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Support Subbed to SkylaStarcrests, unable to post to the official thread?


May 10, 2022
Hi, I have had a look through the help stuff and I see things about ranks and such but it's a bit over my head, I have subbed to this OF and was hoping to just share the content as there does not seem to be too much of here out here here is the thread there isnt any notice above it about needing to be in a group or whatnot, sorry if this is a dumb question just wanna share a bit lol

Why can't I start threads/post in some categories? ("You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.")
Some features and categories are unlocked only when you have the "Simp" rank. Once you are a Simp you will see the Simp banner on your profile.

How do I earn the "Simp" rank?
Currently, you receive the Simp rank when you earn a reaction score of 20. More info about ranks here: Ranking Up Guide

Why can't I start threads/post in some categories? ("You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.")
Some features and categories are unlocked only when you have the "Simp" rank. Once you are a Simp you will see the Simp banner on your profile.

How do I earn the "Simp" rank?
Currently, you receive the Simp rank when you earn a reaction score of 20. More info about ranks here: Ranking Up Guide
Ah, missed that first part then, thanks, but posts in discussion sections dont count? So I need comments elsewhere to get reasons?

Check this thread (there is some tips where u can help to get those 20 reaction score).
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