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Support Saint.to changed forum username now stuff is there but not accessible


Floater in the Bathwater
Mar 14, 2022
I changed my forum username and was using the forum linked credentials. It created a new account. My old content is still there on the server.
Anyway to get back to it.
I changed my forum username and was using the forum linked credentials. It created a new account. My old content is still there on the server.
Anyway to get back to it.

I don't have an issue with using Saint.to just everything old i uploaded is now non-managable.

try login into the old username.

you made a new account, and want to login the old one.
try login into the old username.

you made a new account, and want to login the old one.
If it was that simple i wouldn't be here. I used the Forum login. So using the old name doesn't work. The new name opens up to an empty profile.
It happened to me too, I changed my username and when I logged into my saint.to account, my uploads were gone. Now I'm discouraged, because I was counting my posts to know where I left off, and now I can't see it anymore, has anyone managed to solve this problem?

EDIT: By changing my username to my previous one, I was able to gain access to all my old content posted on saint.to, and the new ones I posted recently were linked to the new username.
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