
Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022


Some time ago, Passes added DRM to their images/videos. Ironically, it is now much easier to leak the contents of passes.
After some people asked me how I get the content, I decided to make this guide.
I'll show you some ways to get the content.


The only way I found to get the images like they used to (without DRM) is by opening the passes in the mobile version.
You can use a browser that allows you to use extensions in the mobile version, and use some extension to get the images.
In this case I use the "Search by Image" extension.

With this method you will obtain the image as in the past, where the image already comes with the watermark that was placed directly on the server, and the only way to remove this watermark would be with some watermark removal software/website. Some people tend to use (Credits to MattiaBinotto), it didn't work so much for me so I started using photshop. (Yes, removing manually.)


First method (Credits to noikatrox)
We know that the images come to us in video format, so you just put the image in PIP (Picture-in-Picture),
move the image out of the watermark, resize it, click outside the tab to make sure it is not active and take a screenshot.
(make 100% sure to click off of the tab to make sure it's not active, otherwise your account might get flagged for a screenshot.)

Second method (I use)
Getting images

Enter the post where you want to get the images and open the image in fullscreen (just click on the image).
Open the browser console and paste the following code:
(You can use Tampermonkey if you want)

Please, Log in or Register to view spoilers

Press the "K" key to enable/disable.
You will notice that some things have disappeared, if that happened then it worked correctly.
Now you will need an extension to take a screenshot of the page. I used "GooFullPage".
- Click on the GoFullPage icon,
- Wait for it to generate the image,
- Download the image,
- Return to the passes page,
- Switch to the next image (use the arrow keys on the keyboard)
- Repeat the process
The result is like the image below.


Just crop the image :)​
I know that the site has started to detect if you have this extension installed in your browser, but it is possible to get around this, or you can use another extension.

Getting Videos
I only get the videos in the mobile version of the passes (without DRM), as it is much easier. I downloaded a mobile browser that allows you to view the browser's network tab.
Using "Kiwi Browser":
- Log in to Passes and enter the post where you want to download the video.
- Open the menu and go to the "Open DevTools" option and click on the Network tab,
- Go back to the passes tab that contains the video, click on the menu and then on "Refresh"
- Go back to the DevTools tab and look for the video,
Normally it will be like random_name.m3u8
Copy the m3u8 link and use some software to download this format.
(I usually use vlc, but you can use either)


This method is focused on Chrome, it works in other browsers but some things/paths that I will show may be different.
You will need the "Chrome extension source viewer" extension, install it and enter the GoFullPage web store page.
Inside the web store, click on the "Chrome extension source viewer" icon.
It will open a new tab with the extension code, download it (Top right corner), and extract it to a folder.
Go to the browser extensions page chrome://extensions/ , click on "Load Unpacked" and select the folder where you extracted the extension.
That's it, the extension is loaded in the browser, and the passes will no longer show the popup telling you to deactivate the extension.

If you know of any other way or if this method stops working, let me know :)

Remember, you can ignore everything here, take a screenshot and post your leak that is the size of a YouTube thumbnail, but who cares, right?!
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