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Simp Chat MaimyNyan Parasocial Activity Thread


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
you cant buy a movie and resell it. Thats copyright violation. You bought the ability to view it not distribute. Out of curiousity though, can you not buy like prepaid visa cards to pay for that stuff? Get banned from onlyfans just make a new account?
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 4, 2022
banning people from OF seems like a double edged sword especially if they were consistently buying stuff. its like yeah you stopped a leaker but now you've also cut yourself off from revenue.


Aug 29, 2022
US intellectual property law is extremely complicated. As illogical as it may seem, Mordred does not actually own any of the custom content he purchased from maimy. (Unless they entered into a written contract designating her as an independent contractor creating a work for hire to be owned by him, which I will presume is not the case. I'll also presume that maimy actually filmed the content herself - if a third party did the filming, then it gets even more complicated. I won't even get into who may own the content as between maimy and onlyfans....) Maimy retains the copyright over the customs she sent to Mordred. The agreement, which was surely never formalized in great detail, was implicit that she was providing the content for his personal use. The creator subsequently selling the same custom material to other people, though ethically dubious, is perfectly within their rights, but the recipient remains subject to the creator's rights.

That all said, whether maimy would ever chase down Mordred for violating the copyright is quite unlikely and I doubt the penalty would be terribly severe. But who knows.

tl;dr - I understand the reticence to share custom material that one thinks could be traced back to them since the only way to be sure you're not going to get burned is by not violating the copyright.....


Mar 14, 2022
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If you can name me any successfully prosecuted instances of lawsuits in the vein you describe, then I will be more than willing to entertain the premise of your argument. However, you would then need to explain to me how these women are able to successfully claim copyright over an individual leaker in court while simultaneously stealing and playing copyrighted music by legitimate musicians in 90% of the OF videos out there. Onlyfans as a company pays lip service to the idea of abiding by and upholding copyrights. All they will ever do is issue a DMCA complaint (this site and others like it show how toothless that is) and turn a blind eye to the blatant disregard for actual copyright infringement by its own "creators" (that word is so pretentious; and that's coming from someone who uses polysyllabic words at every possible opportunity). Also, do me a quick favor will ya? Can you find the Onlyfans TOS for me, then will you go ahead and print it out (double sided to save trees of course). If you could then just wipe your ass with it for all the good it will do you, that'd be great, thanks.

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If you had a girlfriend (I know you don't, but just make-believe for me for a sec.) and you took nude photos of her consensually, you could do as you please with said photos since you are the legal owner of them (i.e. jilted lovers and revenge porn exist). What I am talking about exists in the vast legal grey zone between that and your weak attempt at Straw-Manning my argument with the whole, "buying a movie and reselling it is illegal" thing. By the way, you absolutely can buy a movie and resell it. I know, wild right? Please don't be alarmed, but I come from a time and place where you could purchase a physical copy of any entertainment media, and do whatever you wanted with it (RIP Gamestop/Blockbuster). And as to your question: yes, yes you can. It just takes that little bit of extra legwork to sign up for the other cards/new account.


Bathwater Drinker
Feb 26, 2022
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I'm not following. She isn't an employee of OnlyFans, she is an independent contractor. Unless she signed some exclusivity deal with OnlyFans, they have no claim over any content she doesn't publish to their site.

Not only that, but none of this would ever be enforceable. Let's say I purchased a custom video from Maimy, and years later it ends up posted by someone who says they were the recipient of the video. How do you tie that to me? What if SHE leaked the video, or someone close to her did, or gave it to someone else? Or had it stolen during some wild robbery in the Canadian wilderness? Or what if someone stole it from me?

This is all theory craft anyways. As it's already been said, it's one thing to have a custom video and choose to keep it to yourself because it's yours, you paid for it, fuck anyone else. It's another thing to want everyone else to know you have a custom video, and tease the forum with little tidbits with no plans to leak (this is a leak site, after all).

I'm not saying he's obligated to share, or doesn't have the right to tease everyone like Maimy does. I'm just pointing out that we are free to draw inferences regarding those actions.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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There are so many markers that companies use to identify you online nowadays. It is very difficult to get back on OF once you've been banned but it can be done.

I've read about this is other forums, and dudes who have been banned have had to get virtual credit cards, generate a fake name and address, use Tor / Tails / VPN, use a different computer-- all sorts of shit.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 24, 2022
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Damn, if you want it so much, just ask nicely, I'm sure he's a respectable guy. I'd start with:

Hey mordred3, would it be possible to share anonymized versions of the customs you got from Maimy? We all know Mai's like super lazy so she's not gonna do any legal stuff, she can barely furnish a room lol. At least if not for freeloaders like myself, do it for righteous guys like ConstantiusGallusCaesar and Kurat, y'know? They only tried to help, but they're punished as well! Also, you do know that for every day you don't upload the customs, Maimy is harassed and doxxed more? Do you really want to die with that in your conscience? Regardless, senpai, I know you, even though you act all tough, I know deep inside, you would liberate all our blue balls with a single bunkr link. Daddy you like anime? Will you upload if I.. I, pretty pwease uwu? I'm not gay but I'd do stuff if you want me to, you just have to ask alright? Just c'mon bro, upload customs bro, it's that easy! I can even help you out in anonymizing, trust me bro. Not to threaten, but if you don't send it in the next 24 hours, I,.. nevermind. Thx in advance! Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day ahead!

See how the above conveys the despair and angst in a more direct and progressively escalating tone as opposed to the off-handish pseudo-intellectualism and an understanding of copyright law of a sophomore paralegal? Also I'd refrain from shooting the hand that (could) feed you, just in case.

PS: in all seriousness, if she actually doesn't come back, it just means she moved on in life and wouldn't care for legal diligence, like Aftyn. I just uploaded one to the Aftyn thread that literally starts with "Hi Dan" lol.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 30, 2023
I mean. The mere fact that he mentioned he got customs should be enough to make her realize who's this dude, so it's no use to try and pretend to have unreleased stuff, just post it.
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Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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Is it necessary to be disrespectful? If you buy a PPV and then livestream it they shut it down. The company strikes your video claims your profits

Blockbuster paid 40% of the rental fees to the studios as royalties. I never said i agreed or disagreed to copyright things or whether he should post them or not. I just was saying i understand why he would be hesitent
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Diamond Tier
Nov 27, 2022
My intention was just to share clips that won't make it obvious who/which customs it's from, to the homies on this thread to break up the boredom a bit during the drought. I figured there was no harm to you all, since the end result is there being a bit more content out there than there otherwise would be, but evidently many were offended. I didn't even want any clips on the main content thread as I feel they don't deserve to be there amongst full vids, and Caesar does such an awesome job with that thread that I think it should mostly be his domain (his Roman Empire, if you will).

I don't care about credit, attention, or being offered stuff in DMs - if I did, I'd actually put effort into pursuing those things. I've always just tried to chime in honestly to add context if there's something being discussed I know about, and to otherwise enjoy some lighthearted bullshitting with the bros. Assume whatever you like and insult me if it makes you feel better. Y'all always find a way to overanalyze simple fun and turn it into a hassle. Peace.