• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and dont ask for re-ups.

Discussion Worst Experience with a pornstar/model?

I subbed to Stephjc's OF early last year for one month only. A few weeks ago, all of a sudden, she starts the spam pay wall bs in my messages even though I unsubbed long ago. I called her a scam then she turns into a complete asshole and tells me to block her if I don't want her sending me vids. At this point (after a heated and trolling back and forth) I know if I block her, she wins. So the next day, she proceeds to send more scam bs... I insulted her content then restricted her 💡 That means no more sending pay wall bs and my word was final... She blocked me 🤣🤣🤣
lmao i very recently hooked up with spite without even knowing she was a pornstar at first, we just matched on Grindr and I figured out en route. She’s nice but a bit forlorn, I guess she said shes had some bad stuff happening lately. I didn’t have ur issue of her not being into it, but then again I’m also trans so that’s prolly why lol
She's been doing t4t for a while now. I know her from the similar group of friends.
long time lurker first time poster. not a bad experience but one i still think about and laugh about. when i was 18 and lived in ottawa we used to go over to quebec to drink cause we werent old enough to drink in ontario. my friends and i met some girls are a bar in hull and after talking we find out one lived in the same shitty townhouse complex that we did. so she comes back with us. we end up in my room and i at this point am an overweight 18yr old virgin with no confidence and less game. we have a beer and are making small talk when she asks if she can show me something on my computer. im old now so it was an old shitty desktop with a 12in monitor and two foot deep screen. bros my age will remember. i say yea sure and she pulls up a porn site and its her on the front page with pics of her getting railed and with cum on her face. i do like 5 double takes and just stare. she was fucked off drugs and drink and i honestly dont even know what to do at this point and i'm pretty sure she sees it on my face so we chat more then she ends up leaving. we go back to the bar the next weekend and shes there with a bunch of the girls off the website. and the dude thats in the porn is there too. hes super scuzzy and they are all on ecstasy. she runs right up to me all excited to see me but honestly seeing him and her i didnt even what that kiss. ran into her a few times after that but nothing ever came of that. the website was called realcanadianbeaver or something really stupid like that. still makes me laugh to this day.
Was Kalina Ryu at good at deepthroating as she is in her scenes ? E.g balls deep, no whining and sloppy?
bro she was amazing, true pse to the core. I had to tell her to not do it anymore because I would’ve finished the sesh before I could even fuck. But she was hands down the best, very few pornstars do true pse as their videos but she did. Diamond kitty is another I’d recommend but last time I saw her she had gotten another bbl and looked different
bro she was amazing, true pse to the core. I had to tell her to not do it anymore because I would’ve finished the sesh before I could even fuck. But she was hands down the best, very few pornstars do true pse as their videos but she did. Diamond kitty is another I’d recommend but last time I saw her she had gotten another bbl and looked different
damn how much ? rare to hear of industry talent actually offer the same level of service
Those were likely scammers.
Oh definitely, but it's fun messing with them. And asking for funny pics. I told one I didn't believe her and to make an OK sign with one hand and her finger going through it with the other and she did. They are like OF models, but you can use unrestricted words. I always thought it was funny that OF bans the word "meet".
Oh definitely, but it's fun messing with them. And asking for funny pics. I told one I didn't believe her and to make an OK sign with one hand and her finger going through it with the other and she did. They are like OF models, but you can use unrestricted words. I always thought it was funny that OF bans the word "meet".
Lmao, at least they weren't catfish.
I always thought it was funny that OF bans the word "meet".
I find it frustrating. I often want to say "nice to meet you" when subbing to someone new, only to have to do the stupid "mèet" trick. Can't even say "young," even if I'm just trying to convey them being 21 is young to me. Hell, one time I started typing the word "kidding" into their gif search box to convey I was making a jokey comment, only for onlyfans to pop up an info box suggesting I was trying to search for "kid" and had a number to report CP and all sorts of crap.
I've only had one interaction with a pornstar. Nothing out of pocket. This was more of a minor annoyance and just me sharing my first and only time meeting/interacting with a pornstar.

It was in 2016'ish and I was driving Uber. I gave a ride to Lana Rhoades. I treated her like every other passenger because I am a professional. I did commit a faux pas by asking what she did for work knowing full well she gets her back blown out almost as hard as I do from Uber fucking my ass financially. Anyways, she claimed to be a model. And once again my customer service brain made me question her further about it, almost completely forgetting I've blown countless loads to her. But she was pretty eloquent considering the stereotype. I did have a giggle that she's "done work for Nike." Lol ok. Anyways, I did the thing where I keep asking open ended questions because most people love talking about themselves and I consider Uber to be almost hospitality. We just shot the shit for her 30-minute ride. The annoyance was she didn't tip me. I'm not entitled to a tip. But I thought she'd at least appreciate me not outing her and making the ride uncomfortable. Additionally, when I get people to monologue about their inane lives, they tip. She did give me 5 stars at least. I wonder how many other drivers recognized her and what they might have done/said.

For a brief moment I considered sniffing her seat. But I had been working for hours by then and didn't want to sniff 20 random butts on my seat just to obtain a singular scent molecule from Lana. I did, however, feel the heat from the seat after her ride some blocks away: It was abnormally warm, but it was during the colder months so maybe it was just the body acclimating from cold outdoors to warm car. I blew a massive load at home once I finished my shift.
lol bro, honestly, I'm not even sure I would recognize these thots irl without all the makeup, filters and shit
Good to learn a little more about the uber ride protocols since I'm a caveman that always used taxis and don't get along with phone apps, like, this stuff barely existed here 5 years ago, and then it exploded during the pandemic when taxis started dissappearing. I always tip (like i did with taxis) but I never rate due to my lack of affinity with phone apps, gonna try to rate next time
lol bro, honestly, I'm not even sure I would recognize these thots irl without all the makeup, filters and shit
Good to learn a little more about the uber ride protocols since I'm a caveman that always used taxis and don't get along with phone apps, like, this stuff barely existed here 5 years ago, and then it exploded during the pandemic when taxis started dissappearing. I always tip (like i did with taxis) but I never rate due to my lack of affinity with phone apps, gonna try to rate next time
The make-up these days is out of hand. No one appreciates natural beauty anymore! It's always a treat when a favourite content creator here does some pictures or a video with no make-up.

I stopped that type of work in 2020 because of the China coof and the increasing rate of greed and worker rape from Uber/Lyft. They spent millions destroying a grassroots worker's rights organization I was part of back in the 2016 days. If you tip, please do so in cash. Uber/Lyft has been proven to "steal" wages and tips. For example:

Driver gets a ride and it pays $100 per the app calculations. Rider tips $20 via app. Logic would dictate the driver gets $120 in their pocket. What can happen is Uber/Lyft augment the initial app calculation after the ride to reflect the initial calculation plus tip. So Uber/Lyft pays the driver $80 while the tip makes up the total $100. They essentially subsidize what they pay their drivers with the passenger's tip. The passenger app and driver app have been known to have different service, tip, and surge-pricing amounts.

Lastly, either rate the driver 5 or don't rate them. Maybe the rules changed with time and it does depend on the city, but if I went bellow a 4.2 rating I was at risk for deactivation if I did not increase it within X-amount of rides.
I haven't had any in-person experiences with sex workers, but I've had some custom videos through onlyfans that I paid too much for that waaaaaaaay underdelivered and took forever to get - and when I mean forever to get, I mean I had to contact onlyfans support after being given every excuse and fake "soon! Tonight, I promise" statement under the sun for two months for me to finally get it. I know, I know....."always get a timeline expected for completion" but I've found creators often fail to meet their own stated deadlines for delivery.
I posted this here before the wipe. Don't have the screenshots anymore sadly, but if anyone doubts the veracity, perhaps there's someone here who remembers me posting it about a month ago. I share it again as a heads-up to anyone thinking about doing business with this person.

Cutie Frankie told me to email her to discuss a custom video idea, so I did. I gave her the synopsis and said I'm happy to pay $200 for a 10-minute custom video. (Her rate then was $20/min, which is double what I'm normally willing to pay, but I liked her dirty talk. She has since changed it to $25/min. That is, unfortunately, probably my fault.) She responded back extremely rudely but didn't specify what her response was about. I thought it was about the content of the video and apologized if I caused offense (even though it was nothing outside of her oeuvre). She replied back, again really rudely, that I was lowballing her, and she told me to kill myself. Ignoring that, I told her I was going off of her MV custom video page, which I screenshotted and attached with my response. (I didn't have any extras; I rarely do for custom videos. I literally just wanted her to sit in front of the camera and talk dirty. That's it.) She told me to eat a bullet, then threatened to report me to MV and tell all of her "content creator" friends about me to blackball me from getting custom videos from people in her network. Then she blocked my email and blocked me on MV.

So, yeah, while her dirty talk is pretty good IMO, I strongly advise against doing business with her. She's a little nuts. I'm glad I didn't send her money before finding that out.
Thank you for sharing. People need to know about her. My experience wasn't as bad but we had a misunderstanding over something simple. She's quick to make assumptions or just go off the rails. She has mental health issues and some other problems as well. For someone who struggles doing SW and has as many problems as she does you'd think she'd be kinder. Telling someone to eat a bullet is fucked up and she knows better bc she herself has self harmed. After the attitude she had I stopped talking to her and buying her vids. As cool as she might appear on the surface she really aint cut out for this line of work.
Thank you for sharing. People need to know about her. My experience wasn't as bad but we had a misunderstanding over something simple. She's quick to make assumptions or just go off the rails. She has mental health issues and some other problems as well. For someone who struggles doing SW and has as many problems as she does you'd think she'd be kinder. Telling someone to eat a bullet is fucked up and she knows better bc she herself has self harmed. After the attitude she had I stopped talking to her and buying her vids. As cool as she might appear on the surface she really aint cut out for this line of work.
Sorry to hear you also had a poor experience with her. She really sounds like a nightmare.

I recently had another bizarrely negative experience I'd like to share as a warning to anyone that might consider doing business with her. On Reddit, she goes by Vifoxx and on other socials, she's INTL3TH0T or int3rnational3th0t. (I searched and didn't see any threads about her here.) I messaged her on Telegram about a custom video and we very quickly hashed out the details. I sent a payment over promptly on OF and she promised a 24-48 hour turnaround time. I didn't hear from her within 48 hours, so I waited another day, still heard nothing, then reached out to her myself. I saw the read receipt on TG but she didn't respond. I waited another day and contacted her again.

She just said hey, so I asked if she had my video ready or otherwise had a general timeframe. She said she was dealing with awful migraines and was limiting her screen time, and she'd have the video done "soon." She had been tweeting all day, and not the typical scheduled promo posts; just random inane thoughts that got zero interaction (some of them have since been deleted). I mentioned that she was tweeting a lot for someone trying to limit their screen time. (I forget what I said exactly, but I was a little more diplomatic than that.) People don't like to be called out on their BS, so she got really bitchy towards me and claimed her management team tweets for her. (I can't imagine a management team tweeting "I want to do cake sitting videos" and getting exactly one like despite having nearly 8,000 followers.) She claimed to not have been on her phone at all for the past few days until she saw the notification for my message. I said that I don't actually care about waiting longer for the video, I care about being strung along and having to check in constantly. I said, just communicate with me honestly about how much time you need and it's cool. She continued to be bitchy so I said, if you can't be professional about this, just refund me or I'll just do a chargeback. She called me the F-slur and a "fucking loser," said "good luck winning your chargeback," then blocked me on all of her platforms, including OF. Notably, she immediately deleted our entire Telegram conversation, so I couldn't save any screenshots. Had I expected a conflict, I would have preemptively done that, of course. Nevertheless, I went through with the chargeback through my credit card and OF gave me absolutely zero pushback on it. It took less than two days to process.

Unrelated, but in another thread, I recommended YesDaddy_03 from Reddit as a great custom video creator as I was a regular of hers for over a year. I purchased two custom videos at the same time from her in mid-April. She promised a two-week turnaround time, which was her regular turnaround time. Two weeks went by and she didn't have either of the videos even started. Like Vifoxx above, she was really bad at communicating. I kept having to check in on her and she would go more than a month at some points without responding to my messages (with read receipts). She got the first of the two customs to me last month, and I had to really put my foot down with her this past week, as it was approaching five months since I sent payment. She seemed genuinely apologetic, which was nice at least, and finally filmed, edited, and uploaded the second of the two customs that same night, but I told her I'm not doing business with her anymore. She seems like a pleasant and well-meaning person but she does not have her shit together at all right now.

tl;dr - I advise against doing business with Vifoxx aka INTL3TH0T aka int3rnational3th0t, as well as YesDaddy_03.

Hope you find this info helpful. I think I'm done with custom videos entirely, though. I can't be arsed to hand-hold these adult women through content creation like they're schoolchildren. :PepeWhy:
I had a very poor experience Kerri King. I ordered a custom video from her. We agreed on the details and payment was sent. After receiving the video in a few day's time, I discovered she had switched up the vid I carefully crafted and did her own thing. She did not bother to consult me or anything. She told me her vision for the video was better sell better later on when she puts in her store. I was shocked, I asked her to remake it or at least re-film the sections she re-wrote. She fucked me over so I didnt get what I paid for. I advise against dealing with her, she doesn't give a fuck about the customer, she just wants to do what she wants to do.
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