Simp Chat Animaechan banner


The beast
Mar 12, 2022
She seems to be exactly the type of girl who got tons of attention from guys whenever she wanted, and ended up being full of herself because of it, but what this type of girl doesn't realize is that all this attention is solely because they want to fuck someone and think she is the easiest.

And it got even worse when she started getting popular on youtube and having the horde of simps she has on that discord.

It's unbelievable how dumb she is, she can't stand to see the smallest possible idiotic comments that anyone else on the internet knows "just ignore the trolls".
But she doesn't, her ego is so absurdly gigantic that she needs to not only make half-hour videos talking about it, as well as talking at least 5 or 10 minutes in every other video about the same shit, and still always making sarcastic little comments referencing trolls opinions like a fucking child.


Mar 23, 2022
Remember during the George Floyd riots? She was actually against the BLM stuff. Now I don't care about your individual opinions on that, but I was kinda surprised. I remember messaging her on instagram asking like why she felt that way and doesn't she feel that black lives matter, or if theyre disproportionately targeted by police in the US - she didnt answer, she just sent some rebuttal videos against BLM. I dont remember the actual arguments. But yeah I was kinda surprised. Oh and no Im not making this up. Btw she follows Breitbart news agency, the ultra right wing, pretty much conspiracy theorist newspaper. I dont know how many of you followed her for that long, but do any of you guys remember her posting videos/posts against BLM at that time?


The beast
Mar 12, 2022
Yup. I've been following her since the beginning of her channel, and I remember that, but I kind of understand her in this case she was the type of person who was so pissed off for so long by all the bullshit on the left, that she was literally pushed to the right, there are a lot of people that this happened.

As a black guy myself, I don't think she's a bad person or racist or anything like that, she's just really dumb and she just didn't know how to interpret the meaning of things right at the time and balance the opinions around the situation in a way more coherent.

And as usual her gigantic ego doesn't let her even consider the possibility that she could be wrong.
And her stupidity is protected by the horde of her sims that she has around her always,
any criticism of her opinions is simply ignored or even banned.


Mar 23, 2022
Oh wow, okay, so you do remember. And yes completely agree with everything you said about her gigantic ego lol. It's weird how these types of personalities develop these cults around them. Ah well
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Mar 14, 2022
She fell into the alt-right grift hole and recommended me to watch some YouTuber who had a bunch of COVID is a hoax bs on his channel. But you know what, I get it. I am a very empathetic person and I understand how she got where she is. I don't agree with it but I'm not gonna cancel her over it.

But that's because she is stupidly hot and I can forgive a lot of things if the person is pretty. Not like I will ever personally meet her or actually know her so it's whatever at this point.
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Mar 23, 2022
That's a real shame that she does get away with all that bs - I mean, as a human, how do you learn if you can't conceive of the possibility that you could be wrong about something, it's sad

I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder and while I think she's really, really attractive, I, personally dont consider her stupidly hot. It's not really the type that gets me going. For me stupidly hot would be Emma Kotos or Lea Elui, like that type. But Animaechan, I agree, is really attractive in a cute way. Again, personal opinion. Im still going to watch her thread here regardless of what she says lol
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
As long as she doesn't talk she is great, but once that mouth open's it's over lol Like she actually found a way to make Madara's appearance and Fight with the 5 Kage's miserable with her reaction, had to unsub from her patreon. banner