• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
1: Download uBlock Origin (on PC)
2: Right-click on image > Block element (image)
3: Grab long-ass link, paste into url bar (image 1) (image 2)
4: Remove * (between _ & .jpeg) and type "616x1046" (minus the "") (image 1) (image 2)
5: press Enter 👍

sorry its a complex method of downloading ¯\_(😕)_/¯ best I've got so far. DM me if you want more detailed instructions 🔮
Weird question but does anyone know where to get these "posters" aside from when they show up on the website? I'd like to download a few to look nice on jellyfin

1: Download uBlock Origin (on PC)
2: Right-click on image > Block element (image)
3: Grab long-ass link, paste into url bar (image 1) (image 2)
4: Remove * (between _ & .jpeg) and type "616x1046" (minus the "") (image 1) (image 2)
5: press Enter 👍

sorry its a complex method of downloading ¯\_(😕)_/¯ best I've got so far. DM me if you want more detailed instructions 🔮
I didn't know that I could get better res (mine were 308x523) but I was already able to get them with an Image Downloader extension. What I was looking for was a place where they had all of these so I could grab the ones I want instead of only 5 random ones
I didn't know that I could get better res (mine were 308x523) but I was already able to get them with an Image Downloader extension. What I was looking for was a place where they had all of these so I could grab the ones I want instead of only 5 random ones
oh okay 🤭 I'll leave this up for anyone else who wants it 👍 i tried image-searching the posters, but couldn't find anywhere else they pop-up 🤷‍♀️ Guess all we have now is random-ing it
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