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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations.
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Support Question about sites


Tier 2 Sub
Jul 12, 2023
I recently was putting names underneath one of my posts with links attached to photos of the women. I was removed for apparently having too many links to sites that were deemed as "blacklisted sites" and I'm not sure exactly which sites it was that were blacklisted.

I don't know if it was the porn pics site I use OR if it was becaues of the sites the photos were associated with. Would love to know so I don't run into this problem again.
Your post was in the approval queue because of one or more blacklisted sites/links (the pic hosts), but because you "hid" all links behind the models names it is a mess to find those links. I just checked a few pics and the watermarks of the porn studios are ok. You can check if a link is blacklisted when you paste the link in the answer box and click "Preview", then you should see if the link stays or changes to *blacklisted site* or something like that.
Your post was in the approval queue because of one or more blacklisted sites/links (the pic hosts), but because you "hid" all links behind the models names it is a mess to find those links. I just checked a few pics and the watermarks of the porn studios are ok. You can check if a link is blacklisted when you paste the link in the answer box and click "Preview", then you should see if the link stays or changes to *blacklisted site* or something like that.
Your post was in the approval queue because of one or more blacklisted sites/links (the pic hosts), but because you "hid" all links behind the models names it is a mess to find those links. I just checked a few pics and the watermarks of the porn studios are ok. You can check if a link is blacklisted when you paste the link in the answer box and click "Preview", then you should see if the link stays or changes to *blacklisted site* or something like that.
Will definitely be on the lookout for that. Thanks so much for this because it'll definitely save me time next time around.
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