We've only got 1 pussy reveal pic for now. Give it some time and we'll see her doing more. You can definitely tell she's super kinky with how she knows how to dress slutty and has given us all kinds of poses.I'm real happy she's not just doing headless content! She's moving so fast what are the chances we get some "good" videos you think?
Because pages now show 20 posts instead of 10Is it just me or did the main content page go from 8 pages to 4?
I update my Bunkrr whenever I remember. Still baffled by her deleting the first nipple pic.Yall better be archiving her shit. Can't be losing OUR version of Library of Alexandria, but in this case Ash's nudes.
Her stepdad died and we still got nipple, I'm optimisticremember when it was gonna be a set every friday?
she hit what, 2/6 of those so far lmao
You're entering the junkie phase.Her post this week was pretty disappointing.
I'm a junkie for saying it's disappointing she basically posted her twitter profile pic with her top slightly lower?You're entering the junkie phase.
In a month we've gotten more than we ever thought possible and you're complaining now? When you aren't even paying for it?