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Support Why did I lost my Simp Council tag?

This has caused me to retire from posting here. If the goal posts are always being moved I have no incentive to post.
I don't post much, but my posts are always well received and it's always stuff that I've purchased.
It's just silly that people who will find some random 'pack' on Google, Bunkr, or this very forum and just post the images from it over the course of a few months won't be effected by this at all. Also, the Intsagram or Onlyfans (of which most are FREE pages...) posters who rather than just rip the page and post, they drip the content.

The ranking guide has always said something about the requirements changing in future and on SE it was 2222 for the last 6 months+ so if anything this is just an update to bring things in line with how they used to be.

Have seen quite a few that got Simp Council and then stopped posting have now started posting again now they lost it...
This has caused me to retire from posting here. If the goal posts are always being moved I have no incentive to post.
I don't post much, but my posts are always well received and it's always stuff that I've purchased.
It's just silly that people who will find some random 'pack' on Google, Bunkr, or this very forum and just post the images from it over the course of a few months won't be effected by this at all. Also, the Intsagram or Onlyfans (of which most are FREE pages...) posters who rather than just rip the page and post, they drip the content.

If your only incentive to post was to reach 'Simp Council', wouldn't you have stopped posting once you reached it? Your incentive to post should be to give back to a community that offers you so much for free (even if it's pretty clear that not everyone feels that way and are content with never contributing).
This has caused me to retire from posting here. If the goal posts are always being moved I have no incentive to post.
I don't post much, but my posts are always well received and it's always stuff that I've purchased.
It's just silly that people who will find some random 'pack' on Google, Bunkr, or this very forum and just post the images from it over the course of a few months won't be effected by this at all. Also, the Intsagram or Onlyfans (of which most are FREE pages...) posters who rather than just rip the page and post, they drip the content.

I agree in parts, I don't think number of posts is a good metric to rank people as it just encourages people to spam in order to get to 222. Someone with 100 posts and 10k+ likes did much more for the community than someone with 222 posts and 2222 likes imo. I don't care too much about the Simp Council, only miss my nickname effects, but just leaving my 2 cents as I think this is an odd change.
I agree in parts, I don't think number of posts is a good metric to rank people as it just encourages people to spam in order to get to 222. Someone with 100 posts and 10k+ likes did much more for the community than someone with 222 posts and 2222 likes imo. I don't care too much about the Simp Council, only miss my nickname effects, but just leaving my 2 cents as I think this is an odd change.
The post count is to encourage people to post in threads other than the 'Trending' threads. It's an unfortunate consequence that some people decide to spam to reach the number. You can easily reach 10k+ likes posting 20-30 Amouranth pictures.
I totally share the sentiment - I just don't feel like posting now. The community felt friendly before, now it feels like we're being manipulated. I never cared about scores and ranks before, you can see that most of my posts aren't in the popular threads, but giving someone a role and then taking it away to stimulate posting is not how I want to play this game.
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