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Support Someone keeps making sock accounts and liking my post. Is this something to be concerned about?


Hot Tub Water Drinker
Nov 10, 2022
I noticed some odd behaviors on one of the threads I made. Can be found here

The accounts that have liked the post outside of the first two likes have all been accounts that are created with random letters. They make the account, like, and then never show up again. It seems like odd behavior. I am not doing it. It does not make sense to me. Any advice?

(everything in the thread is and has been public info btw if anyone is worried about that. She's had an OF with her real name before)
Lucky Jon Heder GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

If you're not doing it, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
Im not, It really doesnt help me that much hahaha. Its not like the likes make the thread more visible. Thank you for the response wanda. Reaction score I guess is nice but doesnt really help become a member of the council lol. The number of posts is more of the challenge than reaction score in my opinion
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