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Support Problem with jpg.church

Don Turbo

Escobar International
Mar 12, 2022
I notice some older pics appear like this (this is month or two old content, does not load in either simp or jchurch). Is there a reason for this?
I notice some older pics appear like this (this is month or two old content, does not load in either simp or jchurch). Is there a reason for this?

Quite a few people deleted their jpg.church accounts a month or so back (I believe you were one of them).
Deleting an account deletes all the images from church but they were still showing on the forum because the cron to actually delete the files from the storage servers hadn't been run in a while. It was run recently to clear out all those deleted pics and that's the end result.

Also that cron sometimes deletes things it shouldnt which is why it isnt run continuously, same issue that plagued putmega and it did delete a...
I notice some older pics appear like this (this is month or two old content, does not load in either simp or jchurch). Is there a reason for this?

Quite a few people deleted their jpg.church accounts a month or so back (I believe you were one of them).
Deleting an account deletes all the images from church but they were still showing on the forum because the cron to actually delete the files from the storage servers hadn't been run in a while. It was run recently to clear out all those deleted pics and that's the end result.

Also that cron sometimes deletes things it shouldnt which is why it isnt run continuously, same issue that plagued putmega and it did delete a few things it shouldn't on church this time as well.

If you can report the posts, we'll remove them
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