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Simp Chat Aftynrose - Discussion Thread


Found a pornstar and thought she looked kinda like Aftyn if you squint a bit and thought some of the simps that miss Aftyn might like her, name's Bambi Brooks
....I'm not even going to point out how creepy this is lol no one has done all this because if she isn't making porn then who fucking cares lmao this is psychotic behavior. No actually normal people don't use their free time to track down E-Girls. Who cares what she's doing in her normal ass life if she's no longer making porn. Leave people alone.
Im probably not normal, but definitely not psychotic. And i've definitely wondered about a few of my favorites that just stopped making content just like HeyNowww said. Are they doing good, in a spicy new relationship, maybe making select videos for old clients? Wasn't too long ago after being frustrated of watching the same alex tanner vids over and over I wish I knew what she was doing. Definitely more of just fantasizing about her and some possible future content, but definitely real enough that I did a little research and tried to found out why they left or vanished in the first place.
I don't have many favorites that I can rewatch the videos too over and over, but tanners video's of blackmail, coming home drunk after a threesome were just epic to me.
!The Following is meant as a joke!
<But to be fair, if there are any psychos out there that hire the pi and find out the back and current story, whereabouts, possible future...
Then all of us non psychos would haven't to wonder anymore and prevent us from crossing the line to stalker/psycho (lmao)>
The only research i've ever done was reading through the discussion thread of this forum on a few pornstars. I've never attempted to contact any content creator or porn star.
I have been around long enough to see that once someone leaves the scene, they almost never return. This is what makes their current status a fantasy, as I like to imagine its just as hot as when they were still working and creating content.
I am sorry, I should never have replied to this comment as I definitely believe stalking or using a pi to obtain more information on people is wrong. My joke was in extremely bad taste since it only makes light of the point a few people were trying to point out about it being instrusive and crossing the line.
I am not looking to debate this any further. I just wanted to apologize and try to clarify my post a little more. I'd rather just delete the post completely but i'm pretty sure that my post would live on through the replies that have quoted my post.
twatard theproxima FlyPanAm
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Im probably not normal, but definitely not psychotic. And i've definitely wondered about a few of my favorites that just stopped making content just like HeyNowww said. Are they doing good, in a spicy new relationship, maybe making select videos for old clients? Wasn't too long ago after being frustrated of watching the same alex tanner vids over and over I wish I knew what she was doing. Definitely more of just fantasizing about her and some possible future content, but definitely real enough that I did a little research and tried to found out why they left or vanished in the first place.
I don't have many favorites that I can rewatch the videos too over and over, but tanners video's of blackmail, coming home drunk after a threesome were just epic to me.
But to be fair, if there are any psychos out there that hire the pi and find out the back and current story, whereabouts, possible future...
Then all of us non psychos would haven't to wonder anymore and prevent us from crossing the line to stalker/psycho (lmao)
For most people common sense and and a relatively firm grasp on reality keeps them from crossing the line into stalker behaviour. You gotta get another hobby, man.
Im probably not normal, but definitely not psychotic. And i've definitely wondered about a few of my favorites that just stopped making content just like HeyNowww said. Are they doing good, in a spicy new relationship, maybe making select videos for old clients? Wasn't too long ago after being frustrated of watching the same alex tanner vids over and over I wish I knew what she was doing. Definitely more of just fantasizing about her and some possible future content, but definitely real enough that I did a little research and tried to found out why they left or vanished in the first place.
I don't have many favorites that I can rewatch the videos too over and over, but tanners video's of blackmail, coming home drunk after a threesome were just epic to me.
But to be fair, if there are any psychos out there that hire the pi and find out the back and current story, whereabouts, possible future...
Then all of us non psychos would haven't to wonder anymore and prevent us from crossing the line to stalker/psycho (lmao)
Or like, just stop coping. She retired, she's not coming back, move on.
But to be fair, if there are any psychos out there that hire the pi and find out the back and current story, whereabouts, possible future...
Then all of us non psychos would haven't to wonder anymore and prevent us from crossing the line to stalker/psycho (lmao)

This isn't funny, and it shows you have an extremely unhealthy attachment to the pornstars and content creators you jo to. You shouldn't be wondering how these people are doing, and definitely shouldn't be wondering to the point that you're wanting to know information that only a private investigator would be able to collect for you – which you just admitted to wanting. The only difference between you and someone who would hire a PI for this is that they're not too cheap to pay for it. You clearly want the same thing they do.

It's not just that you're not normal, which no, you aren't. It's that this is profoundly unhealthy. That's not even up for debate.

You say you're not psychotic, but I'm not sure you understand what psychosis is. Psychosis is the inability to distinguish between reality and what is not real, because of delusions or hallucinations. I'm going to be honest; you're teetering very close to delusions in your post. Very, very close. Your perception of boundaries is way, way off... both in terms of the performer's boundaries, but also in terms of how much you're letting them into your life. Even if the part I'm quoting was a joke – and it wasn't, it was one of those things where you try and pass off how you're really feeling as a joke – it wouldn't be an appropriate thing to joke about. The only thing you should need to prevent you from "crossing the line" into stalking someone is yourself, in terms of knowing that's not ok and also not having such an intense attachment to someone that you would want to. Period.

I would encourage you to get help and see a therapist. I say this not to make fun of you, but because you deserve to be healthy and be able to have normal relationships.

I'm also not willing to really debate this. I'm telling the truth. If you don't like it, trying to argue with me won't change anything. You know deep down that I'm accurately describing you. I hope you are able to recognize your own self-worth enough that you won't lie to yourself and say everything is ok.
Did she stop cause of her marriage?
She stopped because she was renovating her basement for a recording studio, at least that was the reason she gave. Personally I think that she was overwhelmed with the content she was producing, both quality and quantity. As well as the attention it was getting her. I mean her last upload was 8 finished videos, that's 2 months of finished content she posted at once. To me that was the sign she was throwing in the towel for good. Could her engagement and eventual marriage have contributed to her wanting to stop, maybe, but so far we have no real clue as to what really caused her to stop.
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