Simp Chat Aella_Girl / Abigail Glass Discussion Thread


Mar 11, 2022
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She uses the high prices as a filter. Those willing to pay want her, specifically. The thing she's really been trying to find for the last 2-3 years has been a husband / sugar daddy. From her interview with Lex Friedman (among others) it is clear, when reading between the lines, that what she wants 'a man of high status' because status is the thing she's supposedly attracted to. But she doesn't believe in love, and her Poly nature is entirely there so that she can upgrade to someone better, should they come along. She's not dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud, but Lex does a good job of pinning her down with questions and she has no good answers to evade.

Part of why she charges so much (she claims) is to get rid of the shame of having fucked someone 'lower status'. She knows that someone high status would be offended/disgusted to learn that she fucked George the lowly IT worker. So, instead, she says she charges a high rate, and then, 'obviously' only people who could afford her would be high status as well, and thus, that new high status partner wouldn't feel like he was digging around in common ore. From a marketing/mentality standpoint, it does make sense.

If you're high status and you want a weekend with her, I doubt you'll pay 24k. If you're a nobody worker who pulls down 6 figures and lives cheap, you'll probably end up paying that 6k rate. That's just my gut feel though.

Or, to put it another way, she wants guys in that $100mill+/year range. At 1k/hr, that's 'only' 8.76 mill/year. So if you paid her to be your 24x7 servant, it'd cost you less than 10% of your yearly income. Like...that's nothing to those people. It's a rounding error to them. That is the sort of people she wants to be with long term, because she knows she won't be hot forever, and she wants to lock in with some guy who will make her not need to find a normal source of income.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Just read this whole thread. If true her rates are insane. Frankly she's not or is any woman worth what she's asking. Even pornstars who know how to fuck your brains out charge half of what she does. Beside any man with that much money is probably not gonna want a woman with her baggage and history.


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 8, 2022
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Some years back, people used to go absolutely apeshit over her posts on reddit where she did nerdy / goofy stuff. Like, "OMG, you're the funniest, hottest girl I have ever seen in my life" type fawning. Like hundreds, or a thousand or more redditors saying that in every submission she made. But it was like, REALLY dumb shit where she would do mime, play accordion nude, or do something or another with yard gnomes. She was like the naked Weird Al to them or something. I think that planted a seed in some soon to become crypto millionaire types that she was their ultimate dream girl.

Having said that, I don't think anyone is paying 24K for 24 hours. Those are aspirational prices. Even the wealthiest are probably paying a few thousand at most to fuck her and then sending her on her way.
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Oct 15, 2023
I just love how curious she is, even if she asks really strange questions. Feels like the only girl in sex work that I actually know what their personality really is like. Shes too insane and reddit for me but idk I understand the simps that worship her cuz she's definitely not just a cookie cutter slut.
Oct 15, 2022
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Hate to admit it but at the risk of everyone calling me a dumb simp, I would 100% pay to spend two hours with her. Idk why I like her so much, I follow much hotter women, but something about Aella makes me feel funny down there, plus the fact that it is actually possible to have sex with her (for a price) makes me so intrigued. I’m not gonna, but if I ever do, I promise I will come here straight after and share my experience (but I’m not gonna I’m just daydreaming)