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You asked for her real name. One of the rules of the forum is no doxxing. So if it's not public knowledge, there's no need to know it.
Asking for first name is doxxing but posting where she went to school and collage and other stuff are not? Coz all that was in the thread but asking if she posted her first name is doxxing?
Asking for first name is doxxing but posting where she went to school and collage and other stuff are not? Coz all that was in the thread but asking if she posted her first name is doxxing?
Things slip through the cracks. If you see it, report it, But from what you mentioned, she posted her school stuff on social. And other users mentioned not to dox.
Things slip through the cracks. If you see it, report it, But from what you mentioned, she posted her school stuff on social. And other users mentioned not to dox.
ok can i ask if she posted her name or talked about it before like her school stuff? or that would be also not ok? am asking this for this and for the future to avoid something like this
and thank you for your respond btw
ok can i ask if she posted her name or talked about it before like her school stuff? or that would be also not ok? am asking this for this and for the future to avoid something like this
and thank you for your respond btw
I would advise you not to ask. Even in the school/college post on social media, she blocked out her name. She seems to take great care to not let her name get out. The same goes for any model.
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