
Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
yeah she is for sure i'm still in discord and would watch sometimes , but it's mostly people saying how good she is if you say something bad you would get ban kicked for sure xD
like her getting banned for obvious reason crying she did nothing wrong and all discord be twitch is dumb ( not wrong twitch is dumb) she never say she made a mistake.
for clara i don't know what happened just that they don't like eachother i think and she just didn't post anything on twitter.
sometimes in discord i see stuff i laugh i could say stuff but rather get a good laugh stay in the background


Tier 1 Sub
May 4, 2022
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I'm not gunna share because ms. opportunist would probably waste my time in court seeing how she is very sue and threatening happy if she saw all this. We're probably in the same discord though full of ex dc4l people

Yea I think it's for the attention now. He can't help himself, hell maybe he even gets to hit.
God I hated chilly and his group of people he brought in just to try and get pussy. Man was a grade A douchebag. My guess is he hit and realized it wasn't worth it or got tired of being led on. He gifted to juju and Dan didn't like that. On one of his trying to buy clout tweets he was giving money away and Dan commented on the post "why don't you give the money to the streamer you're trying to fuck" or something to the nature. Since then chilly peaced the fuck out.


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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she threatened to sue that guy that clipped her stretching with the warzone draft pick thing, and then of course deleted the tweet. She said on stream she sent it to her lawyer though. It's funny how she tries to act like she doesn't have money (which we all know is a lie, she's bringing in at least 200k a year between twitch and her OF page now, probably more) but she has like 3 different managers and all these big money people she can turn to lol.

I knew chilly was a clown from day 1 by the way he acted like he was a big shot donating 50-100 subs at a time. It's like got money, good for you man that doesn't make you special lol and you're just throwing it away to a girl that doesn't give 1 fuck about you. I saw those tweets too, I thought she was joking at first but then I noticed he wasn't there anymore.


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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I don't feel used (I also never gave her any money or anything, just watch hours) it's just she exposed her true colors in the past year or so, basically when she started doing hot tub streams and turned into an e-girl tbh lol. She showed how money hungry (nothing wrong with wanting money, it's how she did a 180 of what she was) and self-centered she is and if you don't make her priority # 1 in your life she has no use for you. So now I think I still watch her because I want to see the crash and burn part and laugh with y'all about it lol.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
i saw here tweet saying happy birthday to fifakill that guy is another thing i think, like looks like so many tries to match them. she pretty much ignored him he won a 100k tourney the next day she tweet at him hey bb need to chat soon. i have no clue how they even know each other and whats their relation, but she got called out from that he won big now you want to talk. maybe i would know who you guys are but we are on a site we don't want someone to find us xD
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Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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They were in a co-ed warzone duos (basically she wanted a sweaty cod pro to carry her to a win lol.) sometime last year. So she's actually talked to him for a while before he won the 100k.

but again, she talks to all these COD streamers and wants to be involved in that space when she doesn't even play anymore lol


Tier 1 Sub
May 4, 2022
I've gifted well over 5k worth to her. Only thing I regret is not knowing who she was sooner. I thought she was a good person and I don't mind supporting good people. Mostly because I believe ln her. I thought she was going to pave the way for female streamers by holding zero tolerance and respecting herself. Then she just stop caring and wore more revealling clothes and prayed on the gifters. She was a different person in the beginning or just better at hiding who she was. I just thought she had possession and controlling issues. When she started all the matching gift subs and shit on the wall for subs is when I slowed down. Especially because she was complaining more and would jump right off when she got her "goal". It was clear she didn't give a fuck about anything but money. That's also around the time she started having "issues" with me. I genuinely hung out with the community because it was fun. When it stop being fun I stop being as active There are good people there even if they're spineless. Image how fucked up you must be if your own brother doesn't fuck with you. She made it seem like it was him. Now it's clear she is the one making bad choices and he doesn't want his children around that. Also dad is an enabler, I wonder what he would think of these videos. I too am watching and waiting for the crash and burn. Banned what 6 times already? I told the people that are still catering to her that once she gets what she wants or she gets banned off twitch she will disappear you'll see exactly how much she values you as a "friend".


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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damn 5k is no joke lol. All of us who watched her pre-Nick Mercs viral video thought highly of her. Remember when she wouldn't even show her butt to stream? lol I really don't know what happened to her, from what she was back in 2020 and early 2021 to what she is now is the craziest transformation I've seen. The money and attention had to have corrupted her, that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

She has 2 brothers and neither one of em want anything to do with her lol. Her mom thinks she's a whore, and she wants to get her mom into therapy to try to convert her into accepting her being on OF lol. I don't think her dad knows exactly what she's doing on OF, there's no way he fully knows unless somebody sent them something. I remember her saying her mom or brother (the one closest to her in age) sent them her first topless pic when she first started her OF page in June and she hasn't had a real relationship with her mom since lol. If her family knew what was doing now on OF, they would disown her if they haven't already 100 %.

I noticed that too, as soon as she hits her sub goal she says she has to go all of a sudden lol. As far as the people still donating to her that you know, I guess they just can't see her for what she is and still think she's that old Dan from Apex/early warzone days.


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
somebody just donated 150 subs to her in like 10 minutes lol smh

make that 250 subs...good god lol


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 18, 2022
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I think ever since she collabed with HeelMike and the girls it brought in more people some of them trolls...I imagine they are reporting her streams constantly trying to get her banned. She needs to be careful or she'll end up doing it herself when she does stupid shit again after getting banned numerous times, playing the victim and then apologizing to Twitch on Twitter saying "she'll do better" lol. Rinse and repeat.