Discussion - Anyone else frustrated at how attached to porn they are? | SimpCity Forums

Discussion Anyone else frustrated at how attached to porn they are?


Jun 14, 2022
I frequently wonder why I’ve grown so attached to looking at porn. Why do I do this? Why do I come here?

It seems like a cycle where I regularly come here, check up on the threads for a specific OF lady and see if a new set has dropped. If it looks “bad”, I’m bummed out. But if it looks “good”, I might not even look at it. So, why do I even look at porn?

If I look at the discussion thread for an OF lady it’s either people complaining about her sets / ethic / personality / body / business practices, people counter-complaining and celebrating her every breath, or people doing a deep-dive analysis / speculation on her strategy for pricing sets / building interest. Why do I look at this meaningless garbage? Why do I fill brain space with this useless data?

Does anyone else feel a similar way to me? I feel as though most people on here are porn addicts, whether we’re aware of it or not. There’s no way this cycle is productive.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 13, 2022
Oh yeah, I am addicted. And now I am quite good. Ive had points in life where a lot of my free time centered about porn stuff. Not jacking off, no no, just porn. Just the tids, getting a good show, that was what I was looking for.

One of my biggest thrills in life was "thot hunting" for a while. I looked at subreddits and hastaghs for a girl that caught my eye. Check if it had an OF, look for leaks like a pig looking for truffles. Maybe weight in subscribing if she had a juicy deal. Repeat for the next girl. And I am not gonna lie, what drove me away was OF becoming a shittier scammier place lol specially when the pandemic opened the thot floodgates.

And not only that, I also loved checking "amateurs". Going to reddit, check some of the more casual "mild" subreddits for some hottie that looked like posting nudes, and checking all her post history just in case when it was NSFW tagged.

And dont get me started on how many girls I have fooled around with while I was into camsites. Always being a nice guy, made up a persona and all to try get some free boobie. I also paid, got my privates and shit, but the teasing was worth it. Back when it was less known, I pulled a shit ton of wishlist scams and simmilar with girls. Heck, I have a dozen different storied to tell, but most of those will make me look like an asshole.

And to sum it all up, how many times I go to online spaces to get some nudes, not only girls, guys too (swing both ways, more bang for the buck imo). Always integrating, finding the ones that looked easy prey, you know, daddy issues, dyed hair, soft pastel icons, list is big af, and just fool around with them, get some nudes, sext for a while, and after a few days get tired and go look for someone else.

So yeah, pretty much I got an addiction rolling