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Mar 26, 2022
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I said basically this same thing over on 's forum. She hid the crazy until she had a decent following. Now, she truly doesn't give a shit what people think and just wants that bag.

I wonder if her first PPV did well. Just because it hasn't leaked doesn't mean it didn't sell. I wonder this because I expected her to go silent for months after the 1st pic, but this is a pretty damn quick follow up. Is she seeing dollar signs?


The Webslinging Beast!
Mar 11, 2022
Isn't this the girl the had a mental break on one of hear RDR2 videos? Like she went after her subs or something. I remember the video because it was in my recommendations tab in YouTube. It was a funny
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Mar 26, 2022
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The thing with wokeness is, to work/fool people, you have to not get caught saying/doing dumb shit. And she does not hide her hate/hypocrisy well. And as long as she has a loyal simp following, it'll never catch up to her. She has a very strict playbook: Say/do stupid shit, then when called out, downplay, deflect, and finally ignore/move on.

She literally did this in the comments of her most recent reaction. Some dude called her out on some things that I really didn't have too much issue with, but her reply was textbook Tofu. I'm surprised she didn't pull her other trick: Screenshot the convo and post it on Twitter so her cult can tell her she's in the right.


Mar 26, 2022
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It's been sooo long since I've seen her RDR2 vids. But, I don't recall her going after people. The closest I can remember to her doing something like that is in her RDR1 finale. After *The Big Spoiler* happens, she says "You guys know I just lost my cat and am sad. You hounded me to play this game and this is what you knew was coming"? I don't think she was being serious, but if she was :ddHuh:


Mar 26, 2022
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Well, people have said she's emotionally underdeveloped. I just found it odd that she brought up her deceased cat because my recollection of the timeline was that cat was long since passed and she had a new adopted cat while filming that.

I understand getting over a pet is hard but if all it took was an unrelated videogame moment to set me off, I'd never consume any media ever again.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Oh the timing lol, I just made a thread too. Please delete mine lol


Mar 26, 2022
Yeah, sorry mods, lol. I'm use to 's forum where a discussion thread is somewhat redundant because the reply feature collapses comments to keep the thread tidy. I figured we'd get relocated. Once again, sorry mods.


Mar 26, 2022
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It's gonna be hard for her to break free with her followings forgetfulness. She got called out on her Will Smith tweet, pulled a victim card and 3 days later, it was never mentioned again.

And yes, I appreciate beauty. You could argue in Tofu's case, it's all I appreciate about her. Haven't clicked on her YT in like 2 years. One video every 3 months ain't cuttin' it. And trying to trick me into believing you worked your ass off on said late video irks me. Seriously, read the description on her American Psycho reaction. 170 hours :KEKWlaugh: and 6 editors. Ever heard the saying "Maybe the problem is you"?


The Webslinging Beast!
Mar 11, 2022
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Nope and actually I remembered it was at the end of her red dead 1 gameplay and she was going off on how her followers wanted her to do the ending of the game knowing it would make her cry. Saying they forced her to play it. Nobody forced this girl to play it especially edit and post it to her channel. Just crazy


Mar 26, 2022
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I think I remember that vid. It was after a relationship in the game ended or something and she said "youre the one who decided to leave because you got bored" and her voice sounded like it was about to crack. But my recollection is, she WAS talking about the game's characters but it was verrry clearly about her ex.

Hindsight being 20/20, I now have a theory. The ex didn't get bored, he got fed up. Which tracks because that man looked miserable anytime he was around her. I even remember one time on stream she shouted at him to get out of her room while she was streaming. It wasn't a psychotic "get the fuck ooouuut!" but it was pointed and annoyed. But another time he was helping put up a shelf and she was fine. So, doing something for me? Sunshine and rainbows. Merely in my presence? How dare you insult the queen.
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Mar 26, 2022
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Falling out? Like, rumors or something? I did notice her and Marz used to be in each others tweets but very quickly stopped.

Marz is another I have distaste for but not because of a bad reason. It's as you said, the Twitch BS. She use to pay attention and give her thoughts on playthroughs. Now, it's a 4 hour long chatfest/hangout with games as background noise. Even story games. I remember when the Yuffie DLC for FF7R came out. After I finished, I was on the hunt for playthroughs and discussion but no one had a fuckin' PS5 to play it. Imagine my surprise when Marz streamed it. I hate streams and VODs but I knew she was a Twitch girl now and wasn't about to wait for her to edit and upload. Watched the VOD and decided Im done with her. It was nonstop talking and worse, at the end less than 2 minutes of comments if any. Literally immediately went "So, Dead By Daylight?" and went to a mindless MP shitshow. Which was strange because before she was Twitch, she enjoyed her FF7R playthrough.

At least with Marz you know why she moved to Twitch. It's money now, yeah, but initially my theory was loneliness. She used to be engaged. Her fiance did an A Way Out playthrough with her. Suddenly, I noticed her ring was gone. She noticed we noticed and announced the separation in a vid. So, she went from having a partner to potentially no one. Enter Twitch, and here we are. I like Marz. She seems genuine and like a real class act. But there's a sadness to her and her smile. And also the eyes. "The eyes chico. They never lie." So, there's good reason for the move, but it still fuckin' sucks.


Mar 26, 2022
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In reference to the smile, I can see it being deception but I more meant it looks like a half smile. Like "Im suppose to look happy in this situation, better smile." Could be manipulation, could be depression, which would track with what you just said about the crying. You seem more versed in their streaming lives than I. I just can't do streaming. Im a skip through the bs to get to the stuff Im here for person. Can't do that live, lol.

There's really only two people I can stand live and it's due to their humor. Avoidingthepuddle and Uborhaxornova. Anyone else bores me quick.

You should check out this Youtuber called Strawberry Farmer. She's cute (to me anyway, I have an eclectic taste) seems genuine and actually, y'know, discusses the game she plays. She does mention burnout/mental health issues a tad (can't seem to get away from that these days) and very briefly pondered starting a Twitch, which worried me, but so far, to my knowledge, Youtube exclusive.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 15, 2022
IIRC she's mentioned that she has ADHD but I think she's also bi-polar. I watched that RDR1 video you guys were talking about and it's pretty alarming. She's a crying, babbling mess then switches to her normal voice seconds later and starts speaking calmly. She hires and fires editors non-stop, hates her mom but then posts pics with her, deletes tweets when she gets called out then cries about it, sub tweets other streamers constantly etc.

I think the whole group that came up around the same time (Marz, Tofu, SRG, Agirlandagame, Alyska, NukaEle etc.) fell apart after Briana (SRG) started to do her own thing after the FF7R announcement and moved to Twitch. Nowadays they just stream on Twitch and rarely post on YT, Agirlandagame is the only one who still does YT videos consistently. There was also a Youtuber named EmJems who had a "early Marz like style" and was apart of their little group but she just straight up disappeared from YT & Twitter one day and hasn't been back.


Mar 13, 2022
Personally I think tori is a drug addict. she use to have post a long time ago in drug addict groups on reddit where she would pretend to be an expert at helping people get rehabbed. and I once saw caleb reference her drug use as a major problem and one of the main reasons he left her. Ive done the calculations, she works at most 10 hrs a week and it's hard for her to even do that much. back when she was living off caleb she only put in about 4hrs of work a week. she has always put in the bare minimum to pay her bills then zones out in strange ways that makes it look like shes getting high. she slips so many times where drug use can be the only explanation.


Mar 25, 2022
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Just to clarify, although I wouldn't usually get involved in such a cringe thread, the reddit user 'queentofu' that made the posts on drug subreddits is not tori. They have the same username but you can see from pictures she has posted that she is clearly a different person:

I just wanted to make this clear as A) its pretty unfair to use this as 'evidence' when you clearly haven't actually looked too far into it and B) its a reminder that its probably not a good idea to base your idea of a person on what some parasocial anon in a discussion thread on a porn forum has to say about them. banner