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Sep 4, 2022
Does posting saying how you like a "model" etc in a request thread commenting on features etc, count as spam?

If so I wasn't aware it would be classed as such a thing. It's not something I would willingly go out of my way to do either.
It is considered spam for the most part, we have the like/reaction system for a reason. If you like something use that to show your appreciation for a post.
That being said, we tend to allow some discussion in Requests threads so it might not get deleted or receive a warning.
It's best practice to not spam, though, and use the reaction system instead.
I believe it's a form of a spammy type comment. It doesn’t really provide anything if you think about it. Most request threads are very post friendly when it comes to info and content but saying you generally enjoy said model isn’t best.

That's just my view on it. Most of the time I’m an idiot so don’t take my point to heart. :KEKWlaugh:
It is considered spam for the most part, we have the like/reaction system for a reason. If you like something use that to show your appreciation for a post.
That being said, we tend to allow some discussion in Requests threads so it might not get deleted or receive a warning.
It's best practice to not spam, though, and use the reaction system instead.
I believe it's a form of a spammy type comment. It doesn’t really provide anything if you think about it. Most request threads are very post friendly when it comes to info and content but saying you generally enjoy said model isn’t best.

That's just my view on it. Most of the time I’m an idiot so don’t take my point to heart. :KEKWlaugh:
Yeah I didn't realise at the time it would be classed as such a thing, I guess I got carried away.
It is considered spam for the most part, we have the like/reaction system for a reason. If you like something use that to show your appreciation for a post.
That being said, we tend to allow some discussion in Requests threads so it might not get deleted or receive a warning.
It's best practice to not spam, though, and use the reaction system instead.
I realise my error now, I won't be doing it again.
Yeah of course its spam, no one else cares for how much you like her, they care for the content of her
As true as this is, my dumb horny ass didn't realise at the time.

Thank you for answering my dumb question, I realise where and how I messed up and I don't plan to do it again.
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