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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
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Support Request thread vs content thread?


Hot Tub Water Drinker
Nov 10, 2022
Most threads in the request section are used as content threads because users who havent met the requirements to post elsewhere end up just posting the thread in the request area instead. The purpose of the thread is clearly for content and not based in a "request" like the camwhores help thread or the who is this girl thread. Ive had a few "discussion" reports in a "request" thread rejected even though the purpose for the thread is clearly a content thread. what is the difference between the two so I can not spam the mods with reports that arent necessary? is there a process to move threads that are clearly content threads? thanks in advance you beautiful mods
Please report a post in the thread and ask for the thread to be moved, we'll clean it up and move if its got sufficient content :)
Please report a post in the thread and ask for the thread to be moved, we'll clean it up and move if its got sufficient content :)
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