relationship.
They only make so much money because they build up an illusion of caring about us and wanting us to care enough about them to support them financially and generously so usually.
Because they love us so much and if we love them too it’s not too much to ask for more money.
Now Glow and enough of her colleagues are not comfortable being seen as borderline sex workers. They want the money it brings but not the public shame.
So what she and the others do is make a mental split so wide it’s spanning galaxies that no they aren’t selling a parasocial relationship to lonely men and women who want someone to care about them, no they’re just professional video makers or something ...I don’t know what these girls tell their moms what exactly their job is tbh. Something about mental health probably but ear eating and spit painting ain’t exactly semesters in a psychology course.
TLDR; Glow like many others in her situation, needs to sell us a close, even romantic relationship to get us invested enough in them and what they sell to us (merch, paid subscriptions, videos etc) to make these hundreds of thousands of dollars they so easily get used to having.
But they don’t like the label of sex worker or want guys seeing them like that, like they would see a girlfriend for example, a gf they’d spend money on. This leads to a massive mental split Glow has to do and an obviously very contradictory public perception
Hence all our collective annoyance here and complaining about their insane behavior and talking about weird or inappropriate things. Or even blaming their audience for their actual relationship issues...
OH sorry, I mean the actual TLDR really is, Glow and all these others are so beyond bored none of us can even begin to imagine how lonely, vapid and bored their lives are. There is terms for incels and all that but most of these influencer girls and guys are maybe financially well off but they are still social outcasts and losers themselves. Not saying that to be mean.
A lot of them are only successful online because they couldn't make anything else work.