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Support threads keep resetting to page one

Mar 12, 2022
Hey everyone, been having some issues regarding threads no longer saving my spot. About yesterday I started to notice something weird where some threads would reset back to page one instead of most recent despite me only having viewed them earlier in the week. Today every thread regardless of when I last viewed it always resets back to page one. I've tried logging out and back in but no luck. This, along with the drastic slow load times, have made using this website a total drag. Is this a sitewide issue, or something specific only to me? If the latter, any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Hey everyone, been having some issues regarding threads no longer saving my spot. About yesterday I started to notice something weird where some threads would reset back to page one instead of most recent despite me only having viewed them earlier in the week. Today every thread regardless of when I last viewed it always resets back to page one. I've tried logging out and back in but no luck. This, along with the drastic slow load times, have made using this website a total drag. Is this a sitewide issue, or something specific only to me? If the latter, any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Same. Every thread I have on watch has now been marked as unread at the beginning. And then the forums load times are so terrible, it takes me like ~1 minute to go into each one so it shows as read again. I was looking for a way to "mark all as read", but I don't see anything anywhere.

Nevermind. Immediately after posting this, I saw the very obvious "Mark forums read" thing up top.
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