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Discussion Worst Experience with a pornstar/model?

With all respect man, get a hold of yourself. These people are not your friends, you are income to them. Period.

If I spent even $1000 on a woman, I'd expect multiple custom videos made to my specifications with a good degree of effort. Never think that they are your friends, they are at home thinking, oh look this creep wants to pay me for this lazy shit. Believe me, I've been on the other side of the fence, (I was photographer/editor and organizer for a girl I was fucking's foot fetish account) reading and responding to messages with the girl, making plans for how to get more money from big spenders. Even when these girls are making hundreds of dollars for the equivalent of an hour or two's work, they are whining about having to do anything. They think you are a freak and simply care about how much they can make off you. When you say even $1,000, we're talking like what people make working 40+ hours in a week in high GDP countries, thats even more hours in countries with worse economies. $7,000 is just nuts man.

Value yourself more man, stop wasting money on these hoes, and if you do, at the very least get value for your money. Lastly, a lot of this industry is tainted by 'paypigs' weird masochist freaks who get off on giving money to women and being insulted and abused. Women see them as the easiest source of money and they get used to the mentally abusive behavior they use on them and think that it will magically work on the 99% of normal horny men as well. Do not fall prey to it or you are just like them.
Man thanks for letting me know the truth about other side. I didn't think anything about this. I used to think i was helping her in life. First few months i didn't give her money but after that she use to emotionally blackmail me, that's what I think now. It's been so hard for me. I didn't have anyone to talk to about this. I Was fallen into her trap man. I have to get out of it. I used to think she love me. But now i think about it after your message, she only think me as a creep or looser. I just wanted some connection from her nothing much. And last few months with her was so horrible, whenever i tip her she doesn't acknowledge it. Emotionally blackmail me in messages like i didn't care about her and like she didn't reach her goal of money this month. This things Take real toll on me. And when i said i don't have money. She stopped talking and eventually blocked me. Well it's all for good. I learned my lesson. That a whore is whore they doesn't deserve respect.
Well said. Had it explained to me by cam-models multiple times, paying for anything sexual crosses a line that to her sees you become a creep, dumb bastard, loser, etc., to be exploited as much as possible, full stop. And that's fine tbh as long as you're buying and getting the content/services you want. But, basic civilities aside, that's it, $ transactions in the context of a 'relationship' that only exists as long as you keep paying. Not sure about paypigs having much impact tho, there's probably as many if not more guys claiming they are hoping to trick free shit off models. Instead, I'd argue lots of models are show ponies for whom shitting on customers - even if only under their breath - helps them manage what sex work entails and does to their own sense of self.
At first i didn't wanted any of this. She is the one started all this relationship thing. But i was a fool and fall for her trap . I used to think i was supporting her. But i was encouraging her behaviour. In the time before i was blocked she doesn't even respected that if I tip her or not. She doesn't even acknowledge it. No one knows how hard people have to work for money and if they are giving you for free you should atleast respect them . That's the straw that broken me. After that i have stopped giving her anything.
Those women offer a service, that's it. If you like the service, buy it. But you wouldn't just gift your hairdresser 2000$ just because. I give my hairdresser an appropriate amount of money for their work and a tip when they did a great job and all that.

Stop falling for parasocial relationship bullshittery.
Man thanks for letting me know the truth about other side. I didn't think anything about this. I used to think i was helping her in life. First few months i didn't give her money but after that she use to emotionally blackmail me, that's what I think now. It's been so hard for me. I didn't have anyone to talk to about this. I Was fallen into her trap man. I have to get out of it. I used to think she love me. But now i think about it after your message, she only think me as a creep or looser. I just wanted some connection from her nothing much. And last few months with her was so horrible, whenever i tip her she doesn't acknowledge it. Emotionally blackmail me in messages like i didn't care about her and like she didn't reach her goal of money this month. This things Take real toll on me. And when i said i don't have money. She stopped talking and eventually blocked me. Well it's all for good. I learned my lesson. That a whore is whore they doesn't deserve respect.
The entire system is made to take advantage of lonely men. We're all horny, but the people who are lonely and think they've got a friendship or romance are really abused for it. I remember I got close with an ex-stripper turned onlyfans girl from the UK, I only reached out to her because she was saying she was suicidal. I normally just treat them like the skanks they are, but I talked her out of her suicidal mood and she said she felt better and acted affectionate with me and would speak with me off and on. After I tried to speak to her a year or less later, she treated me as if she didn't know who I was at all.

The sad truth of the matter is that hot women are usually mentally very ill in the same way that children can be damaged from being spoiled too often. Hot women will get their way constantly in situations where they are completely in the wrong because many times guys are holding out and ignoring their flaws because they're waiting for the sex at the end that they think will make it worth it. The sex usually isn't even very good because hot women rarely think about pleasing their partner, so when fucking them they are like dead fish and don't really move or do much at all.
Just consider how many times police, teachers, men their age, older men, even kids will act extra nice to them. The last hot girl I was involved with was getting offers from older men non-stop to be their sugar daddies. Then think of how many privileges and perks they've received as a result. That is not going to create a mentally sound person, but instead somebody way entitled with a huge ego that sees men as tools to get money and things they want.
Over 10 years ago, it the only time i gave money to a streamer btw, i bought a private show while she was live, and she insisted on doing it in front of everyone. I raged and left, accepting it as a lesson learned.
thats fine, you brought up your own worst experience. Thats what this thread is about. All the other generalization of the industry and people in it, is not. Having one bad experience with a cam/model/porn star doesn't mean that everyone will give you the same experience.
I was sharing this because, i wanted to let guys know that no matter how much you spend on them. It will not be enough. Their goal post will always shift. So i just wanted to earn guys like me to not to fall for this kind of shit. Especially in this time. Please be kind to your money. I lost mine but i learnt a very valuable lessons. I used to think other models are different who are not certified pornstars. But i guess i was wrong. Everyone's same. Trying to scam lonely guys. Please beware of these kind of models. At first they seems to be sweet but they are very cunning.
Neah. You got played, your experience isn't represenative even if some of us have encountered something similar. So we can understand and symphathise, but the lesson isn't about 'them', it's about us being realistic and sensible with our expectations; it's a $ transaction, that's it. By contrast if you paid for X and got dick, then that's a bad experience worth sharing and name names, whereas thinking all those tips made things "special" and had meaning, well, that's on you tbh.
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Can confirm. She's what I suppose refer to as a feminaziwhore. Whether you're a paying customer or not you're a misogynistic pig no matter what you say. I think we have Dan Bilzarian and James Deen to thank for that.

To be fair, Dan Bilzerian was the person that literally threw Janice Griffth from the balcony and James Deen is the guy that punched Yhivi into the stomache during a scene leading her to quit porn



https://www.*Blacklisted site*/a/7qQOBsaj
To be fair, Dan Bilzerian was the person that literally threw Janice Griffth from the balcony and James Deen is the guy that punched Yhivi into the stomache during a scene leading her to quit porn



https://www.*Blacklisted site*/a/7qQOBsaj

What the actual fuck! Why is he punching her??? Nothing sexy about that. Probably a power play by this cowardly fuck. Has she not told him not to punch her, it’d never occurred to him.
reading through some of these recent posts reminds me when kissa sins and i use to chat a bit on twitter. she even fallowed me at one point and i was never rude to her in any way and was very suportive. i remmber one time where she talked to me for abit about how lonely she felt because Johnny had left on a plane for awhile for work. she seemed pretty cool at times then one day i just simply asked her why they were forcing her to wear high heels near a pool because i was a bit concerned she might fall or slip. she insults me like i was a dog and blocks me. after that you learn pretty quickly there is something mentally wrong with alot of these women. i have not given a shit about anything she has done ever sense.

i'm sorry but i have no respect for mainstream pornstars most of these people are totally assholes that treat everyone like garbage and that is not much of a shock considering they all mostly work out of california where homeless people are dying in the streets. the type of sex workers i respect are the single mothers who have to put food on the table for their kids. i met this one lady who had been in the military but had an OF trying to help feed her kid those are the women i respect. not some rich bimbo that insults the very people that put her where she is.
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reading through some of these recent posts reminds me when kissa sins and i use to chat a bit on twitter. she even fallowed me at one point and i was never rude to her in any way and was very suportive. i remmber one time where she talked to me for abit about how lonely she felt because Johnny had left on a plane for awhile for work. she seemed pretty cool at times then one day i just simply asked her why they were forcing her to wear high heels near a pool because i was a bit concerned she might fall or slip. she insults me like i was a dog and blocks me. after that you learn pretty quickly there is something mentally wrong with alot of these women. i have not given a shit about anything she has done ever sense.

i'm sorry but i have no respect for mainstream pornstars most of these people are totally assholes that treat everyone like garbage and that is not much of a shock considering they all mostly work out of california where homeless people are dying in the streets. the type of sex workers i respect are the single mothers who have to put food on the table for their kids. i met this one lady who had been in the military but had an OF trying to help feed her kid those are the women i respect. not some rich bimbo that insults the very people that put her where she is.
Thats rough she clearly isnt right in her head and a lot of pornstars are like that.
Thats rough she clearly isnt right in her head and a lot of pornstars are like that.
i will most likely get shit for this but i think these women taking all these types of men inside of them and getting used up like they do justs has an effect on their mind. it screws up their abilty to pair bond and i was reading somewhere that the more partners a woman has the more unstable she is mentally. she is taking in the DNA of all these diffrent men so really when you get with her you are not just getting with her, but you are getting with all the other dudes she has been with. these women as they get older have personality disorders and loads of other issues.

again when i first started talking with her she was very chill and at times sweet, but it was like that day she was not even the same person. it's like these girls start to take on the personality and trats of their past lovers. so one day you might be with her and everything is amazing and the next you are dealing with her EX from over 20 years ago.
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i will most likely get shit for this but i think these women taking all these types of men inside of them and getting used up like they do justs has an effect on their mind. it screws up their abilty to pair bond and i was reading somewhere that the more partners a woman has the more unstable she is mentally. she is taking in the DNA of all these diffrent men so really when you get with her you are not just getting with her, but you are getting with all the other dudes she has been with. these women as they get older have personality disorders and loads of other issues.

again when i first started talking with her she was very chill and at times sweet, but it was like that day she was not even the same person. it's like these girls start to take on the personality and trats of their past lovers. so one day you might be with her and everything is amazing and the next you are dealing with her EX from over 20 years ago.
Bang on man. This happen to me too. One day they are sweet and other day they are rude. Completely personality change
Bang on man. This happen to me too. One day they are sweet and other day they are rude. Completely personality change
yea i mean you hear dudes talk about this at the bar all the time. i knew dudes that have been married for 30 plus years and they would tell me these stories. how they had a great wife an amazing family with kids then all the sudden it's like their wife is no longer the woman they married. she is cold, distant and only cares about herself and turns out she has been cheating for years. then you come on sites like this and cucks, simps or white knights try to gas light you into thinking otherwise. it's like crabs in a bucket they don't want to see you crawl out the bucket so they shame and insult you for speaking the truth out loud. i love how some will tell you to touch grass but if they ever actually went out into the real world themsevles you hear stories like this just sitting on the bus stop. i remmber going to the bar after just finding out i had been with a married woman at the local gloryhole. i was pretty conflicted that day about it because i felt like i had runined some poor guys marriage. this was back in 2011 and when i told the bartender guy told me the last few shots were on him and we chatted abit when he was on break.

anyway wish you the best dude sorry to hear that has happened to you as well
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That's what really gets me. They insist that sex work is work and that sex workers deserve respect. And I absolutely agree. But that needs to go both ways.
Instead they treat their customers with thinly veiled disdain and ruthlessly exploit any emotional attachment that is the only reason anybody would pay for something that is freely available elsewhere.
Yall really need to get it through your thick skulls that most women are incongruent at best and maliciously duplicitous at worst. Lots of these sex workers are pushing for the normalization of their profession because it directly benefits them. If they really cared about things being better for everyone, then they would also be trying to destigmatize the view of men partaking in their services and also encouraging other sex workers not to prey upon lonely, depressed men with the promise of a parasocial relationship.

Think I'm full of shit? Ask a woman if she supports sex work. If she says yes, then ask her if she would date a guy that regularly pays for onlyfans and/or escorts
Yall really need to get it through your thick skulls that most women are incongruent at best and maliciously duplicitous at worst. Lots of these sex workers are pushing for the normalization of their profession because it directly benefits them. If they really cared about things being better for everyone, then they would also be trying to destigmatize the view of men partaking in their services and also encouraging other sex workers not to prey upon lonely, depressed men with the promise of a parasocial relationship.

Think I'm full of shit? Ask a woman if she supports sex work. If she says yes, then ask her if she would date a guy that regularly pays for onlyfans and/or escorts
100% on point this is what i heard multiple times: sex work is real work bla bla ..., but men who pay for sex were called losers and creeps.
100% on point this is what i heard multiple times: sex work is real work bla bla ..., but men who pay for sex were called losers and creeps.
Yeah that's 100 percent happened me. I was so he gentle with her. Always tipped her. Always bought her stuff. But when i was unable give her money, she just changed her tone everything. When i asked her why she is doing this. First she doesn't respond to me. But after week's she responded saying i am creep and all. And emotionally blackmail me to give her more money.
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