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Support Posting multiple times / Splitting posts


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 4, 2022
Is posting multiple times, even a lot of times, if no one has posted the content previously obviously, considered bad?

Here's my examples of why I would consider posting multiple times:

Example 1 - Photos
Let's say you have a lot of photos of a Model, but there are photo groups or sets of the same outfit, cosplays, etc.

In some cases a set of photos would be small (3-6) pictures per set, then the post would have multiple small sets.
https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/3P6684Y.png

In others cases the set would be a larger amount 7+ and the post would be reserved for that set only.
https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/u3e5UXJ.png

Q: Is this okay? Can you create a new post for every outfit, cosplay, etc.

Example 2 - Videos

Same thing, let's say you have a lot of videos of a Model.

You upload and post the URL to the hosting site but also add some previews (images or gifs)

Q: What would be better? Split each video in a different post or try and bundle as much videos as you can in a single post.
The main problem of this is the time it takes to upload each video (if they are large files).

In the POSTING RULES there's the following rule: "No content spreading to an unreasonable amount of posts."
Q: Would posting like this fall under that category?

Final question: If one or both of the previous examples is considered okay, would it be bad to dump a LOT of content in a short amount of time?

I ask all of this, because I like to keep things organized if possible, but don't want to seem like I'm like farming or spamming.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry for bad grammar / English.
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Hey. There is a Approved & Recommended File Hosts thread where u can use one of em to put all of your stuff and share em at once and etc. Like generally isn't a good idea to do post's with a single set's (or couple of videos only) for short period of time. Always try to put much as u can in a single post.
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